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Cain's Sacrifice.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No one has ever come outside of their sense perceptions to see if they, the sense perceptions, bear any semblance whatsoever, to what we sense. In fact, we know for a fact that all that exists outside our sense perceptions is a bloomin buzzin confusion.
You rely on your sense perceptions even when you're asleep, to keep you safe and to achieve your purposes in the world external to you. You know that we have instruments to detect for us and to measure phenomena that our senses aren't good at, eg light frequencies above and below our evolved range. If you don't think a real world is out there, how is it that you had parents,that you breathe air, drink water, eat food, post on RF?

Or are you saying that because we know enough about reality to state with some clarity the range and limitations of our senses, this entitles us to invent entities with our imagination and then assert their reality?
Do you know of any person who has ever been "out there in reality"?
Yes, 100 % of the people I know, including you.
Unfortunately there is nothing or nowhere outside the flesh and blood between the ears. That is where all reality is.
In that case you'll have no problem holding your breath for an hour. Let me know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Why yes. Of course. Jesus of Nazareth was slain by a rather wicked abuse of the law by the interpreters and guardians of that law. The hymn says: "He could have called, ten-thousand angels, to destroy the world, and set him free; he could have called, ten-thousand angels; but he died alone, for you and me."

Deuteronomy 28:7

7 The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.

Acts 7:58-60

58 And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.

59 And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

60 And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Do you understand this to mean that those who Follow Truly in the Footsteps of Yeshua/Jesus will also be Slain by the Wicked One Cain?

In the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament Consistently when Israel are Obedient to the Laws of Elohim/God Israel Prevails over their Enemies Under Elohim's/God's Protection while in the Greek Scriptures/New Testament Stephen, for example, although Obedient to the Laws of Elohim/God, is given over to the hand of Murdering Cain. How do you Reconcile these Lessons?
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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
. . . are you saying that because we know enough about reality to state with some clarity the range and limitations of our senses, this entitles us to invent entities with our imagination and then assert their reality?

Yes. Using our imagination, coupled with faith that the world we live in is contrived to a very substantial degree, we're in the process of transforming so-called reality.


It took a lot of imagination, and the belief that so-called reality is malleable, in order to get this thing off the ground.


On the other hand, there's still unimaginative peoples and tribes on the planet who, because they don't think man is the measure of all things, and don't think reality is malleable to man, take pride in spear-chucking as about as far as you can go, technologically speaking, without upsetting mother nature such that she throws you a good beating.

Today, Western Civilization sees the separation of these two kinds of peoples in the binary argumentation employed by means of two primary ideologies, Left versus Right. The Left is, to this day, terrified mother nature is going to punish us for our technological prowess by heating up the planet, or some other natural disaster (see the penultimate scene in Avatar), which they consider justified by reason of the evil technological inclinations of the Right.

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Well-Known Member
Yes. Using our imagination, coupled with faith that the world we live in is contrived to a very substantial degree, we're in the process of transforming so-called reality.

View attachment 98581

It took a lot of imagination, and the belief that so-called reality is malleable, in order to get this thing off the ground.

View attachment 98582

On the other hand, there's still unimaginative peoples and tribes on the planet who, because they don't think man is the measure of all things, and don't think reality is malleable to man, take pride in spear-chucking as about as far as you can go, technologically speaking, without upsetting mother nature such that she throws you a good beating.

Today, Western Civilization sees the separation of these two kinds of peoples in the binary argumentation employed by means of two primary ideologies, Left versus Right. The Left is, to this day, terrified mother nature is going to punish us for our technological prowess by heating up the planet, or some other natural disaster (see the penultimate scene in Avatar), which they consider justified by reason of the evil technological inclinations of the Right.


Nooo, you went political!!! Why??

Here is a meme from the good men of South Park (one who is Jewish), should we consider the key words reality, senses, and 100%.


Ask and this post shall be deleted.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Nooo, you went political!!! Why??

Here is a meme from the good men of South Park (one who is Jewish), should we consider the key words reality, senses, and 100%.

View attachment 98588

Ask and this post shall be deleted.

I don't understand the meme? I'm slow that way.

I went political, and then deleted the political statement (in order to not go political). I left (so to say) the ideological statement right (so to say) where it was.

Yes, ideology (left vs. right) is quasi-political. But my experience in a forum like this, as well as in the brick and mortar world, is that the left considers itself, and is often considered, apolitical, such that in the thinking of the left, the only ideology that exists is the right. In that worldview (i.e., the left), reality is leftist. Morality is leftist. Which means the left isn't even a pole on a spectrum. It's just the natural, good, element of existence itself: the ideological right, being the pimple on the arse of an otherwise pimple-less reality, that upsets the apple-cart (if you can forgive the mixed metaphor).

To the extent this is the case, ideology becomes philosophical. And where philosophy is appreciated as a hand-maiden of theology . . . well . . . here I am.:)

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blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yes. Using our imagination, coupled with faith that the world we live in is contrived to a very substantial degree, we're in the process of transforming so-called reality.
That simply means that our perception and our understanding of reality alter over time and place. Reality remains the same.

So as I said at the start, we are going to disagree.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the meme? I'm slow that way.

I went political, and then deleted the political statement (in order to not go political). I left (so to say) the ideological statement right (so to say) where it was.

Yes, ideology (left vs. right) is quasi-political. But my experience in a forum like this, as well as in the brick and mortar world, is that the left considers itself, and is often considered, apolitical, such that in the thinking of the left, the only ideology that exists is the right. In that worldview (i.e., the left), reality is leftist. Morality is leftist. Which means the left isn't even a pole on a spectrum. It's just the natural, good, element of existence itself: the ideological right, being the pimple on the arse of an otherwise pimple-less reality, that upsets the apple-cart (if you can forgive the mixed metaphor).

To the extent this is the case, ideology becomes philosophical. And where philosophy is appreciated as a hand-maiden of theology . . . well . . . here I am.:)


I believe the meme shows a man, to the right of the Jewish gentleman, degrading himself by indulging in the senses of his...creative bubbles of "rightality".

Unfortunately the Jewish gentleman on the left degrades himself by watching such a degradation take place and saying...nothing

In the end, left and right are just directions on the Cain-like infinite circle-jerk know as ideologies, such that one should take care when exploring such philosophies especially when they self-proclaim the titles of "hand" and "maiden" as the right-she-is label of (Christian) theology.
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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
That simply means that our perception and our understanding of reality alter over time and place. Reality remains the same.

It seems like perception and reality go hand in hand. For instance, at one time Newtonian physics seemed like the best expression of reality we had. But then quantum physics came along and showed that Newtonian physics wasn't as comprehensive as we thought. Who's to say in the near or far future something far beyond quantum physics (so far as undermining our understanding of reality) won't come along? And then something else after that.

Key point being, aboriginal peoples know nothing about reality as it's expressed in either Newtonian physics, or quantum physics, just as we are ourselves probably like aborigines in comparison to some far future civilization whose technological prowess, and understanding of reality, we can't even begin to imagine.

Point being, beings, us, either imagine new possibilities and then make them so, so to say, or we keep grinding corn with rocks believing reality is set, and that if you tinker with it, you might unleash global warming or worse.

So as I said at the start, we are going to disagree.

Disagreement is probably good. It could mean we're not just sitting with our legs crossed around a stone bowl grinding corn smiling at one another while the lady folk fetch water in the swine-belly-membrane fashioned to stay on their head for long journeys to and from the local watering hole. You know, like our forefathers have been doing for eons and eons as guardians of the status quo nature allotted us.

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Well-Known Member
They're difficult to reconcile. So when I'm depressed and confused about it, I just read Psalms 73.

Philippians 4:11

11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

Having Absolute Certainty that Elohim/God is in Charge in Every Situation Annihilates Depression and Confusion. Given that you are Totally Devoted to Elohim/God, you are Protected for the Finished Work that Elohim/God has given you to do. Stephen Completed his Work and Elohim/God Received Stephen at the time that Elohim/God Ordained.

The Realisation that Elohim/God is in Charge in Every Situation Is Freedom!