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Bible - Book of lies


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I have given arguments that support my cnclusion.
Anyone not agreeing woth me should either attack those arguments or the process of conclusion made upon them.
Just saying that what I said is not true without giving any counter arguments does not contribute to the discussion in any way.
Your premise with regard to the nature of the bible is wrong, therefore the conclusions you have drawn from them are also wrong. The bible is not a factual textbook, but a theological treatise, containing many different theological sub-traditions. Since neither creation myth is "wrong," the bible, itself, is not "wrong."


Church of Christ
I have given arguments that support my cnclusion.
Anyone not agreeing woth me should either attack those arguments or the process of conclusion made upon them.
Just saying that what I said is not true without giving any counter arguments does not contribute to the discussion in any way.

I disagree with your position, but I like the way you form your arguments. We have a somewhat similar style. Are you Honduran by any chance?, lol.


There are also many other people which call Bible the book of lies.
In order to get to that conclusion one only has to read the bible, no extra sources are necessary.
If we turn the bible on page one we will find two completely different descriptions of the same event - creation of earth.
In these descriptions order in which various things were created is completely different.
This is enough to conclude that one of these descriptions must be a lie.
So we have found first part of the bible which must be a lie.
Bible is full of completely different, mutually exclusive descriptions of the same event. Using the above resoning for each of these pairs of descriptions we can conclude that at least one of the descriptions must be a lie.
And this is how we can make conclusion that Bible is book of lies.

And there are some people who may claim that the bible is beyond your capacity in understanding.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
My question for you is if it is the word of God (denoting an all power-perfect, all knowing deity), why does it contradict itself constantly?

An imperfect book laid down by God?

That makes absolutely no sense at all.

No, it is the word of humans ON the topic of God. Not Gods word.

Your premise is incorrect. The Bible does not contradict itself.


Hi all, sorry for late replay, I just needed time to evaluate and cross reference all the comments given in order to alter my initial stand point. I just wanted to make following conclusions because I think this should be the point of each discussion, to get closer to the truth by altering initial stand point if needed.

I no longer state that bible is book of lies since lie presumes deliberately not telling truth.
Based on existing contradictions my point is that it contains untruths rather then lies.

I no longer think that contradictions between two creation stories apply to sequence in which men and woman were created. I don't think that first story implies that they were simultaneously created and I agree that second story simple gives more detailed view on how and in which order man and woman were created.

I still think that there is contradiction in sequence in which beasts and men were created.

Even if we look at the bible as compilation of texts, contradictions among them still mean that some of the statements are unthruth since they can't be both true simultaniously.


Rogue Theologian
Hi all, sorry for late replay, I just needed time to evaluate and cross reference all the comments given in order to alter my initial stand point. I just wanted to make following conclusions because I think this should be the point of each discussion, to get closer to the truth by altering initial stand point if needed.

I no longer state that bible is book of lies since lie presumes deliberately not telling truth.
Based on existing contradictions my point is that it contains untruths rather then lies.

I no longer think that contradictions between two creation stories apply to sequence in which men and woman were created. I don't think that first story implies that they were simultaneously created and I agree that second story simple gives more detailed view on how and in which order man and woman were created.

I still think that there is contradiction in sequence in which beasts and men were created.

Even if we look at the bible as compilation of texts, contradictions among them still mean that some of the statements are unthruth since they can't be both true simultaniously.

And with this is mind.....

Consider the difficulty in saying to any man...living long ago...
How things came to be as they are.

See it from God's point of view...yes you can.
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woah.... the bible is in no way a book of lies and the christians have no claim over the bible...remember the kjv is the authorised version and if you didnt follow the interpreptation that was authorised you had your head removed... yes there are errors but if you are wise enough to know which are just bad translation and which are intentional (ie changing the word conspiracy to summit conference just when the mount david summit conferences were being held) and which parts are a slant on the truth then you should have no trouble... eg historically it shows the illuminati's priesthood controlling things behind the scenes,there objectives how it will play out ad that alone looking at the current world evens looks to close to home so a book of lies...no. most of your mainstream history,political and economic books are books of lies....


The Lost One
adameve said:
There are also many other people which call Bible the book of lies.
In order to get to that conclusion one only has to read the bible, no extra sources are necessary.
If we turn the bible on page one we will find two completely different descriptions of the same event - creation of earth.
In these descriptions order in which various things were created is completely different.
This is enough to conclude that one of these descriptions must be a lie.
So we have found first part of the bible which must be a lie.
Bible is full of completely different, mutually exclusive descriptions of the same event. Using the above resoning for each of these pairs of descriptions we can conclude that at least one of the descriptions must be a lie.
And this is how we can make conclusion that Bible is book of lies.

It really depends on your definition of the "lie" and in what context of the scriptures that you think it is a "lie".

I thinking you are looking at the bible in the wrong way.

If you are thinking that the bible is not "factual" historically or scientifically, then you are definitely looking at it wrongly.

The bible (like every other religious scriptures around the world, now and in the past) is neither a history book nor a science book. You have to keep in mind that it is a book of theology, and only a book of theology, with narrative stories, religious laws and moral or code of conduct, as well as divine revelations and prophecies, and (with NT) salvation, and possible afterlife.

I do get into (lots of) arguments with creationists who tried to put Genesis creation into areas of science, but that's my beef with them. If they simply accept the bible is not a book of science, then I would have no argument with them. My problem is not with Genesis itself, but with the ways that they (creationists) interpret their creation myth as being factual scientifically. (I get into similar argument with Muslims when some of them tried to turn the Qur'an into science book.)

And I may also get into heavy debates with them about laws or morals, but that's because I think that some of it can no longer be relevant or be applied in this day and age. If one person (for example) catches his or her marital partner having sex with someone else, then divorce him or her, get a better financial settlement or take custody of the children (if they have children that is), just do not stone him or her for adultery. Such brutal form of punishment is not acceptable in today's societies.

So I would not go as far as saying it is a book of lies. It is the way they understand the world is and how they should live by trying to bring order out of chaos, at the time those scriptures were written.

I think most scriptures, if not all, are not factual historically or scientifically, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have their values, even though in my belief, they made be outdated or archaic IMO.
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