Gen 3:4, "You will not surely die."
The Serpent did not lie when he said.."You will not surely die."
You have to understand the conversation between Eve and the Serpent.
Look at the previous verse.....Genesis 3:3
"'but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"
Eve is telling the Serpent that God said.....if you eat the fruit you will surely die.
The Serpent replies concerning the fruit...."You will not surely die." This is a true statement. The fruit didn't kill Adam and Eve. It was not poisonous. There was nothing wrong with the fruit.
God caused the eventual death of Adam and Eve by denying them access to the fruit of the tree of life.
Look at this analogy.....
Let's say a man tells you that if you eat Pizza you will surely die.
I tell you...... you will not surely die. [if you eat Pizza].
Have I lied to you? Does eating Pizza result in death? Of course not. Just as eating fruit does not cause death.
But if after you eat Pizza, the man puts a plastic bag over your head and denies you access to oxygen....does that now make me a liar?