There is only one way to answer this question it seems.
With a big resounding :
I have been told ( don't fully understand it, if i did i would be much more advanced),
that the scriptures especially the least corrupted ones, are written in the language of the soul.
The only way i know how to describe it is like this:
If you have ever sat outside on a lazy summer day and watched the clouds with someone you will understand.
There is more than one picture in a cloud, everyone sees something different.
And they are fluid, like the truth is fluid, it grows along with your ability to understand.
So because the wind moves them we see many things in the same cloud as we continue to look at it.
In the same way, as we apply what we learn from the scriptures and our spirit moves us we see something different in the same thing we just read yesterday.
Trying to get someone to see a cloud from our perspective takes away the enjoyment of them discovering something for themselves.
We should apply this to the creation story and all of scripture.
We are not teachers not one of us.
We are all students of ourselves and nothing more.
The creation story like the rest of scripture must be an allegory.
It represents so many things to so many people that to take it literally would be to negate every other perspective.
I am not prepared to judge everyone else as wrong and declare myself as correct.