Yes, we have spirituality in every shade. But the avataras are mentioned in the books and the tenth, if one believes such predictions, will come at the end of this yuga, i.e., 425,000 years from now. Anyone making a claim or being promoted by charlatans before this time is a fake. But this end of Kaliyuga and the hiatus of 425,000 serves us well.
Yes there have been made many predictions, and still now people like to predict. And I understand that if they believe in these predictions that they see all else as fake. But still they should say "IMHO (or IMO) your guru is fake, as per the predictions I believe in" or something similar. That's because it's a belief/faith (esp. with predictions) and not an exact science.
In India you have 'purnavatara' claimaints or their promoters (as in the case of Shirdi) in every street. Many of them later end up in jails for various crimes. Another claimant for a 'purnavatara' is Swami Sahajananda of the Swaminarayans. Part of his legacy is controlled by his progeny who were accused of sexual misconduct. Then we had Swami Nithiananda who escaped to an island in Carribean after being accused of rape. Such claimants are nothing new for us.
Yes there is a lot of sexual misconduct even in spiritual places (as predicted
in this verse of Srimad Bhagavatam). But there are also incidences of "falsely accused sexual misconduct", hence best to say "IMHO" or "as I believe"...Unless it is proven beyond a doubt. Same with claimants of "Poorna Avatar". Until it's scientifically proven a false claim best to use "I believe (not)".
(I have been in 1 room with a Dutch man who was totally into Sai Baba, then after reading internet negative sexual stories he became totally against Sai Baba even claiming He abused him also sexually, then 10 years afterwards He wanted to be with Sai Baba again). In the 10 years I spend in the ashram I have seen quite a few of these things happening, so I don't believe people so easily anymore. I rather stick to my own personal experiences; spending 10 full years in the Ashram)
Then tell me, why did he come and what did he achieve? I am not belittling anyone. Tell me, if coming of this person, and a 'purnavatara' to boot, made any difference to the world?
Good to know, that you don't belittle anyone. Thank you.
At least Sai Baba made a big difference to me, and I met many to whom He made a big difference. And I do not expect an Avatar to do our dirty work and "cure the whole world". Sai Baba gave many discourses explaining many things and He was a living example of helping others. Like many other Prophets and Saints before Him. Now again, it's up to us to solve the problems we created ourselves.
And Sai Baba explicitly said that you can be Spiritual when you are an Atheist, so no need to proselytize/evangelize Atheists, Humanists, other (non) Religious people. Even more, Sai Baba said "encourage others to continue in their chosen (non)Faith, and do not evangelize, because thereby you belittle their (non) Faith". So, for me there is no need at all to convince others how good Sai Baba was. I am fine if they believe or if they do not believe. Just do not belittle my chosen Faith/Guru, that's all I ask (and it's even a rule on RF). If you find verses from Sai Baba you believe are wrong, you can tell me, that's fine. Just do not belittle.