Gravity is the name we give to some phenomenon we observe in nature. It is observable, measurable and testable.
You're positing the existence of a God that interacts with nature, sometimes and in some ways. So, like gravity, this God should be detectable in some way. You say you have detected this God. But you can't provide any way to demonstrate to anyone else that you can detect this God. People who accept the existence of gravity aren't just declaring that gravity is real to them and that it's up to the rest of us to discover gravity for ourselves. No, scientists who study this stuff can actually demonstrate that the thing they say exists and acts on nature actually exists and acts on nature. Why can't you do that with these demons you claim exist?
As I've told you before, I've seen videos claiming to be exorcisms and I've been wholly unimpressed. I've yet to see any demons present in any of them. And what I do see are a bunch of people basically torturing a person who probably has a mental illness and would benefit much more from some psychiatric therapy. Not only that but the descriptions that people who were present make about what they think happened versus what actually happened never seem to match up, with the former being much more fantastical than what actually took place.
Who has observed and measured demons? Can you point me to anyone, anywhere, at any time that has accomplished this? I've seen a whole lot of claims and no evidence whatsoever. People have been making claims like this for centuries, but yet we still have no solid evidence for the existence of demons, and gods, for that matter. How is that possible, do you think?
This is coming from a person who used to believe in all of this stuff and really, really wanted it all to be real.
My worldview is that I want to believe as many true things as possible while also disbelieving as many false things as possible.
Human beings are prone to making a lot of logical errors, and so we've got to come up with methods that can help us overcome those errors. The scientific method is one of those, hence the reason I keep harping on the idea of demonstrable evidence. These demons you claim exist, if they exist, clearly interact with the natural world, as you've described. So demonstrating their existence should be a lot easier than this. And yet here we are, with vague testimonials and accounts where we have to just take someone's word for it that they're real. Well, I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it for me.