Well-Known Member
The reference to 'washing hands' at Matthew [15v20] was in reference to the Pharisees going beyond what was required under the Constitution of the Mosaic law.
They wrongly practiced a 'ceremonial' washing of hands up to their elbows. [see also Mark 7 vs3-7,13]
Curious: What did Paul say over Jesus?
There's a lot of spinning going on here Jesus clearly says "Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean"
Doesn't matter what the context is, he clearly states that anything outside of you cannot make you unclean by going in you. If it was only because of ceremonial washing why wouldn't he make that very clear and say "except for that which is forbidden; blood, etc..."
As for listening to Paul most of the things JW and most Christians follow come from people who have had visions about Jesus and not Jesus himself.