This is completely ridiculous.
If our government said to the people, all the people, "if you feel you really need 1 million dollars, just ask us, and we'll give it to you." I bet you every single person in the nation would take them up on it. That doesn't make them people that do not care about their country, it means that every single person on the planet is a selfish B******. It means he's smart.
In what way is what I said ridiculous?
The difference is most of those people will have actually paid taxes at some point - probably more taxes than Trump - and will have actually worked a day in their lives. Unlike Trump, these people more than likely won't have been able to take advantage of tax loopholes, grants and creative accounting available to business owners and the affluent which reduces their tax burden. And of course people would take them up on it - money is a constant worry for a lot of folk. The difference is a lot of people would
need that million for more than a few things. Wanting to fulfil your needs is hardly selfish - especially when you've already paid into the system. Trump isn't being smart here - he should have known that if he wanted to be President, to show that he'll put the welfare of America over his own selfish desires, that he'd be pressured to release his tax returns like
every other Presidential candidate. If he had a modicum of foresight he should have known that this, coupled with his infamously selfish attitude, would come back to bite him.
Why should Americans trust a man to put their country first as President when he didn't in all the years before now as a businessman?
I'll be the first to admit the above is based on the assumption that Trump can actually turn a taxable profit and just moves it offshore. Of course, he may suck complete balls at business and his losses are 100% genuine - no fiddling involved.
Don't let our business owners move money overseas, and they won't move it overseas. If you catch them doing it...lock them up...forever...all of them.
So you admit there's something wrong here after all and that something should be done about it. Unfortunately there's a clause in the U.S. Constitution that prevents the Government from just taking peoples' property for 'no good reason' which I think would be used in the event the Feds tried something.