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Brain Storming for our Secular School Curriculum

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
Agreed except for what I've stricken out above.
I see your reasoning. My inclusion of religions is because they play (for better or worse) an important part in the adult world and so I would say an understanding of them is beneficial. My inclusion of philosophy is to engender critical thinking skills in its various aspects.


Christian Evolutionist
I see your reasoning. My inclusion of religions is because they play (for better or worse) an important part in the adult world and so I would say an understanding of them is beneficial. My inclusion of philosophy is to engender critical thinking skills in its various aspects.
I agree, but with all the controversy surrounding religion in this nation, it may be best to save these things for higher learning or individual efforts apart from federally funded institutions.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
No religion allowed, nor aspect of religious involvement in our curriculum from K to 12.


Emphasis on: Law, Civics, and History, but only if it does not involve religion

Science/physics/Astro physics

We also need something adequate for food and health benefits/dietary learning

Physical Education will need to be parent approved.

Literature will need to be limited to only fact oriented and non-religious subjects

Keep theology at home (All of of it).
I think it would be foolish to leave religion out. You cannot possibly study Humanity without looking at humanity's religions, at least in broad strokes. That is not, of course, studying theology. (Frankly, I don't even know what studying theology actually means. I mean, when you study geology, you can look at earth and rocks and strata and syn- and anticlines and all manner of real stuff. To study theology, however, you cannot study God -- only what some people thought about God.)

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
I agree, but with all the controversy surrounding religion in this nation, it may be best to save these things for higher learning or individual efforts apart from federally funded institutions.
Religions is more of a meh in this (UK) country. RE is a yawnfest for most kids (I work in a school).


Christian Evolutionist
Will we be doing this for homework then? :blush:
Probably not, but as a prep once deemed stoner and slacker, I'll suggest it important enough to consider the effort just in case, and if not that, for better preparation and effectiveness according to our perceived needs as individuals.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
Probably not, but as a prep once deemed stoner and slacker, I'll suggest it important enough to consider the effort just in case, and if not that, for better preparation and effectiveness according to our perceived needs as individuals.
I'll get ChatGBT fired up ready then!


Christian Evolutionist
I'll get ChatGBT fired up ready then!
I never much enjoyed ChatGBT insight for its lack of, but I understand the association well enough to acknowledge a needed addition for psychological, sociological, and philosophical influence as these relate to human decision making and pursued efforts. For fact checking it's ok "sometimes", other times I'm searching google scholar for relevant articles.
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The Hammer

Premium Member
Maybe we should limit voting rights to those with a higher education.

The Hammer

Premium Member
I will say I don't understand the point of the OP. Schools are already secular as is. The current goal is to keep them that way.