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Can Atheists/Non-religious Lead Completely Moral Lives?


Well-Known Member
If there is no objective/universal moral, doesn't it make all moral irrelevant, because anyone can choose whatever they want, and there is no way to say which is the correct moral?
No it doesn't. What is moral is defined by us. Yes people can choose to be immoral but still most choose to be good or at least to try to be good. this same choice exists even if there were absolute morals which seems to me to make the need for objective morality irrelevant as it changes nothing about how people act.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
If there is no objective/universal moral, doesn't it make all moral irrelevant, because anyone can choose whatever they want, and there is no way to say which is the correct moral?

Morality is not a religious idea. Social animals (including humans) need a morality in order to be social, i.e. a set of guidelines accepted by the group that is needed to keep the group together.
That said morality evolved long before religion was even though of.
Later, religion being religion adapted morality for their own purpose to exclude those not of their religion.
Personally i would take the original morality that is inherent in social animals anytime above the selfish religious
morality that divides.


Veteran Member
Even if what the "religion" says is true?
Give us an example of any religion that is true. It's certainly not Chriostianity. No religion has ever demonstrated any god exists, so right away they make fantastic claims that can't be accepted as true by rational minds.
It is amazing how often they seem to be related. But, maybe it is wrong to make generalizations from people I have seen.
Democrats are not communists. And "leftists" are not liberals. You using these words exposes your far right wing disinformation. If you want to be taken seriously, be accurate, be truthful.
Bible allows people to read only small part of it. That doesn't make Bible guilty for that people misuse it.
The fact is that the Bible is vague, and so poorly written that believers can interpret it any way they want. That's how the world ended up with Christians who burn people alive for witchcraft. And trade in slavery. And can commit the Holocaust. And can spread the fraud of creationism. And vote for Trump. These examples show the corruption of Christianity and how it doesn't serve humanity in the context of what Jesus taught. In essence Christianity can't make bad people good.
It is to show that the wrong actions don't really come from the Bible, but from the ignorant/evil people.
It didn't work on those Christians who committed the Holocaust. So what is the point of the Bible and Christianity if it isn't effective? This thread os about whether atheists can be moral, and the evidence is that they can. But it's also clear that religion doesn't make people good. So in essence all we have to do is look at individual character and action. Being an atheist or Christian is irrelevant. So quoting the Bible means nothing. It can actually illustrate how bad a Christian is when they condemn others with the text, and claim their interpretation has an authority it doesn't have.
How can a person be called a conservative, if he has rejected what is said in the Bible? Sounds more like a progressive person.
Because there is political conservatism. Reagan was successful in mingling the evangelicals (notoriously conservative) with republican politics (which had been fairly moderate up until then). Remember the SCOTUS of the 70's was largely republican and valued broad rights, which is why they ruled in favor of Roe v Wade. Conservatives at the time valued women's rights and abortion was considered a right. It's been the influence of the religious extremists that have created the far right and it's political power. There are some atheists who are far right conservtives, and surely a few evangelicals who still have some craps of morals left who won't vote for Trump and MAGA. These two exceptions are a very rare category.
Climate has changed as long as earth has existed. Interesting, if someone doesn't believe that. However, I would not call that immoral, if person doesn't believe something that can't be demonstrated to be true.
Climate change denialism is another issue that conservatives have created, and evangelicals have gone along with. Look at what you say here, it illustrates that far right politics has influenced you with disinformation. And aren't you a creationist? When Christians deny science it illustrates the negative influence of conservatism in American society. Evem when the well educated point this out Christians aren't embarrassed, they are defiant and revel in their ignorance.
Do you believe the climate will change, if we just buy enough electric cars and so save the car industry, that seems to have invented the climate hysteria? Is it not disturbing that the solutions for all problems/crises in this world is more power and money for the rulers? Is it not at all suspicious?
I accept what experts in various areas of science report and advise. The data is showing a rapit heating up of the planet, and the predictions of more severe weather is happening NOW. Insurance companies are paying out more and more in claims and they are raising the rates of all of us. We know the earth's climate changes over time, but never has it changed as FAST as it has since the industrial revolution. I guess you work hard every day to deny the extreme heat that has affected the whole planet. You need to ignore the increasing number of tropical storms and severe weather that is hitting many places in the world. The Atlantic has had two hurricanes in the last two weeks. Did you even know this? Ernesto just hit puerto Rico. Last week a hurricane hit Florida and the Carolinas. It's going to get worse due to the rising heat in the oceans.
And you know there will be no end times?
It's a stupid concept, and as irrational and absurd as the Jesus myth. Look at the hundreds of times Christians have predicted the End Times.

Thios is Christianity at work. It can't be taken seriously. It illustrates how so many are desperate for meaning in their lives and attach their egos to religious dogma, especially Bad News. The human brain evolved from primal roots, and our species is still very fearful. We want emotional; security and answers. Even though religions are not factual they are used by undisciplined minds for security. This is why I don't like children being indoctrinated in religion, and should be taught memntal fitness, critical thinking skill, and an appreciation for science. We need thinkers going into the future, not believers.
I believe what is said in the Bible, because I think it's teachings are good, true and come true as said in it.
Why not think for yourself? Atheists can. What would prevent you from owning slaves if other Baptists around you owned them and justified with the Bible? What would prevent you from being a Lutheran and helping round up Jews in 1940's Germany when others around you wee doing it too? That is how followers behave. The Bible gives followers a reason to be immoral.
What is "Christianity"? In Biblical point of view Christian means a disciple of Jesus, and person is a disciples of Jesus, if he remains in word of Jesus.
Yet we don't see much Jesus in the beliefs and actions of Christians.
Jesus therefore said to those Jews who had believed him, “If you remain in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 8:31-32

I want to do so, because I think Jesus and his teachings are great.
And what does this mean, in reality? Do you know the truth? How do you test your beliefs if you've already decided you have the truth?
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Veteran Member
I think people can always explain why wrong is right, if they want. Doesn't mean they are correct.
How are you different? Because you believe you have the truth? So do Muslims. So do Mormons, and JW's. The KKK, a Christian organization, thinks they are correct.

Where in the Bible does it teach a believer how to check their own beliefs? Where is the method?
But it shows to me that moral is arbitrary if God doesn't define it.
God wrote in the Bible "not to suffer witches" and Christians killed about 30,000 people in the 17th century. So you must belkieve it's OK to torture and execute witches, yes? God gave rules about how to manage slaves, so American Baptists knew they could own slaves. So I take it you agree that God said slavery is OK as long as you follow his rules?


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Perhaps just being human leads to immoral behavior.

So then, can the non-religious become moral agents?
Moral: conforming to a standard of right behavior.
Yes being material and animalistic in nature makes us inherently immoral

We developed an understanding of what is beneficial and acceptable behaviour over what is not beneficial and unacceptable behaviour

Religion doesn’t make you anymore moral than an atheist, and vice versa
Neither party have a moral high ground, but funny enough I instantly concede that religious people, specifically those who follow their books of Choice to the dot, are probably less moral than atheists are

As those morals are that of the old world and hasn’t evolved with time and as society presents new problems and scientific knowledge grows…
In general religious based morals have been falling behind in certain areas


Premium Member
If there is no objective/universal moral, doesn't it make all moral irrelevant, because anyone can choose whatever they want, and there is no way to say which is the correct moral?
No, morals and ethics are the result of the social evolution required for the survival of the human family and tribe. Without morals and ethics humanity could not survive as a species. This is true of all higher primates, ie Great Apes, have simple forms of morals and ethics. needed to survive.


Premium Member
No it doesn't. What is moral is defined by us. Yes people can choose to be immoral but still most choose to be good or at least to try to be good. this same choice exists even if there were absolute morals which seems to me to make the need for objective morality irrelevant as it changes nothing about how people act.
Probably not totally defined by us, morals and ethics evolved as human nature to ensure our survival as a species.


Well-Known Member
There are ways to encourage/enforce a commonality of moralism. Not to say one can't develop an individual set of morals but they will usually get crushed by a preponderance cultural/peer reinforcement of a common set of values. Everything from reading Aesop's Fables as a kid to Saturday morning cartoons to education, religious authority, movies, books etc... have come together to program a set of common morals within you according to what the society you find yourself in sees as acceptable.

The people who take it on themselves to be moral authorities have been manipulated/programmed in the same way.
This indicates that there is always some higher source for morality and that it is not evolved.
There are issues when different cultures come together that have different moral programming....
Interestingly I don't think my morals are programmed by culture.


Well-Known Member
Give us an example of any religion that is true. It's certainly not Chriostianity.
How do you know it is not true?
No religion has ever demonstrated any god exists, so right away they make fantastic claims that can't be accepted as true by rational minds.
I don't think it is meaningful/useful to prove God exists. I believe God exists, because I don't think Bible or life would exist without Him.
Democrats are not communists.
They seem to act and speak like communists.
The fact is that the Bible is vague, and so poorly written that believers can interpret it any way they want.
Only if they ignore vast part of it. Anything can be interpreted like that, if read like that way.
That's how the world ended up with Christians who burn people alive for witchcraft.
If the people would read your text the same ways as they read the Bible, also your words "burn people alive for witchcraft" could be used to burn witches as that is what you said. Very evil way to read.
And can spread the fraud of creationism.
And vote for Trump.
Why not, are they not living in a democracy?
So what is the point of the Bible and Christianity if it isn't effective?
What do you mean with "effective"? Should Bible force everyone to love their neighbor as themselves?
This thread os about whether atheists can be moral, and the evidence is that they can.
I think everyone can be, many just are not.
So quoting the Bible means nothing.
When you do so?
...valued women's rights and abortion was considered a right...
Should men also have the right to kill their babies?
....won't vote for Trump and MAGA. ..
Why do you think America should not be great again?
Climate change denialism is another issue that conservatives have created, and evangelicals have gone along with.
I think it is not wise to deny that climate has always changed. But, it is also not wise to think buying more electric cars and giving more money and power for the politicians would change it. The whole climate change hysteria is evil scam, apparently formed by car industry to sell more products.
...The data is showing a rapit heating up of the planet, and the predictions of more severe weather is happening NOW...
Perhaps you should study how the data is collected.
but never has it changed as FAST as it has since the industrial revolution.
Sorry, I don't believe that.
I guess you work hard every day to deny the extreme heat that has affected the whole planet.
I don't think there is extreme heat that has not happened many times before modern age. And I am sure that buying more electric cars will not have any positive effect on that or on nature. But, make no mistake, I appreciate if people take care of nature, even without end time prophesies about climate doom. It is wise to take care of nature, plant trees and not buy a new car, even if the politicians are desperate to sell them for everyone.
You need to ignore the increasing number of tropical storms and severe weather that is hitting many places in the world. The Atlantic has had two hurricanes in the last two weeks. Did you even know this?
I don't think it is unusual. And there can be many reasons for that. If there has been warmer now than in previous years, it is most likely because sun has been more active, which is shown for example from more common auroras. It is actually fascinating that weather and temperatures can be predicted quite well from the activity of sun. Usually after we know there has been more activity, weather will be warmer after that. And on the other hand, when there is less activity, weather is cooler. I think it is stupid to think it has much to do with CO2. The reason why CO2 is picked as the problem is that it is nice way for governments to tax people.
It's a stupid concept, and as irrational and absurd as the Jesus myth. Look at the hundreds of times Christians have predicted the End Times.
Reminds me of climate prophets who have even worse track record.

But, it is stupid, if Christians gives exact dates, when even Jesus told he doesn't know the day.

But no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Matt. 24:36
What would prevent you from owning slaves
Firstly, I think it is possible only if the person voluntarily wants to be slave, if we go by what is said in the Bible. And secondly, I don't want to have a slave. And, if I would want to have a slave, I would do the same as politicians and make people just pay taxes. That way I would avoid the responsibilities that owner has, but would get the benefits of the work of the slaves.
What would prevent you from being a Lutheran and helping round up Jews in 1940's Germany when others around you wee doing it too?
For example the words in the Bible.
That is how followers behave. The Bible gives followers a reason to be immoral.
Only if they ignore most of what is said in the book
Yet we don't see much Jesus in the beliefs and actions of Christians.
And that is sad. And also I think that is the one good point atheists bring up.


Well-Known Member
Where in the Bible does it teach a believer how to check their own beliefs? Where is the method?
Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good. Abstain from every form of evil.
1 Thes. 5:21-22
Beloved, don't believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1
God wrote in the Bible "not to suffer witches" and Christians killed about 30,000 people in the 17th century. So you must belkieve it's OK to torture and execute witches, yes?
Why do you think Bible can be shortened to one line? Don't you think the whole book should be read before acting?

If one is a disciple of Jesus ("Christian"), he goes by the teachings of Jesus, who said:

Don't judge, so that you won't be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.
Matt. 7:1-2

And, if one after that thinks, he is still a judge, set by God, according to the law of Moses, he should remember these:

Thus has Yahweh of Hosts spoken, saying, 'Execute true judgment, and show kindness and compassion every man to his brother.
Zech. 7:9
I charged your judges at that time, saying, Hear [the causes] between your brothers, and judge righteously between a man and his brother, and the foreigner who is living with him. You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small and the great alike; you shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's: and the cause that is too hard for you, you shall bring to me, and I will hear it.
Deut. 1:16-17
You shall not spread a false report. Don't join your hand with the wicked to be a malicious witness. You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; neither shall you testify in court to side with a multitude to pervert justice; neither shall you favor a poor man in his cause.
Exod. 23:1-3
At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he who is to die be put to death; at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
Deut. 17:6

I don't think those who are the most eager to judge, have never even read those. Which lead to question, why do they think they are judges set by God. Interestingly even the Jews didn't think they have the right, when Jesus was judged:

Pilate therefore said to them, "Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law." Therefore the Jews said to him, "It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death,"
John 18:31
God gave rules about how to manage slaves, so American Baptists knew they could own slaves.
So, they think they are Jews? If not, why do they think they have the rights of Jews?
So I take it you agree that God said slavery is OK as long as you follow his rules?
As long as you follow all God's rules, especially these:

Anyone who kidnaps someone and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
Exod. 21:16
You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he be of your brothers, or of your foreigners who are in your land within your gates:… … You shall not wrest the justice [due] to the foreigner, [or] to the fatherless, nor take the wid-ow's clothing to pledge; but you shall remember that you were a bondservant in Egypt, and Yahweh your God redeemed you there: therefore I command you to do this thing.
Deut. 24:14-18
And Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind." (Deut. 6:5) This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Lev. 19:18) On these two commandments all the Law and the Proph-ets hang.
Matt. 22:37-40


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Give us an example of any religion that is true. It's certainly not Chriostianity. No religion has ever demonstrated any god exists, so right away they make fantastic claims that can't be accepted as true by rational minds.

Democrats are not communists. And "leftists" are not liberals. You using these words exposes your far right wing disinformation. If you want to be taken seriously, be accurate, be truthful.

The fact is that the Bible is vague, and so poorly written that believers can interpret it any way they want. That's how the world ended up with Christians who burn people alive for witchcraft. And trade in slavery. And can commit the Holocaust. And can spread the fraud of creationism. And vote for Trump. These examples show the corruption of Christianity and how it doesn't serve humanity in the context of what Jesus taught. In essence Christianity can't make bad people good.

It didn't work on those Christians who committed the Holocaust. So what is the point of the Bible and Christianity if it isn't effective? This thread os about whether atheists can be moral, and the evidence is that they can. But it's also clear that religion doesn't make people good. So in essence all we have to do is look at individual character and action. Being an atheist or Christian is irrelevant. So quoting the Bible means nothing. It can actually illustrate how bad a Christian is when they condemn others with the text, and claim their interpretation has an authority it doesn't have.

Because there is political conservatism. Reagan was successful in mingling the evangelicals (notoriously conservative) with republican politics (which had been fairly moderate up until then). Remember the SCOTUS of the 70's was largely republican and valued broad rights, which is why they ruled in favor of Roe v Wade. Conservatives at the time valued women's rights and abortion was considered a right. It's been the influence of the religious extremists that have created the far right and it's political power. There are some atheists who are far right conservtives, and surely a few evangelicals who still have some craps of morals left who won't vote for Trump and MAGA. These two exceptions are a very rare category.

Climate change denialism is another issue that conservatives have created, and evangelicals have gone along with. Look at what you say here, it illustrates that far right politics has influenced you with disinformation. And aren't you a creationist? When Christians deny science it illustrates the negative influence of conservatism in American society. Evem when the well educated point this out Christians aren't embarrassed, they are defiant and revel in their ignorance.

I accept what experts in various areas of science report and advise. The data is showing a rapit heating up of the planet, and the predictions of more severe weather is happening NOW. Insurance companies are paying out more and more in claims and they are raising the rates of all of us. We know the earth's climate changes over time, but never has it changed as FAST as it has since the industrial revolution. I guess you work hard every day to deny the extreme heat that has affected the whole planet. You need to ignore the increasing number of tropical storms and severe weather that is hitting many places in the world. The Atlantic has had two hurricanes in the last two weeks. Did you even know this? Ernesto just hit puerto Rico. Last week a hurricane hit Florida and the Carolinas. It's going to get worse due to the rising heat in the oceans.

It's a stupid concept, and as irrational and absurd as the Jesus myth. Look at the hundreds of times Christians have predicted the End Times.

Thios is Christianity at work. It can't be taken seriously. It illustrates how so many are desperate for meaning in their lives and attach their egos to religious dogma, especially Bad News. The human brain evolved from primal roots, and our species is still very fearful. We want emotional; security and answers. Even though religions are not factual they are used by undisciplined minds for security. This is why I don't like children being indoctrinated in religion, and should be taught memntal fitness, critical thinking skill, and an appreciation for science. We need thinkers going into the future, not believers.

Why not think for yourself? Atheists can. What would prevent you from owning slaves if other Baptists around you owned them and justified with the Bible? What would prevent you from being a Lutheran and helping round up Jews in 1940's Germany when others around you wee doing it too? That is how followers behave. The Bible gives followers a reason to be immoral.

Yet we don't see much Jesus in the beliefs and actions of Christians.

And what does this mean, in reality? Do you know the truth? How do you test your beliefs if you've already decided you have the truth?
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -- Mahatma Gandhi.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
This indicates that there is always some higher source for morality and that it is not evolved.

Interestingly I don't think my morals are programmed by culture.
But when natural, pro-social behavior is culturally "enhanced" things seem to go South pretty frequently. People override their natural altruism and coöperation with self-serving rationalizations based on their religious doctrine.


Well-Known Member
And when it is defined by people, it can be almost anything, like for example killing Jews. From Nazi point of view a morally good Nazi did so diligently.
If that were the case then why did the Nazi's work so hard to hide the holocausts from the rest of the world? It would seem that if they really thought they were being normal they would have ben very open about the huge amount of "good" they were doing.

And then there is the uncomfortable fact that Nazi's were Christians.
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Why do you believe so? I have not seen any good reason to believe that.

That explains much.

Have you ever observed, or even seen a documentary on, social animal behaviour?

Why? Because groups of early modern humans had to gather together in moral trust before religion could be invented.