Then why is the faith saying that Baha'u'llah is the prophet of this age, and that other faiths aren't up to date, and have been altered by humans, no longer holding God's original message? Are you now saying Baha'is don't actually believe that?
Yes I believe all are fellow equal human beings. As a Baha’i I consider all people as equals. Baha’is have no special station above other people. We are just ordinary people. No one is an unbeliever but equal in every way.
Actually we see that there is really only one Faith which has progressively evolved throughout the ages. By not moving on to the next stage people have remained divided. For example if all Jews had accepted Christ and all Christians later accepted Muhammad and so on, we would not have been divided. The intention was to continue evolving throughout the ages united. So there was always meant for there to be oneness and unity. But the leaders of religion refused to accept the next Teacher so their followers did not move on and so up until now there are about 8 major divisions or religions when it was always meant to be one.
Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Zoroastrian, Christianity, Islam, Babi and Baha’i Faith. Interestingly although the Babi and Baha’i Faiths are two different Faiths the Babi Faith did move on and accept the next stage so the two Faiths became one as the rest should have.
So now Baha’u’llah is asking humanity to move through & accept all the stages and accept all our past evolution and progress up till now so we can all be on the same page and united as was meant to be. Humans lost our way and became divided and fell into wars and prejudices but now we have the chance to move past these negative things and join together as one family. So there was never any superiority intended. Humanity lost its way and became divided into opposing camps when it failed to accept the new Teacher whenever He appeared. Now it’s an ‘us and them mess’ which Baha’u’llah is attempting to heal through appealing to us tonaccept each other’s religion as we were meant to long ago.
This is the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future.(Baha’u’llah)