Bleh. What religion do you think I represent in my comments, or what religion do you think matches my opinions?
You don't seem very ethusiastic about whatever you may or may not be representing. Why do you need a religious match?
In personal experience, it seems that people seek religious conviction or justification because they believe that it'll enable them to become at one with themselves. It also seems that you are interested in having others decide for you such that you may be casually determined by external influences. A choice not to choose is still a choice, just as the advice to not hold any opinions is still an opinion. A judgment not to make any judgments or that all judgments are wrong is still passing judgment, etc.
It is impossible to ever become at one with yourself because life is ambiguous, indeterminate, contingent, and constantly in the process of becoming. However, it is also our nature to continue seeking substantiality. Consciousness is nothing-in-itself, but rather a relationship of meaningful appearances about undifferentiated becoming. It is also essentially temporalized and in flight from its past towards future possibilities that we aim to actualize, only to have them immediately rendered past situations opening up into new possibilities that we must again choose from.
Despite a few limitations, we are primarily accountable for every choice that we make and there is no end to the responsibility of having to choose what we become in every situation. We never become a static thing. There is no such person that is truly a fixed Christian-thing or Muslim-thing, etc. Identity is relatively transitory so we must constantly choose ourselves anew and hold ourselves accountable for actions. Freedom is the metastable foundation upon which we must continuously choose to act. Willpower may become its own renewable substantiation.
I'm sorry if you were only looking to read opinions from the fluffy-bunny brigade. I'm sure that they can make you feel all warm and fuzzy with their spiritual pipedreams. This is your choice, but it seems that you would rather deny personal accountability and have others decide for you. Affirm your personal freedom and bear responsibility for your beliefs instead.
Why do you feel an obligation to be religious? Where do you think your aversion comes from? Are you seeking truth or comfort?
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