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Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near


Well-Known Member
It's called the bible, complete with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John along with the other NT books included in the accepted canon. The way we read it and apply what's written differs from person to person and branch to branch. You know a little of how I discern the text. I've read a few of the Nag Hamadi texts, but never studied them like the bible. Like I stated, I am required to utilize what I've been given as my source for information. I understand it differently than some, and although many others accept "zombie Jesus" (your words) I don't. I don't even accept the sacrifice as being for myself, but rather for his friends who walked with him. He has become a teacher to me, and I view him worthy of that vocation and honorable enough to listen to him when I'm able.

Edit: I guess after realizing the correct way to honor God, I decided to be more truthful in my approach, which means I felt and feel obligated to be practical about it and sincere. If I don't understand it, I'll find a way to acknowledge a possible practical scenario, based on what I understand and know about life. I don't expect to live after I die, but I do expect to be recycled and given a new life as a new creation, minus recollection of my former self. It's the transformation of energy, dna, and I suppose I'll become whatever it is that's next on the recycle, cycle. I'll die once, I'll live once, being recreated to die again after I become a new creation, over and over and over as a unique individual each time or life cycle. I'm hoping to make improvements each life, so I spend a lot of time working on me in preparation for my next round, and to make life a little better in the here and now when able. It may be a type of spiritual alchemy or getting accustomed to speaking and living truthfully. I wasn't always so truthful. They say we're born liars, and I'm fairly sure they are right. Truth is something we grow into.

Then what in Jesus name are you talking about ? saying your source says something different than mine Yet myself and people I have referenced all use the same source as you "The Bible" - and I have quoted directly from the Bible on numerous occcasions ? ? .. this is a deception and misdirection .. in the name of Zombie Jesus Brother Balth?! which you now say you don't believe in the first sentence .. then claim that you do believe in the Zombie version of the Story .. as per Holy Scripture .. Matt .. Luke and John .. the Bible as your source ?

Now "many others accept Zombie Jesus --I.. Dont" - well Great ! finally you made it to the same page .. as I don't believe the stories of Zombie Jesus stories in Matt - Luke - and John either .. Kind of been the whole point of the affair. .. the "many others " being the vast majority of christianity.

KK - bear with me now.... "I guess after realizing the correct way to honor God .. I decided to be more truthful in my approach" -- KK .. we are just going to leave it at that .. and focus on your finding of the Holy Grail .. the Truth - The Way - The Light .. and eagerly await you telling us what that way is .. only to have you follow with not understanding how to follow and honor God .. which is not as horribly ridiculous as it seems .. as there is power in understanding that you don't know something. .. the realization that you have not yet realized the correct way .. is a step forward. .. but this has very little to do with the Bible at this point .. nothing that you have connected to in fact.

"The Path - The TRuth - The Way" -- is given to us by Jesus .. and that path has nothing to do with the corpse of Jesus getting up and wandering around .. so worry not ...

This Path involves a Covenant .. like the other Gods in the OT .. a set of commands so to speak .. that if followed .. will put us right with (un-named God)

U Understand "The Path" by which one is put right with God .. the Covenant .. and "the Word" / the commands of this God. "The Truth" given to us by "The Logos" - emmissary between man and God .. who by the Holy Spirit was able to speak God's word .. The Truth' that word telling you the way to behave .. in order to be put right with God .. and "The Holy Grail" be allowed into heaven .. and be an outcast no longer.

U Understand what you are saying ? "The correct way to Honor God" .. rhetorical of course.

Jesus recieved the truth on the knee of the Great Rabbi Hillel .. as a young temple devotee .. and down to him through Hammurabi .. Lord Marduk said to be the way .. the Wisdom of the Great God Ea .. say it with me now EeeeeeeeeeAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh .. but this too much at one time for young apprentice. Down through Buddha .. Confucius .. Zoroaster .. The Truth is not hard to find .. in plain sight for those who can see ..

Let us be truthful now .. in duscussing the Truth .. the Great Rabbi Hillel 100BC-10AD -- Hugely Famous -- so much so .. one of the two Paths within Judaism is named after him .. The Hillel school Bet Hillel and Bet Shammai are the two major schools of exposition of the Oral Law that existed from the first century BCE to the second century CE

One day .. an unbeliver challenged the Good Rabbi to summarize the Torah while standing on one foot.. .. Are you Ready ? .. do you think you can handle the Truth .. the Way .. the Light .. that the good Rabbi is going to deliver ? .. U understand what you are saying Brother Balth .. ?? "The correct way to Honor God" .. that you thought you found but can not articulate ?

U Ready ? .. brace yourself for "The Truth - The Way - The light" The Whole Truth .. and nothing but the Truth .." so help by Jah" 11 marks out of 10 and direct entrance in to heaven if you can name that toon .. given at the end of the program.

Rabbi Hillel say "Don't do to others what you hate - the rest is all commentary - now go and Learn"
Rabbi Jesus say "Don't do to others what you don't want done to you - "This Sums up the Law and the Prophets"

U understand ? "The Whole Truth" - The entire Torah .. the Law and the Prophets .. Jesus then gives many examples of "The Golden Rule" both positive and negative variations for those wont to nit pick .. makes it crystal clear .. to those with eyes .. in his most famous Sermon on the Mount



Christian Evolutionist
U Understand what you are saying ? "The correct way to Honor God" .. rhetorical of course.

Is in truth. It's not rhetorical at all. It's an honest display and exercise of being truthful. Truthful includes the subjective man alongside the objective reality the subjective man is subjected to. The Logos extends far beyond just words, but in our every action and emotion we experience in life. The expression of truth is a divine expression of God in us. The Logos (Word) of truth and our relationship to it.



Well-Known Member
Is in truth. It's not rhetorical at all. It's an honest display and exercise of being truthful. Truthful includes the subjective man alongside the objective reality the subjective man is subjected to. The Logos extends far beyond just words, but in our every action and emotion we experience in life. The expression of truth is a divine expression of God in us. The Logos (Word) of truth and our relationship to it.

OMG -- we have gone full existentialish gibberishland .. with no relation to anything I Posted .. no demonstration that you have found anything truthful spouting platitudinal generalities.

You were told "The Truth" according to Jesus and the sages .. and the Gods of Old .. the way .. the light .. and the Covenant - that you would disagreed would be one thing a sign of light at the end of tunnel but, .. to have no ears to hear .. no eyes to see ... deer in headlights mystery .. I don't know nutting disingenuous oblivitory .. That is something else :)

What are the commands we must abide such that we are put right with God .. ? This is what you claim to have found .. Speak now to your claim .. and quit pretending to have a conceptual understanding of terminology that you do not "Logos"


Veteran Member
Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near
First example of Pious Fraud .. a small sin of omission but one perhaps not so easily neglected .. considering the validity of the Physical Resurrection stories. ... which don't seem to have been in the original version of Matt .. either.
" Pious Fraud "
Christian are a very good people; but the Paulines took advantage of the simple minded followers of (Jesus) Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah, and made them believe "Pious Fraud" of resurrection; how many other Pious Frauds have been made by the Paulines "in the name of Jesus", any idea please.



Well-Known Member
Bibi a sign that the Anti Christ is near

" Pious Fraud "
Christian are a very good people; but the Paulines took advantage of the simple minded followers of (Jesus) Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah, and made them believe "Pious Fraud" of resurrection; how many other Pious Frauds have been made by the Paulines "in the name of Jesus", any idea please.


Oh Boy .. that is a Big Big question .. with a Big Big answer .. .. Too many to count up to and including crying tears of Blood in the garden ..the blood to emphasise Jesus Humanity but a laer addition .. as be the Long ending of Mark .. added 300 years after the fact .. as explained in the Bible .. well aware of this later addition.

But .. what about the ones we don't know .. no physical resurrection .. either in Mark nor by Paul --- no "smoking Gun" proof of the resurrection... just an empty tomb "God Damned Grave Robbers" is what the early church reader is left with . in the original version of the story .. and pardon the pun ! Right :)

This all leading to What was the "Real Jesus" what is the Real Covenant .. and with what God ?? .. what is this "Hallowed name" of the God of Jesus .. the one he says we should pray to .. the one who Art in Heaven mon.... Jah Rasta and last but not least .. what be the commands ? and list the Pious fraud answers to the above questions ..

but then at the end .. try to capture what was the Truth .. not easy to see by own admition of the Logos .. he told you is not gonna be prima facie .. and who is the Chief of the World if not but the tester of Souls .. Chief God .. according the Bible .. that Son of God puts Jesus through his paces .. at the behest of the Most High -- EL Elyon .. El Oliun - God Supreme .. and watch how they whittle away at the fact that the only way to interpret scripture correctly is through the perspective of Polytheism .. the "caught red Handed" pious fraud wiping Polytheism away as much they could .. .. that is a separate Post .. Deut 32:43. Go find me the best interpretation - Version of that verse .. one quite pressient given the War in Gaza .. a must do .. should you choose to accept it mission : ) You can post from any modern bible but that will not be a good interpretation . LXX or MT or 4deutQ are better ..


Christian Evolutionist
OMG -- we have gone full existentialish gibberishland .. with no relation to anything I Posted .. no demonstration that you have found anything truthful spouting platitudinal generalities.

You were told "The Truth" according to Jesus and the sages .. and the Gods of Old .. the way .. the light .. and the Covenant - that you would disagreed would be one thing a sign of light at the end of tunnel but, .. to have no ears to hear .. no eyes to see ... deer in headlights mystery .. I don't know nutting disingenuous oblivitory .. That is something else :)

What are the commands we must abide such that we are put right with God .. ? This is what you claim to have found .. Speak now to your claim .. and quit pretending to have a conceptual understanding of terminology that you do not "Logos"

Beyond my comprehension ability, you are. I'll tell you what I know about expression, truth, language, and the word "Logos". It's not limited to a book, it's typically spoken in some fashion or form, and even articulated via body language, music, and art. It's truth as we understand and express truth as God's children. It's not deception, lies, erronous misleadings ... It's true and it's real, and it comes from the emotional center of the human psyche, which is eternally connected to its origin.


Memorable member
Actually No ... That is not the "Original Story" :) The original "unrevised" , unedited version of the story is Mark 1-16:8 .. and the women did not tell anyone because they were afraid .. no bribe required to keep their mouths shut :)

1) no virgin Birth
2) no lineage back to David
3) no physical resurrection - no stories of the corpse wandering around after death talking to people ..
"revised" by who? and when? these are different books. You thought book of Matthew was a revision of Mark?


Well-Known Member
"revised" by who? and when? these are different books. You thought book of Matthew was a revision of Mark?

Ummm .... you didn't know ? .. that the Author of Matt .. uses all of Mark .. sans a few verses he doesn't like because they are derogatory to Jesus and/or disciples ? .. and as such .. Matt .. is Mark version 2 .. with revisions and a few edits .. and some extra material .


Well-Known Member
Beyond my comprehension ability, you are. I'll tell you what I know about expression, truth, language, and the word "Logos". It's not limited to a book, it's typically spoken in some fashion or form, and even articulated via body language, music, and art. It's truth as we understand and express truth as God's children. It's not deception, lies, erronous misleadings ... It's true and it's real, and it comes from the emotional center of the human psyche, which is eternally connected to its origin.

You have just stated that "The Truth" is beyond your comprehension ability .. then go on to explain how you think it is that you know the Truth ?

but yet -- "The Truth" was just given to you .. and it seems you are yet blind to it .. running around crying "I can't comprehend" in one breath .. and that you Know for certain in another ?

What is it that you find so difficult to comprehend about "The Golden Rule" Brother Balth ? .. "Don't do to others what you hate" .. the rest is all commentary ? Tell me friend what is troubling .. and which God are you a child of ? .. this is new information..


Christian Evolutionist
You have just stated that "The Truth" is beyond your comprehension ability .. then go on to explain how you think it is that you know the Truth ?

but yet -- "The Truth" was just given to you .. and it seems you are yet blind to it .. running around crying "I can't comprehend" in one breath .. and that you Know for certain in another ?

What is it that you find so difficult to comprehend about "The Golden Rule" Brother Balth ? .. "Don't do to others what you hate" .. the rest is all commentary ? Tell me friend what is troubling .. and which God are you a child of ? .. this is new information..
What you have been stating is beyond my comprehension ability. I am able to comprehend and recognize some things as being true. I simply cannot do the same for what you have been stating, thus far. When and/or if I'm able to acknowledge a truth, I do so and try to stick to it. It's better than the alternative... knowing something to be true and turning away from it. What is a friend to you? You keep calling me friend and I don't even know you. I can call Jesus my friend, but only because I've chosen to be one to him. He said there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his own life for his friends. He would have been that type of friend to me. My own life ...I denied the sacrifice of the lamb for myself, perhaps to return a favor he would have granted, or for the greater justice - to be accountable for my own life, losing it as I go, as I continue to become a better man by sticking to what presents itself as being true as an individual. I do this continually as I grow in truth. It's a developmental process of honoring God in spirit and in truth.


Well-Known Member
What you have been stating is beyond my comprehension ability. I am able to comprehend and recognize some things as being true. I simply cannot do the same for what you have been stating, thus far. When and/or if I'm able to acknowledge a truth, I do so and try to stick to it. It's better than the alternative... knowing something to be true and turning away from it. What is a friend to you? You keep calling me friend and I don't even know you. I can call Jesus my friend, but only because I've chosen to be one to him. He said there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his own life for his friends. He would have been that type of friend to me. My own life ...I denied the sacrifice of the lamb for myself, perhaps to return a favor he would have granted, or for the greater justice - to be accountable for my own life, losing it as I go, as I continue to become a better man by sticking to what presents itself as being true as an individual. I do this continually as I grow in truth. It's a developmental process of honoring God in spirit and in truth.

What is it that you are claiming is False Brother Balth ? .. what is troubling you you have been given the Truth .. but do not want to accept .. you say Jesus is your friend .. but you do not know Jesus . have not searched for the truth .. do not follow the teachigns .. or know what they are for that matter .. hard to follow something one does not know Right :)

Sounds like you are on some spiritual path .. and for sure I can not tell you where it leads .. but .. can perhaps say that it does not seem to be the path of Jesus ..not about platitudes .. lying down one life for another .. as we do for our brother .. even if from another mother ... and the fine line between bravery and stupidity. .. "Not all who cry out Lord Lord will make it says Jesus .. "Only the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven"

Tell me then .. the Holy Grail . since you don't agree with me .. what is the "Will of the Father" .. and what is the name of this fine God Most High.


Christian Evolutionist
What is it that you are claiming is False Brother Balth ? .. what is troubling you you have been given the Truth .. but do not want to accept .. you say Jesus is your friend .. but you do not know Jesus . have not searched for the truth .. do not follow the teachigns .. or know what they are for that matter .. hard to follow something one does not know Right :)

Sounds like you are on some spiritual path .. and for sure I can not tell you where it leads .. but .. can perhaps say that it does not seem to be the path of Jesus ..not about platitudes .. lying down one life for another .. as we do for our brother .. even if from another mother ... and the fine line between bravery and stupidity. .. "Not all who cry out Lord Lord will make it says Jesus .. "Only the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven"

Tell me then .. the Holy Grail . since you don't agree with me .. what is the "Will of the Father" .. and what is the name of this fine God Most High.

Of course, I never hung out with him, I never saw his face, I was never directly taught by him, the man, but I have his story, which isn't unlike other stories, and I've chosen to be accountable for my own life instead of using his sacrifice as if it was meant for me. I have decided to become a friend in this manner as well as a student. The difference is, truth is no less subjective than it is objective, so my individual relationship is based more so on my person and how I relate to objective reality ... truthfully. Beyond this, are many variables that are in constant flux and with these changes come even greater changes in how I navigate through a honest and truth-oriented spirit. This is my sincerity, as well as my faith. I won't suggest you're wrong when it comes to you and your chosen path. I will suggest that you are mistaken about me and my own.


Memorable member
Ummm .... you didn't know ? .. that the Author of Matt .. uses all of Mark .. sans a few verses he doesn't like because they are derogatory to Jesus and/or disciples ? .. and as such .. Matt .. is Mark version 2 .. with revisions and a few edits .. and some extra material .
that is speculation, not based on anything


Well-Known Member
that is speculation, not based on anything

It is based on the Catholic Encyclopedia .. Theology . I don't think there is any academic religious denomination who does not concede that author of Matt contains the entirty of Mark .. sans a few passages derogatory to Jesus and Disciples. That the Author of Matt uses Mark as a source document is not disputed by theologic or secular scholarship.

The following is taken directly out of the Catholic Encyclopedia "gospel of Matthew"

(a) Analogy to Mark

  • Mark is found complete in Matthew, with the exception of numerous slight omissions and the following pericopes: Mark 1:23-28, 35-39; 4:26-29; 7:32-36; 8:22-26; 9:39-40; 12:41-44. In all, 31 verses are omitted.
  • Matthew extenuates or omits everything which, in Mark, might be construed in a sense derogatory to the Person of Christ or unfavourable to the disciples. Thus, in speaking of Jesus, he suppresses the following phrases: "And looking round about on them with anger" (Mark 3:5); "And when his friends had heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him. For they said: He is beside himself" (Mark 3:21), etc. Speaking of the disciples, he does not say, like Mark, that "they understood not the word, and they were afraid to ask him" (ix, 3 1; cf. viii, 17, 18); or that the disciples were in a state of profound amazement, because "they understood not concerning the loaves; for their heart was blinded" (vi, 52), etc. He likewise omits whatever might shock his readers, as the saying of the Lord recorded by Mark: "The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath"


Memorable member
It is based on the Catholic Encyclopedia .. Theology . I don't think there is any academic religious denomination who does not concede that author of Matt contains the entirty of Mark .. sans a few passages derogatory to Jesus and Disciples. That the Author of Matt uses Mark as a source document is not disputed by theologic or secular scholarship.

The following is taken directly out of the Catholic Encyclopedia "gospel of Matthew"

The Catholic Encyclopedia lol. Everything in Catholicism is taken from Mithraism. Of course they will attempt to discredit the Bible, why do you think they banned it for so long? It exposes them.


Well-Known Member
The Catholic Encyclopedia lol. Everything in Catholicism is taken from Mithraism. Of course they will attempt to discredit the Bible, why do you think they banned it for so long? It exposes them.

we were not talking about the theology of the catholic Church .. the "Anti-Christ" if you wish .. but the fact that the Author of Matt used Mark as a Source document .. as did Luke .. hence why these 3 are called the synoptic Gospels.

and you will find the same story in every Christian denomination .. secular theology .. history . .. not just the Catholics spinning this same yarn sailor !


Memorable member
we were not talking about the theology of the catholic Church .. the "Anti-Christ" if you wish .. but the fact that the Author of Matt used Mark as a Source document .. as did Luke .. hence why these 3 are called the synoptic Gospels.

and you will find the same story in every Christian denomination .. secular theology .. history . .. not just the Catholics spinning this same yarn sailor !
find what story?


Well-Known Member
find what story?
The story of Mark .. Used as a source document by the Author of Matt .. who gives us an updated --and edited version of the story .. mostly free of pious fraud .. "according to the Encyclopedia" -- and Modern Scholarship Theological Acadamia .. so them anti Christ Catholics are not always wrong .. even a broken clock right twice a day ya know :)


Memorable member
the encylopedia? what encyclopedia
There is no source that has anything other than the same speculation you offer


Well-Known Member
the encylopedia? what encyclopedia
There is no source that has anything other than the same speculation you offer

The Catholic Encyclopedia .. for the 4th time .. are we playing games of disingenuous oblivion ? "What encyclopedia -- what encyclopedia" ..

and You are mostly correct that every other source is going to tell you the same thing .. That the author of Matt and the author of Luke use Mark as a source document - is not some secret .. cept apparently from you .

What part of "mark is found complete in Matt" sans a few passages nasty to Jesus and disciples .. is not going ring a ding ding ? ..and what is this source of yours claiming otherwise .. :)