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Bloodsports/Hunting for fun

Are bloodsports wrong?/your beliefs

  • You're religious/spiritual and believe it is wrong

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • You're religious/spiritual and believe it is okay

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • You're atheist or agnostic and believe it is wrong

    Votes: 18 30.5%
  • You're atheist or agnostic and believe it is okay

    Votes: 6 10.2%

  • Total voters


Draka said:
I find there is little need for hunting for food much nowadays anyway...with the neat invention of grocery stores...and the advent of food stamps for the poor...there is rarely a NEED for going into an animal's wild home and blasting a hole through them just to fatten your belly. Unless it is an absolute NEED and you are on the verge of mal-nutrition and starvation there is no NEED to go out to kill a harmless rabbit or deer who is doing nothing but living its' life.

or eating meat at all...at least in the western world. but i guess that's another thread.

i have no problems with people hunting for food as long as there is no cruelty involved. or trampling flowers, or killing flies(although i try not to). it's probably impossible to go through life not destroying something, just as it's probably impossible to go through life without hurting people. and i don't even think it's desirable. what matters to me is the intent - do you try to cause as little suffering as you can?


Complex bunch of atoms
jewscout said:
eh this wasn't as exciting as...


it was the thrill of just going out in the woods and using what i had been taught to look that i found most satisfying

but i haven't been hunting in quite some time

and yes we did eat the dear mmmmmm

To be honest, I don't actually think you're evil. I think the act is evil. Is it the buddhists who say 'love the person, hate the deed' or words to that effect? - Good words anyway. I find the whole idea that you (quite obviously) delight in the hunting you've taken part in, morally repugnant. Now I don't need any big guy with a beard in the sky to tell me that. I don't need an oppressive religion, that makes it's children be
mutilated in it's name, to tell me that. I just need my compassion, and my intelligence.

Peace dude.


The cake is a lie
Draka said:
I find there is little need for hunting for food much nowadays anyway...with the neat invention of grocery stores...and the advent of food stamps for the poor...there is rarely a NEED for going into an animal's wild home and blasting a hole through them just to fatten your belly. Unless it is an absolute NEED and you are on the verge of mal-nutrition and starvation there is no NEED to go out to kill a harmless rabbit or deer who is doing nothing but living its' life.

Can you guess where I stand on the subject? ;)
I'd rather someone hunt a deer than eat a factory-farmed cow. Hunting deer is on par with free-range cattle, to me.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Is it the buddhists who say 'love the person, hate the deed' or words to that effect?
No idea what buddhists say... but Christians say 'Love the sinner - hate the sin'.

I'd rather someone hunt a deer than eat a factory-farmed cow.


The cake is a lie
frg001 said:
I agree 100%
IMO, it's hypocritical to think it's terrible to hunt an animal and then turn around and say that people can get meat from grocery stores (I'm assuming that's what you were agreeing to Draka about?)

Factory farming is infinitely worse than a quick bullet to the heart. The wild animal lived as it willed and died quickly. THe factory farmed animals are confined and sick and pumped full of antibiotics and inhumanely slaughtered.


Complex bunch of atoms
Jensa said:
IMO, it's hypocritical to think it's terrible to hunt an animal and then turn around and say that people can get meat from grocery stores (I'm assuming that's what you were agreeing to Draka about?)

Factory farming is infinitely worse than a quick bullet to the heart. The wild animal lived as it willed and died quickly. THe factory farmed animals are confined and sick and pumped full of antibiotics and inhumanely slaughtered.

I actually agree with you. But what gets me most is not that the animal was killed, but the fact that a human being 'enjoyed' it's destruction


divine said:
i have no problems with people hunting for food as long as there is no cruelty involved.

i probably should clarify that i mean hunting for food because you need food. in the western world, this is rarely the case. and hence, to me, it files under unnecessary cruelty.


The cake is a lie
frg001 said:
I actually agree with you. But what gets me most is not that the animal was killed, but the fact that a human being 'enjoyed' it's destruction
That's far too human-centric in my mind. So what if someone enjoyed killing it, as long as they use all of it, or as much as they can? I'm pretty sure that the people working in factory lines slitting pig throats don't enjoy it, but that doesn't change that the pigs have suffered much more than the deer.


Complex bunch of atoms
Jensa said:
That's far too human-centric in my mind.

I guess that's because I am one ;)

I just feel very sad to think that fellow humans can 'enjoy' killing sentients.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
i probably should clarify that i mean hunting for food because you need food. in the western world, this is rarely the case. and hence, to me, it files under unnecessary cruelty.
What exactly would be the difference between hunting a deer for food... and picking up deer meat at the store? Would my going to the store and buying pre-packaged deer meat file under unnecessary cruelty?


The cake is a lie
frg001 said:
I just feel very sad to think that fellow humans can 'enjoy' killing sentients.
It disturbs me too, in a way that makes me want to wave my arms around and go "do you know where that CAME from? It used to be alive!", but I still prefer it to factory farming.

I may be a bit biased, though, since deer eat our corn, peas and beans.


Wonder Woman
frg001 said:
I actually agree with you. But what gets me most is not that the animal was killed, but the fact that a human being 'enjoyed' it's destruction

Yeppers. Since as I stated there is no NEED to hunt for food, one can go buy food anywhere, then the hunter must somehow enjoy the hunt...and the kill is a main part of the hunt. So going out with a gun and personally taking the life of something and watching it bleed and die in front of that person must be somehow satisfying to the person. To purposely go out and do it for "fun" admittedly is in my opinion just sick and wrong.

You may disagree with me and say I am no better because I buy my food at a grocery store and therefore contribute to the killing of farm bred animals and whatnot, but I admit that I need nutrition and I cannot go out and kill something in cold blood. Hate me because I would rather have my blinders on and not know where my food came from or what it looked like or what color its eyes were and so on. Go ahead. But I just can't see killing something when one is already provided for...no matter what those means of provision are...it prevents you from personally having to kill.


The cake is a lie
Draka said:
You may disagree with me and say I am no better because I buy my food at a grocery store and therefore contribute to the killing of farm bred animals and whatnot, but I admit that I need nutrition and I cannot go out and kill something in cold blood.
It is possible to get that nutrition from sources other than meat. I know some people have a hell of a time doing it simply through diet (myself and Maesi being two I can name right off the bat), but it can be done.

Even if I haven't started following it until recently, I like the idea of "don't eat something you couldn't kill yourself."


Well-Known Member
Well, I have not fired a gun since - gosh 1980 or so - however, I did hunt for food once upon a time. I like the taste of game birds and small game - even venison - though I never hunted deer. Its very hard to find rabbit, wild duck tastes very different from domestic birds, etc.


Complex bunch of atoms
Draka said:
Yeppers. Since as I stated there is no NEED to hunt for food, one can go buy food anywhere, then the hunter must somehow enjoy the hunt...and the kill is a main part of the hunt. So going out with a gun and personally taking the life of something and watching it bleed and die in front of that person must be somehow satisfying to the person. To purposely go out and do it for "fun" admittedly is in my opinion just sick and wrong.

You may disagree with me and say I am no better because I buy my food at a grocery store and therefore contribute to the killing of farm bred animals and whatnot, but I admit that I need nutrition and I cannot go out and kill something in cold blood. Hate me because I would rather have my blinders on and not know where my food came from or what it looked like or what color its eyes were and so on. Go ahead. But I just can't see killing something when one is already provided for...no matter what those means of provision are...it prevents you from personally having to kill.

Heh. Not sure why you're quoting me. I agreed with you... :)


artist in training
To be honest , I doubt I could have a sensible conversation with someone who thought that killing a plant was the same as killing a sentient being.

Please enlighten me as to what the differance is.


Mister Emu said:
Would my going to the store and buying pre-packaged deer meat file under unnecessary cruelty?

more or less. you don't have to support the meat industry.