My sins are forgiven because Jesus Christ gave
His life, was buried and rose from the dead. It is finished - debt is paid, Veil of the temple torn in two top to bottom, fulfilled Isaiah 52-53,Psalm 22. No more sacrifices needed year after year because they were satisfied once and for all for those coming to God through Jesus Christ.
Otherwise where is your atonement, your blood sacrifice for sin? There is no temple because the old covenant is obsolete. If you fail just one time to keep the commandments you’re guilty of all, the soul that sins will die, no one can keep the law perfectly except Jesus Christ and He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World.
I’m under the New Covenant Jesus Christ established at the last Passover before He died.
Being born again and living a Holy life, a royal priesthood, chosen generation, presenting our bodies as living sacrifices why? Because of the love He showed us at the Cross, giving his life for us, we do the same because we love God.
You misunderstand the sacrament- Your Sins are not forgiven because the Scapegoat dies --- your sins are forgiven because you asked for repentance . there is no forgiveness without repentence goat .. or no goat. The Scapegoat is the payment had to be made on your behalf for that forgiveness to be granted upon repentence . . should the sin be other than the unforgivable .. and then u in deep doo doo