Why stop at one religion? In such a format, one could say learn the basics of all religions and all non-religions and the arguements for and against them.
I do think that world religions should be taught, as I have mentioned in other posts. I don't think a person is truly educated unless they have a very well rounded education, far beyond reading and writing. I think an educated person has an appreciation for art, music, and dance, for example, and I pull out my hair when districts cut these programs. so yeah, teach abut other religions for sure.
But, and maybe this just isn't PC, Christianity has a much larger influence on western civilization, even up to today. You have to give more weight to teaching about Christianity than i.e. Wicca, because Wicca is a new religion that hasn't had any influence. (Yeah I know they claim to be ancient, but its just baloney.) Even a religion such as Islam, which I definitely think should be studied, just simply hasn't had the same impact on western civilization.
Again, remember I'm not Christian, I'm Jewish. So I'm not saying these things as a kind of sneak attack to make the country a Christian theocracy.