I have compared Catholic beliefs to the Bible and I found them to be very Biblical beliefs. And no, the Catholic Church does not take tradition over the Bible. The Catholic Church considers tradition and the Bible to be equal. That's the way I understand it anyway.
Hello ZooGirl,
I have spent my whole life studying the Bible very carefully. It is my passion and serving my God is what I seek to do in some way every day.
I was raised in the Anglican Church and assumed that what they taught me was true, after all, I had no reason to doubt them. I also assumed that celebrating Christmas and Easter, the two most important dates on the calendar for Christians (or so I thought) was very important and a way to show God how much we appreciated the birth and sacrifice of his son.
It never occurred to me to question the customs that went with these celebrations.
My sister began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and I was really worried that she had become involved with some strange sect who would lead her astray. She would call me and say...."did you know that the Bible says such and such?" Just to prove her wrong, I would get my KJV out and read the scripture, but every time she would be right and I was reading it in my own Bible.
She asked me if I knew where Christmas and Easter came from....of course I said the Bible, but then she showed me proof of their origins in paganism. I was shocked! How could the church be party to that? I knew that God forbids the practise of false worship. She then told me to read 2 Cor 6:14-18. That was the clincher. We have to separate ourselves from false religious teachings if we want to be accepted as 'sons and daughters' of our Heavenly Father.
Then she said to me "do you know that God has a name?" I said, of course he does, it's Jesus. She said "look up Psalm 83:18 in your Bible." I couldn't believe it! I had never heard the personal name of God mentioned once in church....but there it was in my KJV and I had never seen it, nor had anyone ever shown it to me. (Ex3:15)
It was then that I realised that I had to study the Bible for myself. There were so many questions that no one ever seemed to have answers for....like "why do bad things happen to good people?" "Why does God allow so much suffering when he has the power to stop it?" "Why does God let the devil get away with so much?"
Since JW's had shown my sister so many scriptures that had answered her questions, the next time they called I asked for a Bible study too, using my own KJV. They were happy to use any translation I wanted.
I had a million questions and every one of them was answered from the Bible.
Today, I am a teacher of God's word and have been for 40 years. It has required solid study but I love to learn and all JW's attend a school from which they will never graduate. There is always so much more to learn.
I know what I believe and why I believe it. I also know that we are living in the "time of the end" when Jesus said that many awful events would take place. There would be political upheaval and natural disasters; love disappearing from the world. "Critical times, hard to deal with" as the apostle Paul described them. (2 Tim 3:1-5; Matt 24:3-14) Look and see for yourself what is happening in the world.
Despite all of the turmoil that life would bring at this time, Jesus said that his disciples would be carrying out a life saving work that would see "the good news of the kingdom" preached "in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end" would come. (Matt 24:14)
We are all living in a judgment period....one in which the churches are falling down on the job. The assignment was for all Christians to be preachers. (Matt 10:11-15; 28:19, 20)
How many churches are going out to 'search for the worthy ones' to offer them "the good news" that God's kingdom will soon "come" and wipe out wickedness from this earth and replace all corrupt human rulership with God's righteous rulership? (Dan 2:44; Matt 6:9,10; Rev 21:1-4)
Knowledge is what we all need, not empty ritual and repetitious prayers. (Matt 6:7) We cannot afford to be part of satan's counterfeit "weeds". (Matt 13:24-30, 36-40) Satan "transforms himself into an angel of light" (2 Cor 11:14, 15) so as to get people to offend the true God by adopting false worship and pretending that it is Christian.
We cannot be complacent....knowledge is power over the devil. The sword of the spirit is the word of God...it is the best weapon we have against the "machinations of the devil". (Eph 6:10-13)
Take in that knowledge now....start today! Time is running out.