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Bloodsports/Hunting for fun

Are bloodsports wrong?/your beliefs

  • You're religious/spiritual and believe it is wrong

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • You're religious/spiritual and believe it is okay

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • You're atheist or agnostic and believe it is wrong

    Votes: 18 30.5%
  • You're atheist or agnostic and believe it is okay

    Votes: 6 10.2%

  • Total voters


The cake is a lie
Buttons* said:
plants can feel pain
I've heard many people claim this, but I've never once seen someone present evidence for a plant's nervous system. If you'd like to form a new thread on how plants feel pain to avoid dragging this one off topic, please feel free.


Active Member
plants can feel pain

People often choose vegetarianism because they don't want cause pain for another living being, so if that was true, what the hell would we eat!?!?!

Are you trying to make me starve!


I guess you would have to become an oxygenarian, but then you would still be killing all those airborne micro organisms. We are just evil, stamp out the human race!


Complex bunch of atoms
ch'ang said:
Please enlighten me as to what the differance is.
Plants are not sentient, they do not have awareness. Again... It's a level of arguement I really don't want to pursue. Much like those who believe the world is only a few thousand years old, and those who think that soap opera characters are real people. I lump them all together. Sorry.


Complex bunch of atoms
Jensa said:
IMO, it's hypocritical to think it's terrible to hunt an animal and then turn around and say that people can get meat from grocery stores (I'm assuming that's what you were agreeing to Draka about?)

Factory farming is infinitely worse than a quick bullet to the heart. The wild animal lived as it willed and died quickly. THe factory farmed animals are confined and sick and pumped full of antibiotics and inhumanely slaughtered.

My point isn't IF killing animals is wrong, but the 'enjoyment' of killing. That is why to me, there is a major difference between farming animals, and sport hunting. In a utopian world we would all be vegetarian. In a slightly less utopian world, at least nobody would kill a sentient being for nothing more than the sake of killing it.


I smell something....
I am so confused. I don't know whether or not the Twinkie that I am eating is a good idea. After reading this thread I feel guilty drinking Kool-aid. As much as I hate the thought of hunting poor little animals and as much as I hate the thought of factory raised animals I am going to have to stick with the grocery store..........and cry every time I eat.:sad4:


Well-Known Member
Draka said:
I find there is little need for hunting for food much nowadays anyway...with the neat invention of grocery stores...and the advent of food stamps for the poor...there is rarely a NEED for going into an animal's wild home and blasting a hole through them just to fatten your belly. Unless it is an absolute NEED and you are on the verge of mal-nutrition and starvation there is no NEED to go out to kill a harmless rabbit or deer who is doing nothing but living its' life.

Can you guess where I stand on the subject? ;)

Those steaks in the store dont grow on trees:rolleyes:

So is it ok to eat venison, or fowl as long as you didnt kill it? That doesnt make sense! As for me ....Beef....it whats for dinner

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
kevmicsmi said:
Those steaks in the store dont grow on trees:rolleyes:

So is it ok to eat venison, or fowl as long as you didnt kill it? That doesnt make sense! As for me ....Beef....it whats for dinner
If you you're prepared to look something in the eyes and kill it yourself, you've got more right to eat it than if you go through your life not associating it with the furry little animal it was because you've only seen it since it became a disembodied chunk of flesh. You can't kill and consume an animal yourself without appreciating it. But then I wouldn't define that as hunting for 'sport' either.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Draka said:
I find there is little need for hunting for food much nowadays anyway...with the neat invention of grocery stores...and the advent of food stamps for the poor...there is rarely a NEED for going into an animal's wild home and blasting a hole through them just to fatten your belly. Unless it is an absolute NEED and you are on the verge of mal-nutrition and starvation there is no NEED to go out to kill a harmless rabbit or deer who is doing nothing but living its' life.

Can you guess where I stand on the subject? ;)
What were the cows your steak came from doing before they got loaded into a truck and slaughtered, if not living their lives?


Wonder Woman
Look, I feel that I have explained my view. I just personally find hunting itself to be the enjoyment of killing. I know that what I eat has to have been killed. I'm not stupid. But I look at it this way...there are those whose waged job it is is to work in a meat packing plant and kill, cut, debone, process and pack meat for public consumption. These jobs are done by those who need a paycheck...not by those who necessarily like to kill...it is their job. There is a meat packing plant real close to me and I know severaly people that work there. They don't enjoy the killing, but it is required for production purposes. These people do what we shouldn't have to. I give a lot of credit to them for doing the job they do...I could never do it. I DON'T like the idea of killing something I DON'T HAVE TO. Why cause killing that is unneeded and unwarranted? You kill to protect yourself and yours, for survival, NOT to mount a dead animal's head or antlers on your wall...which a lot of hunters do. They prize the kill...I prize the life.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
I just personally find hunting itself to be the enjoyment of killing.
I think that is a qualification that cannot be made except on the individual basis...

I may hunt because we are low on food and don't have enough money... is that any different from killing for money(working a slaughterhouse)?


Wonder Woman
Mister Emu said:
I think that is a qualification that cannot be made except on the individual basis...

I may hunt because we are low on food and don't have enough money... is that any different from killing for money(working a slaughterhouse)?

I did say earlier in the thread that if you are in desperate need for food then that is one thing...but if you have food or can just as easily go to a grocery store for food, then there must be some aspect of hunting that you enjoy. I have gone hungry before and would still not hunt. I will beg before I hunt. I will find a way to borrow money or ask for food, or if during certain growing seasons, go outside in my backyard and pick through the garden. I just cannot bring myself to kill. Shoot...I catch spiders in the house and release them outside. If I can't kill a little spider I definitely can't shoot a rabbit or squirrel. :eek: And they are cute and fluffy! :eek: :D


Captain Obvious
For my part, I've hunted and will likely do so again with family. I have no qualms about it, and I enjoy the company on it, and on occasion, the challenge.

I'm going to sound cold-hearted here, but the killing doesn't really impress me, either negatively or positively until I get a plate. I've killed wild animals, and I've killed domesticated animals. I've even had to kill one of our dogs in a rather personal fashion even as a kid (it growled at my sibling).

Cruel as it may sound, the killing is just a part of life to me. Animals eat animals, and we are omnivores. We eat other animals as part of our diet, and it's simply part of our nature, and thus, so is hunting (even pleasure hunting). Since I see it that way, I never have really understood the disgust with it, but it may simply be that I've grown up doing it. *ducks now*


No*s said:
For my part, I've hunted and will likely do so again with family. I have no qualms about it, and I enjoy the company on it, and on occasion, the challenge.

I'm going to sound cold-hearted here, but the killing doesn't really impress me, either negatively or positively until I get a plate. I've killed wild animals, and I've killed domesticated animals. I've even had to kill one of our dogs in a rather personal fashion even as a kid (it growled at my sibling).

Cruel as it may sound, the killing is just a part of life to me. Animals eat animals, and we are omnivores. We eat other animals as part of our diet, and it's simply part of our nature, and thus, so is hunting (even pleasure hunting). Since I see it that way, I never have really understood the disgust with it, but it may simply be that I've grown up doing it. *ducks now*
How do you feel about pleasure hunters shooting each other? <cough> Dick Cheney <cough>


Mister Emu said:
I think that is a qualification that cannot be made except on the individual basis...

I may hunt because we are low on food and don't have enough money... is that any different from killing for money(working a slaughterhouse)?
If you ENJOY the killing it is. Do you do it for food, or do you do it for fun? A worker in a slaughterhouse is just earning a living. As for saving money, what about the money you spend on guns, ammunition, hunting clothes, hunting licenses, etc.?


Complex bunch of atoms
No*s said:
For my part, I've hunted and will likely do so again with family. I have no qualms about it, and I enjoy the company on it, and on occasion, the challenge.

I'm going to sound cold-hearted here, but the killing doesn't really impress me, either negatively or positively until I get a plate. I've killed wild animals, and I've killed domesticated animals. I've even had to kill one of our dogs in a rather personal fashion even as a kid (it growled at my sibling).

Cruel as it may sound, the killing is just a part of life to me. Animals eat animals, and we are omnivores. We eat other animals as part of our diet, and it's simply part of our nature, and thus, so is hunting (even pleasure hunting). Since I see it that way, I never have really understood the disgust with it, but it may simply be that I've grown up doing it. *ducks now*

I honestly think, where there is pleasure involved certainly, it is morally repugnant. I also believe that the obvious desensitising that goes with repeated kills means a sport hunter is more likely to commit homicide.