It is hard to imagine a method more perfectly designed for a biased and entirely subjective outcome. So yes it seems the perfect method to preserve any belief for which no objective evidence can be demonstrated.
Is it really feelings that lead the hungry student to knowledge? One should always lead with Intellect or the Reason half. If one chooses to lead with the feeling half, one could end up being lost in a sea of emotions. It's never fun being lost.
Those that seek real truth do not limit themselves on mere feelings. Further, one chooses to be open for all possibilities rather than wall oneself into what feels good or feels right.
Which do you choose? Do you seek? Maybe you wait to accept or believe what others bring to you. One who seeks will do the work necessary to Discover the answers rather than waiting for someone else to bring it home.
Has religion corrupted people's thinking? Have they taught everyone to value beliefs and do nothing but accept or reject? Maybe people embrace this because accepting or rejecting takes so little work.
Yes, allow others to do the work even to the point they must convince you or have burden of proof so you can make the accepting or rejecting easier for yourself. Is this really the best choice? Hardly. Can you not see this?
Search your soul. Be True to yourself. What is it that you really seek or do you even seek at all? Is it all just you wanting to be right and has nothing to do with what actually is or is that what is with you?
I think religion has hurt you badly. You hang unto religion so badly that you value so many of the principles you fight so endlessly. Does accepting or rejecting Beliefs really have so much merit with you?
Let's look at a few of God's actions. God doesn't ask anyone to prove anything. Further, God doesn't give knowledge, asking anyone to believe or reject. God places knowledge around us all. It waits to be Discovered by those who seek. There are no real short cuts!!
I do my best to copy God. I find copying Great Intellect delivers much better results!! On the other hand, people choosing their own paths will lead to the lessons they really need to learn. You have my blessing.
I will always be that Hungry Student!!
That's what I see. It's very clear!!