It is not just glib, it is a straw man fallacy that reveals a huge intellectual dishonesty from the atheist side. This fallacy was authored by Christopher Hitchens and used in a debate against his brother Peter. It goes to show that Christopher Hitchens cannot be taken seriously when it comes to Christianity. He deliberately uses these fallacies and never addresses the real tenets of Christianity. Regarding your passage about the potter, this passage says that some people are going to end up in hell and God knew it from the start, before he even created them. Now you are telling me that God is responsible for these vessels' sins (you call them failures). However, you forget that the passage also says that these vessels that were destined for hell serve a purpose: to show God's power and justice. God will punish these vessels, His enemies, thereby showing that He is powerful and just. He punishes the wicked. So, these vessels' "failure" is actually God's success.