A Maoist is one who follows the communist dictates of Mao. The Progressive party of the current administration follows the dictatorial practices of Mao, through their use of executive orders, and the taking away of individual rights by over regulation and providing a "steel pot" for its supporters. That is like selling snake oil to students to promise unconstitutional waving of debt, and financing abortions at will, in exchange for votes. Probably high on your list of priorities. Truth may be considered "bigotry" to the "woke", but the day of the "woke" is approaching night. Demography as well as communism (developed socialism) is killing the Chinese people, as well as the US, if the younger generation doesn't get out of the basement and develop as productive members of society. Not to say the older generation has done a good job of preserving rights and hard fought for gains. Marxism is the idea of socialism developing into communism. The leaders of the military arm of the Democratic party, in the past being the KKK, is now the BLM, whose primary leadership are trained Marxist. It was the Nazi's, National Socialist German Workers' Party, who were taught by the staff of Roosevelt in the art of the Democratic partie's Jim Crow practice to Hitler, with regard to handling the Jews. It is the communist (Marxist) based Soviet Union, which was based on Marxism, which the present leader dictatorial Putin, is trying to revive, who calls Ukraine Marxist. Democratic Japan has worse demographics than China, yet they saw the writing on the wall, and shipped their manufacturing around the world, and most Japanize cars sold in the US are assembled in the US, and they are replacing their aging workers with robots. The Chinese had a one child policy which killed their demographics, whereas Japan pays women to have children, although they refuse to do so, and now pays a family of two, up to $50,000 to move out of Tokyo. China and Russia are dictatorial states, whose aim is to remain in power, by the means of suppressed speech, and false shaming, much in line with the current US administration and their minions. The US was founded on "in God we trust". China and Russia were based on the Marxist theory that there is no God, and Lenin (socialist theory) is their god. The policy of the Progressives is that they are their own god, and the end justifies the means. Their "faith" is in the policies of Lenin, and as with all communist (based on socialism) regimes, they end in "destruction", much like the religions based on the false prophet Paul (Matthew 7:13-15), will soon "fall" (Matthew 7:24-27), whose initial god was Peter, but now by way of the pope and Paul's appointed preachers.