Right now its very difficult to unionize for the reason that employees rights are proscribed in the workplace, so how can the right to unionize be practiced if free speech ends at the employment door? The government supposedly respects and recognizes the right for workers to deal as a group with an employer, but in the case of these masks that is being infringed. These examples you are giving demonstrate offensive speech rights, the same rights which would help employees to be able to unionize. Business is business, and it will continue even if employees have free speech. What compelling reason is there to stop it? None except that customers may not like it. I've already explained that if the rule is applied across the board at all businesses, then no business receives an advantage above others.Removing Confederate symbols from state property
is far far different from banning private display.
Free speech rights are all about protecting offensive
speech. It's why people can openly demonstrate
for causes like the KKK...complete with robes, hoods,
& insignias. So if it's legal speech, & government forces
business to allow one kind of speech in the workplace,
be prepared for speech you really detest.
What reason, then, could employees have not to wear BLM masks? What could motivate them to act and speak in the interest of the business? Its profit sharing of course. Capitalism. Let it do its job. Don't gag the workers.
They're causing changes in police departments, but how does that help employees at grocery stores and other jobs where workers have no bargaining power due to their restricted speech? When will employers be forced to start sharing profits? Never? So there is very little benefit to working for an employer who binds your free speech. That's what I'm hearing.BTW, auditors are causing changes in police departments.
Not all, but many are finding that they must adjust to
permitting 1st & 4th Amendment rights of even provocateurs.
Look at how much these auditors cost government because
of cop misbehavior towards them...$10K, $45K, $295K.