With a loaded question, I should probably be loaded for the answer but I'd have to distill the listerine.
I might occasionally fancy the idea of a little creature popping out of my chest and tap dancing across the table because it'd be quicker than a pregnancy, which arguably could be less painful than natural birth. And if I was able to survive it then I'd be able to say my parasitic baby is cuter than yours. And I'd feel profoundly more comfortable raising one, "who's my precious little baby. Yes, you are. Yes you are. Don't you snap at me with those mouths." Ah, and then there's all the home made family holiday cards I could send. Let alone the fun to have at reunions, on airplanes, in crowded theaters and nice restaurants.
To some extent, well, yeah. But its a bit more earth-bound, bio stuff, logic games, semantics, meteors, ice and space station babies.