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Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?

Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 92.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Can a gay person be a "good" Christian?


....but let me explain.

Technically, no human is "good" inasmuch as they are not yet perfect. God is perfect -and so is called good. Even Christ said...
Luk 18:19 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.

But.... anyone can become more and more good, and become obedient to God and Christ in any point of the letter and spirit of the law -thereby becoming better Christians.

However, it is extremely unlikely -perhaps impossible -that any human will be completely without sin during this life.

From here, it is a matter of how one defines "gay" -and how one who is thereby "gay" chooses to act.

The commandment concerning adultery includes not having sex before or outside of "marriage" -which is actually a man and a woman becoming one flesh and remaining together to the exclusion of all others while both are alive.

It is important to understand that the law applies to the creation as intended. For example.... how can an intersex person NOT break the law -as they are of mixed sexuality?

The law should still be kept -but it has to be applied to each specific case -which can include other things which make up sexual identity. One must be willing to obey the law, even if their present state makes it challenging. Is the individual seeking to obey the law in all other points? If one is not actually concerned with keeping the law -there is little point in considering the particulars until they are.

In the case of "homosexuality" -strictly in the sense of same sex sexual acts -they are against the law -and therefore sin -and not "good" -as are the thoughts and decisions which precede them.

However -urges and tendencies aren't actually sin -they are by nature. They are not always something one can choose to have or not have -but we are to overcome our nature by decision. We are to master it and rule our own minds and bodies.

Again -the law applies to the intended state of distinct males and females -which means that the law considers it possible that distinct males and females can engage in homosexual behavior, and that it is against the law to do so.

From a standpoint of being "born that way" -men and women are generally born sexual -and express sexuality in just about any and every way, and even make up new ways all the time -but are to limit the consideration and expression thereof to obedience to the law. Therefore, just because one has a homosexual thought, urge or attraction -and were born able to do so -is not, in itself, an excuse for the law.
We are to "orient" our own selves sexually to obey the law regardless of any other factor which may orient our sexuality -but orientation and identity are two different things.

It may be possible that gender distinctness can be mixed within the actual construction of the mind as it is with sexual organs -but we are only beginning to study such things in detail.
The only concession which might be made under the law would be if one were actually, physiologically, "intersex" in a way which was not readily apparent -but because it would not be readily apparent, it would also be easy to assume such were true (or false) without knowing it to be so. Even so -one would still be responsible to keep the law as it could be applied.

From here it becomes a very complex issue -and really requires an individual to be very honest with themselves and God, to consider and study the matter -and honestly apply the law to their own situation.


Sheppard for the Die Hard
Believing in Jesus is not enough, we have to obey Jesus.

The message is real simple. Christians can oversimplify it all they want, but the message is really simple. Call upon the name of the lord and you shall be saved. EVERYTHING else, in reference to whats enough and what isn't, is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
When one becomes a Christian they are doing so to be reconciled to God.

We are to die to the flesh and our spirit comes alive by obeying Jesus.

Most people are born into Christianity, turn to it when feeling a spiritual need because it is culturally dominant or adopt it as an excuse to advertise their self-righteousness, or a mix of the three.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
You are the one in a Christian thread about Christians.

This thread is in the Religious Debates area, as a matter of fact.

Do you want God's Truth, or your truth?

Why do you expect a choice to even make sense?

If there is a choice, why would God be a liar and/or deluded?
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Oh how I love the Word of God!
The message is real simple. Christians can oversimplify it all they want, but the message is really simple. Call upon the name of the lord and you shall be saved. EVERYTHING else, in reference to whats enough and what isn't, is irrelevant.
That is not true. People call ON THE NAME OF THE LORD AFTER confessing and repenting of their sins.

We call on the name of the Lord for help after we confess and repent of our sins.

We have to obey. We call on his name AFTER we confess and REPENT of our sins.

Acts 22:16
And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name

Did you read that?

We call on Jesus to help us after we admit we are sinners, confess, and repent of our sins.

Acts 2:21
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'

Romans 10:13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be


Oh how I love the Word of God!
This thread is in the Religious Debates area, as a matter of fact.

Why do you expect a choice to even make sense?

If there is a choice, why would God be a liar and/or deluded?

I do not understand what you are trying to say.

The Bible says that the devil confuses people to keep them from God's Truth.

There are many denominations, and all of them teach falseness.

Even Solomon the son of David had to search for God.

We search for God by getting Jesus' teachings.

We find God by obeying Jesus' teachings.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Luke 6:46 "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?

If we say Jesus is our Lord, then we had better be obeying him.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Being saved is about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It has nothing to do with joining a denomination.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Most people are born into Christianity, turn to it when feeling a spiritual need because it is culturally dominant or adopt it as an excuse to advertise their self-righteousness, or a mix of the three.
We cannot be born into Christianity. We think we are saved when our parents tell us we were baptized as infants, or we believe we are saved because we go to the church of our parents choosing.

Again, even Solomon the son of David had to search for God.

We all are to search for God.

We are told to search for God.

We search for God by getting Jesus' teachings.

We find God by obeying Jesus' teachings.

I am telling things that many do not know.

I am trying to help those who want to know God better.

I am interfering with the devils works.


Well-Known Member
We cannot be born into Christianity. We think we are saved when our parents tell us we were baptized as infants, or we believe we are saved because we go to the church of our parents choosing.

Again, even Solomon the son of David had to search for God.

We all are to search for God.

We are told to search for God.

We search for God by getting Jesus' teachings.

We find God by obeying Jesus' teachings.

I am telling things that many do not know.

I am trying to help those who want to know God better.

I am interfering with the devils works.

Plenty of people are born into Christianity. Christianity, whether you like it or not, is not a religious identity defined solely by Protestant fundamentalism and evangelicalism. Those are little more than historical blips in the grand scheme of things.

Even we non-Christians are often ex-Christians and culturally Christian, in the sense of celebrating Christmas, for example, or appreciating the aesthetic of Christianity, if not the theology.

In any event, your brand of Christianity is just an option available under the Christian heading of the religious menu these days. When you speak, you speak for yourself, not "Christianity."
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Oh how I love the Word of God!
The fact that a Chris

Plenty of people are born into Christianity.
No one is born a Christian

Christianity, whether you like it or not, is not a religious identity defined solely by Protestant fundamentalism and evangelicalism. Those are little more than historical blips in the grand scheme of things.
All denominations teach falseness. There are so many denominations and religions. You have to decide if you want God's Truth or some denomination's truth, or some crazy belief some people come up with on their own.

Even we non-Christians are often ex-Christians and culturally Christian, in the sense of celebrating Christmas, for example, or appreciating the aesthetic of Christianity, if not the theology.
Celebrating Christmas does not make one a Christian. Going to church does not make one a Christian. Going to church shows me that you bought into someone's false teachings.

In any event, your brand of Christianity is just an option available under the Christian heading of the religious menu these days. When you speak, you speak for yourself, not "Christianity."
I am telling everyone to look to the written Word of God. I am telling everyone how they can know for themselves what God's Truth is.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Yes. I'm a queer Christian. Don't know about "good", but I try. :p No, I don't think that LGBTQ people were made to be celibate by God. That's just a cruel idea. The Church's teachings on that subject need to be revised. In fact, the Catholic Church's sexual teachings as a whole are pretty much impossible for 99% of all people to fully live up to and just creates endless cycles of guilt tripping (which itself can turn into a dirty little fetish, haha.). If you're an asexual, you're gold. :rolleyes:
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Oh how I love the Word of God!
Yes. I'm a queer Christian. Don't know about "good", but I try. :p No, I don't think that LGBTQ people were made to be celibate by God. That's just a cruel idea. The Church's teachings on that subject need to be revised. In fact, the Catholic Church's sexual teachings as a whole are pretty much impossible for 99% of all people to fully live up to and just creates endless cycles of guilt tripping (which itself can turn into a dirty little fetish, haha.). If you're an asexual, you're gold. :rolleyes:
The Catholic denomination does not teach God's Truth.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Oh, I'm sure your little denomination or personal interpretation knows all about God's truth and the rest of us suckers in liturgical Christianity have been lost in the darkness for almost 2,000 years, right? Spare me. :rolleyes:
You prove your beliefs are false when you said you were a queer Christian.

Those in Christ are new creatures.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Judging from what you said here, you have no idea Who Jesus is, so don't try to talk to me about Christ.

Show one scripture which says we can be queer Christians, and Christian thieves, etc.

You want to tell me about Jesus, then show me where the Bible says what you say.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Show one scripture which says we can be queer Christians, and Christian thieves, etc.

You want to tell me about Jesus, then show me where the Bible says what you say.

Such a concept didn't exist back then, so how could the Bible say anything about it? They didn't have the understanding of sexual orientation as we do now.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Such a concept didn't exist back then, so how could the Bible say anything about it? They didn't have the understanding of sexual orientation as we do now.
They had the Apostles themselves teaching them personally, and the letters from them.

They also had the Old Testament scriptures. All scripture is God breathed and useful.