A Free Man
Way to both strawman and spectacularly miss the point at the same time.
Nobody is saying we should "have a general election every other week". Nevertheless, the fact we have more than one general election in our lifetimes is a tacit admission that democracy is a process; that if a political party lies to get what it wants at the ballot box the electorate has the right to change their minds or not.
With Brexit the same principle should apply; and the only people who oppose this are the same people who claim they are the true supporters of democracy while
Your claims that you are defending democracy are thoroughly dishonest while:
- continuing to stand by a result that was achieved through deception and outright law-breaking;
- claiming that people should not be allowed a say on the subject now that they have a better idea of what Brexit will actually involve;
- continuing to insist that the Government must enact the result of an advisory referendum where entire affected parties were disenfranchised, possibly to give the Leave side more of a chance to win;
- liberally reinterpreting the result of the vote far beyond the remit of the question to mean whatever they want;
- waiting until after the ballot came in and you got the result you wanted to tell us what Brexit meant - or at least try to;
- Supporting the idea that we cannot vote again based on new information;
- You support a news rag that called judges 'the enemies of the people' because they stopped Theresa May from using archaic statutes to keep Parliament out of the process;
- You support far-right parties preoccupied with cultural & ideological purity;
- You support populist thugs trying to get a toe in the door of politics who intimidate their detractors;
- You continue to defend an argument that saw a sitting MP killed for opposing it;
- You constantly try to blame things going wrong as a result of the Brexit vote on everyone except the people who voted for Brexit.
In your eyes, I must be a terrible person and all because I want my country back.
I’m backing Britain!