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Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?

Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 92.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters


I disagree. I'm gay. It's not my entire life. It really only dictates the people I'm attracted to, and who I would date.

There's a lot more to me. I'm also a Christian, a son, a brother, a cousin, a nephew, an uncle. I have a job, responsibilities, a home, friends, etc. I have hobbies, I like to work out, lift, run, read, I'm into cars, movies, etc.

Being gay, is hardly an overwhelming part of my life.
then that only serves to point oput that we're not so different after all. personally, i think no different of you or anyone else for being gay. its true that im not around it that much, and that i am admittedly ignorant of the lifestyle in general, but my opinion on it is as it is.

do i have a problem with gay people? no, not at all. i cant help but ignorantly wonder why they're gay, but likewise they probably wonder why im straight.

does god have a problem with gay people? im not gonna dress anything up here. the bible clearly states that god thinks homosexualtiy is a sin, but its not unique. many things are sins.

BTW, jesus spent more time talking about perversive heterosexuality then he did homsexuality. this is probably because if a child is born illigitamtely, the consequences can potentially be much greater than those of being homsexual.

i apologize if ive offended anyone, but ive thought the issue through thouroughly, and i stand where is stand.


Actually, Jesus never said anything about homosexuality

i thought that was my point. likewise he never said anything about abortion, yet both are hot political topics for conservative christians nowadays. i am both conservative(to an extent) and christian, but i won't get cought up in the poltical aspects of such debates. still tho, common sense is a powerful tool given to us by god, and should be used accordingly.

anyhow, i think ive made both my point and my stance clear, no further deliberations will go anywhere


Active Member
I'm a Christian, but I have a big problem seeing why homosexuality is a sin. Alright, it's not in accordance with our anatomy as far as procreation goes... but what is morally wrong with it?

But, just for the sake of argument, let's assume it's a sin. I think Mr. Morden touched on this already, but I'll say it again just for fun. All Christians are sinners, hetero- and homosexuals alike. Homosexuality is just one of many, many sins people are guilty of.


Well-Known Member
Yes, gays can be good Christians. Maybe even better than the Christians who hate them. Most gays have gone through a lot of pain. They can identify with the persecution of Christ. They can bask in the knowledge that Christ died that they be forgiven (I don't mean being forgiven for homosexuality, since it's not a choice).


Lightkeeper said:
Yes, gays can be good Christians. Maybe even better than the Christians who hate them. Most gays have gone through a lot of pain. They can identify with the persecution of Christ. They can bask in the knowledge that Christ died that they be forgiven (I don't mean being forgiven for homosexuality, since it's not a choice).
Excellent post, Lightkeeper! Frubals to you. :)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
QUOTE : Rich [Years ago, a friend of mine blew his brains out because he couldn't reconcile his gayness with his devout Catholic beliefs. I think that is so sad.]
That is so sad; one cannot imagine the mental torture he must have gone through !

QUITE: Groovydancer [I'm a Christian, but I have a big problem seeing why homosexuality is a sin. Alright, it's not in accordance with our anatomy as far as procreation goes... but what is morally wrong with it?

But, just for the sake of argument, let's assume it's a sin. I think Mr. Morden touched on this already, but I'll say it again just for fun. All Christians are sinners, hetero- and homosexuals alike. Homosexuality is just one of many, many sins people are guilty of.]

I see the way your thoughts are running, but I cannot reconcile accepting homosexuality as a sin. If you saw a child born with one arm, would that be a sin on his part ? Is that not a 'parallel' to homosexuality. I can't imagine that people suddenly say, "O.K, I think I'll become gay today, just for the fun of it" - they are still persecuted by many narrow minded people; life is hard for them; I cannot see it as being a sin.
QUOTE : Lightkeeper [Yes, gays can be good Christians. Maybe even better than the Christians who hate them. Most gays have gone through a lot of pain. They can identify with the persecution of Christ. They can bask in the knowledge that Christ died that they be forgiven (I don't mean being forgiven for homosexuality, since it's not a choice).]

That is a good point; it even reinforces my belief that to suffer is a 'learning curve' - that to be truly empathic ( which, to me is an essential part of the human psyche ) we all need to experience as much as possible in all aspects of life in order to understand nature better. I think it also reinforces my belief that 'second hand' experience is worth less than first hand.:)


Active Member
michel said:

I see the way your thoughts are running, but I cannot reconcile accepting homosexuality as a sin. If you saw a child born with one arm, would that be a sin on his part ? Is that not a 'parallel' to homosexuality. I can't imagine that people suddenly say, "O.K, I think I'll become gay today, just for the fun of it" - they are still persecuted by many narrow minded people; life is hard for them; I cannot see it as being a sin.
Completely agreed.


Well-Known Member
I assume that we're talking doctrine. In that case, yes. The only problem Christianity has with homosexuality is a homosexual relationship. Christianity does not condemn homosexuality itself, only a homosexual act. For example, if two questioning girls kiss, that's condemned, and if two homosexuals are just friends, that's not.

I don't agree with this, but this is christianity's 'official' stance.


Captain Obvious
Prima said:
I assume that we're talking doctrine. In that case, yes. The only problem Christianity has with homosexuality is a homosexual relationship. Christianity does not condemn homosexuality itself, only a homosexual act. For example, if two questioning girls kiss, that's condemned, and if two homosexuals are just friends, that's not.

I don't agree with this, but this is christianity's 'official' stance.

I believe you have the correct interpretation, at least for Orthodoxy. Everyone has temptations, and even where someone fails, let it be a pastoral issue, not an issue of condemnation.

I won't speak for those outside the Church, nor will I favor legislation to attack gays and lesbians. The lifestyle of the Church is for those who wish to be a part of her.


Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?
What defines a good Christian? Jesus preceded modern philosophers in turning the assumptions buried in questions back on the ones asking them. A Christian is an admitted failure, that is how you become one. I do not think a homosexual is any "less good" or "more good" of a failure than I or the rest of us are.


Jehovah our God is One
Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?

Sure... If, like the rest of us, they don't act on desires which are against God's law. And I know of men with such desires who have made the effort to refrain from acting on such desires.

So it's possible and many gay men are living according to God's laws and no doubt being richly blessed for it too.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Sure... If, like the rest of us, they don't act on desires which are against God's law. And I know of men with such desires who have made the effort to refrain from acting on such desires.

So it's possible and many gay men are living according to God's laws and no doubt being richly blessed for it too.
We are not even to sin in our hearts So then, just saying we are not to act something out is not correct.


Jehovah our God is One
We are not even to sin in our hearts So then, just saying we are not to act something out is not correct.

James 1:14-15 "But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed* by his own desire.+ 15 Then the desire, when it has become fertile,* gives birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death.

I agree that we must not Harbour wrong desires... but some are born with them and some inherit traits from their parents. Only God can completely eradicate them from our mind and heart. And until that happens It's up to us not to act on them for when we act on them we 'commit sin'.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
James 1:14-15 "But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed* by his own desire.+ 15 Then the desire, when it has become fertile,* gives birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death.

I agree that we must not Harbour wrong desires... but some are born with them and some inherit traits from their parents. Only God can completely eradicate them from our mind and heart. And until that happens It's up to us not to act on them for when we act on them we 'commit sin'.
Do you see what you just did? You tried to act as if what I said was not right.

We are not to even sin in our hearts. We do not make excuses for our sins, as you just did.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Holy crap, 10-year-old thread back from the dead.

And yes, a gay person can make an excellent Christian.