That has nothing to do with the discussion. Besides being just a story from a holy book.
A man who says he's holy wrote the book.
Your claim as a man on earth only one self is that you could think because of how my god giving you mind support of a holy mind. Was termed by its spirit cloud forming movement cooling gases to remain blue. Allowed me to own speak words.
Taught only because he lost natural spoken word use as language by sacrificed brain mind.
As you don't teach natural.
As coat of many colours scientific theist liar satanist. Said the father baby man as we've all been babies since invented satanisms. Owned used a thesis cost of many colours.
So he damned DNA natural history. Life he said will be lived cursed forever.
By star gas burning attack on how a lying mind. Theist. Was introduced.
The father owning thesis as a scientific father was the reason coat of burning gas inherited by baby man that sacrificed baby man's life.
As first natural father had not invented science. Baby father did. Our father as babies.
As gods earth saviour baby stable life stable brain was by saviour reborn ice.
As iced water and ice kept by two the heavens gases cooled. Water becomes hot with hot gas. Ice cooled both.
Our saviour gods ice only. Is ice exact gods earth.
One womb saviour O God asteroid o moon.
O a God only.
Stars not any God O was a teaching.
Science begins thesis in cosmos not a God.
Said M for middle 13 was a burning gas in a womb voiding vacuum. Above our heads. Not in 12 natural light.
I will think. I will impose. I will value. I will copy and change the one fused God to equal M.
So science changed holy earth MA S S that travelled as stone ark in mother womb via space conditions. Holy mother earth story owning holy earth nature.
That owned blue light veil.
He changed it.
Mother earth was stone zero rock space holy with its holy one veil blue that we lived with. Travelling on its holy earth journey.
Men of science said I made the veil evil direct worded used statement.
Veil eVil.
So no scientist could argue they caused gas burning heavenly fallout themselves. LiFe sacrificed by baby man human father science theist.
Holy star one God o moon only. Why mother terms were stated O earth rock space womb held. Earths o.moon space womb held. Earths blue veil space womb held.
As scientists are all humans first. The light does not shift from earths heavens above. Scientists are self possessed inventor human egotists who lie. We taught as humans scientists are life's destroyer.
Natural humans never lied the theist did.
Coat of many colours owned sacrificed man adult father's life.
Baby was born as gods stable kept blue light mother sky veil. Cooling spirit angels of God clouds cooling returned blue light holy veil.
Stable life only. Taught exact.
It was why they stated Joseph ..sephiroth was not Jesus Baby father holy baby.
It was a directly taught directly stated holy heavens reasoned for human baby life reborn healthy.
Life was not meant to be sacrificed.
No man is God is the third position first correct status. That told why no man is God.
Once again. The satanic book was shut as a legal condition for new human laws.