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Can science disprove the existence of God?

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
Can science disprove the existence of God?

No, it can never ever.
Can science disprove the existence of God?

No, it can never ever.
It does not matter. The burden of proof is on the one making the positive assertion. But you already know that from others telling you that time after time. You just choose to ignore it.

Science is the observation and explanation of the natural world. If a thing is not in or does not materially affect the natural world, it is irrelavant whether it exists or not.


Veteran Member
It does not matter. The burden of proof is on the one making the positive assertion. But you already know that from others telling you that time after time. You just choose to ignore it.
Science is the observation and explanation of the natural world. If a thing is not in or does not materially affect the natural world, it is irrelavant whether it exists or not.

"The burden of proof is on the one making the positive assertion"

Is it from science or religion? Please
Anybody, please

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
Just listen to any of the videos in which Krauss or Dawkins are interviewed. These high-calibre scientists claim that science can prove that God's existence is unlikely. The idea of falsifiability has not been shown to be inadequate by anyone. Some have criticized it, but no one has proven it wrong or inadequate. Regarding the statements that I have presented as unfalsifiable, you cannot demonstrate they are true or that they are false. You may prove that your cat is yellow, but you cannot prove that your cat ought to have been yellow. You cannot prove or disprove any claim about how tall I would have been if I had been born in Nigeria. Come on, man, are you even serious? Tell me how tall I would have been if I had been born in South Africa. LOL.

Saying a thing is unlikely is not the same as saying it is untrue

Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
I am amazed at how many high-calibre scientists are out to demonstrate that science disproves the existence of God.

You claim a wrong claim.. atheist scientists (and all actually) claim that god is not needed based on what we know of the universe.
They claim that there is no evidence that exist or ever intervened in the manners of the universe.

You can't disprove something un-provable

So for that matter, you can't prove there are no invisible entities on earth,
You can't prove there is no real magic,
You can't prove there is no Zeus or angles or demons...
You can only assume the likelihood of things to exist...
Based on the universe as we know it, there is no need for God/s to explain the universe...nor any proof was presented to support the idea of God/s.. thus there is no reason to believe such entity exists.

But... you are entitled to believe as you please... the problem starts when one claims to have the answers that no one yet really have.
This amazes me because in general all science students learn at least a little bit of philosophy of science. One of the most basic principles in philosophy of science is that of falsifiability.
Please note that it is a philosophy...not science... the fact it relates to science, doesn't make it scientific
A statement is falsifiable if there is an observation (either experimental or logical) that can demonstrate that the statement is false.
Its kinda like saying that the only thing is real is what can be proven not to be real...
I think you interpolated it a bit...
I'll explain ahead...

For example, the statement “all cats are black” can easily be disproven by finding a cat that is not black.
Everything can be disproved in that way...

The speed of light limit is falsifiable if you manage to move faster than the SOL
The moon is orbiting earth unless it will not orbit earth
Similarly, the statement “parallel straight lines meet at some point” is false by definition.
That's not even a statement...
as the definition of "parallel" means that they are two lines that will never meet ...
It's like saying squares don't have 4 sides...

However, statements such as “this cat ought to be black” are unfalsifiable because it is impossible to demonstrate what something ought to be.
Have you heard about a scientific fact that started with there ought to be???
Your mixing it up with predictions and ideas...
science might make a prediction based on a theory (one way of validating a theory is to see if its predictions are true)

So.. if my theory says that an arrow always flies right in a certain speed.. and i predict based on my theory that the arrow will at position X after T time.. and it validates, this makes my theory be more likely true...
If in even one time, the prediction is wrong.. then either the theory fails or it is being fine tuned to be more precise.. and than the cycle goes on and on and on...

Another example of an un-falsifiable statement is “if I had been born in Nigeria, I would be two meters tall”. These statements are unscientific because they are un-falsifiable. Science cannot tell us anything about them.
Of course not.. that's a probability question.. you can say than 90% of those born in Nigeria are 2m in height.. than you can calculate the probability of you being 2m if you ere born in Nigeria

It can neither prove them nor disprove them. However, an unfalsifiable statement may be true. For example, “mothers ought to love their children” is unfalsifiable and unscientific, but may be true nonetheless. The existence of God is unfalsifiable. Therefore, science cannot tell us anything about it. Claiming that this is not so is demonstrating a profound ignorance of what science is and is not. Please share your thoughts on the matter.[/QUOTE]

I Agree... and science NEVER claimed that there is no God...
Don't let the Titles of news papers tell you what a scientific theory says... rather read the theory and understand exactly what it argues.

Show me the scientific theory that claims there is no God with a 100% certainty..
There are none..
Science do however narrows the need to explain things using God as we advance in the years.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
Can science disprove the existence of God?

No, it can never ever.

I never say never and I won't begin here! Science would have a difficult, maybe impossible time disproving the existence of God. I am speaking of a 'supernatural' deity like the God of the Hebrew bible. Proving that god exists will be far easier because attempting to prove something that may have no physical or material components can't be achieved with the woefully inadequate tools of science as it exists today. Science can not even describe the workings of a black hole past the event horizon. No wonder there! The doings and goings on that occur after the event horizon are strange indeed! If we dived into a black holes gravity well the gravity would become so great that our brain along with the rest of our body would be spaghettized and only our naked self-awareness would be left to witness our plunge into a timeless never never land filled with seas of infinities. Paradoxical enigmas are the norm and dragons be there mates. They the pop up like a celestial U boat bent on our futures destruction if only their information could escape the black holes singularity through a rabbit hole of Alice's design...or is that a worm hole?.. Ahhh' I digress!

Science describes the material world and universe. God is an immaterial being that exists in an atemporal therefore non-tensed realm man calls heaven. Even though God is outside time and our universe he has chose to link and more importantly interact in and with our material universe by the employ of we christian human beings. Christians and maybe even lesser humans (lol) literally do Gods will on earth, our prayer and relationship with God are a kind of supernatural to natural conduit. So no God can not be proven not to exist by science, additionally without a new physics I doubt that our science will be able to describe what a singularity is much less that God exist or doesn't.
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Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
Science cannot disprove the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Never ever.

So what?

If the FSM had the attributes of God, ie immortality omniscience, etc it would be God. Physical appearance is no guide to anything important... kind of like in our human experiance....

Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
Can science disprove the existence of God?

No, it can never ever.
Why do you keep saying please?

Well.. the point is that one doesn't need to disprove a theory in order to consider it as false.
Imagine how it will be if it was so... you will have thousands of crazy theories all believed to be true while infact no one really knows if its true or not...
Oh.. wait.. That's whats already happening!!!

If someone was to tell you he just had Jesus or Moses or Muhammad or who ever, sitting in his living room and having some tea with him...
Will you be able to prove it was wrong?

If you can't prove it was wrong (And you can't!) will you then say .. Ho.. So it must be true!!!!

How fun it will be.. So i can claim that I have been given a full ownership of the moon by invisible aliens who are in-fact the true owners of the moon as they made it!
Can you prove this is wrong? No.. Please ;)
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Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
He asked you a question. Does God have a measurable impact on what we observe? You answered a question with a question.
Of course not.. as God doesn't Exist... If it were.. i would have...

One cannot (Well he can.. but no one should take his word for it) that there is a force that influence everything in the universe as well as everything everyone is doing.. yet this force has no impact on the universe and no one can ever prove it exists...
Well. it actually might exist in something we call thought...

You can think it exists.. and the mere fact of thinking it can have great affect on yourself...
so in a way.. God exists in the mind of many many people.. this does not make God an objective truth...
And it sure as hell doesn't mean God have any affect on anyone that doesn't think it exists other than crazy people doing things because they think that God thinks it is okay to do those things.... ( good or bad...)...Hmmm
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Science cannot disprove the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Here it is!


Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I am amazed at how many high-calibre scientists are out to demonstrate that science disproves the existence of God. This amazes me because in general all science students learn at least a little bit of philosophy of science. One of the most basic principles in philosophy of science is that of falsifiability. A statement is falsifiable if there is an observation (either experimental or logical) that can demonstrate that the statement is false. For example, the statement “all cats are black” can easily be disproven by finding a cat that is not black. Similarly, the statement “parallel straight lines meet at some point” is false by definition. However, statements such as “this cat ought to be black” are unfalsifiable because it is impossible to demonstrate what something ought to be. Another example of an unfalsifiable statement is “if I had been born in Nigeria, I would be two meters tall”. These statements are unscientific because they are unfalsifiable. Science cannot tell us anything about them. It can neither prove them nor disprove them. However, an unfalsifiable statement may be true. For example, “mothers ought to love their children” is unfalsifiable and unscientific, but may be true nonetheless. The existence of God is unfalsifiable. Therefore, science cannot tell us anything about it. Claiming that this is not so is demonstrating a profound ignorance of what science is and is not. Please share your thoughts on the matter.

I always wondered. What is science and how is it seperate from god?

Where do you get what some scientist think of? Is there data or do you talk with scientists?

God, the entity god, is within our minds. The science of psychology, anthroplogy, historically, and even philosophy (say Sacrates and Plato) prooves it as such. I dont know where other scientific proof that we can put under a microsope.

Why cant we accept that we have a psychological need to think of a purpose and origin of life? Not everyone has this but most do. Nothing wrong with that.

..and "what" is god? (Not who)

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Why cant we accept that we have a psychological need to think of a purpose and origin of life?

There is that need, but I suspect most religious belief stems from the fear of death. It is no coincidence that most religions include the belief in some kind of afterlife or post-mortem continuation. There are powerful psychological mechanisms involved in religious belief, like confirmation bias, wishful thinking and denial.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
We can not prove dark matter exists, neither can science describe the mechanism that causes it's law violating effects. Science can not say what constitutes DM. The truth is when it gets right down to it, truth is subjective in a universe that is ruled by quantum physics and other probabilistic rules etc. So what we believe and say is true really does effect the universe and our local space immensely. Not only that, if God exists our actions ie Christians 'doing Gods will' for example, are literally are converting a request from a supernatural agent into action in our universe by a rational omniscient being * So logic dictates that criteria that you employ to determine inferences such as those that follow Gods will are 'crazy people' are at best not well thought out.

*......God is omniscient in his realm, but not in our material universe by design. Gods realm lies mostly outside of our material universe but seems to be casually connected. Too bad there is very scant biblical information or even metaphysical or other religious writings about why God especially the Christian God and its realm seems to be purposely separate from his creations.


Well-Known Member
Science describes the material world and universe. God is an immaterial being that exists in an atemporal therefore non-tensed realm man calls heaven. Even though God is outside time and our universe he has chose to link and more importantly interact in and with our material universe by the employ of we christian human beings.
That is logically impossible. The definition of "universe" is "everything that exists." That would include your god. He would have to be a part of the universe not outside it.

Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
I always wondered. What is science and how is it seperate from god?
Everything i write here is not true for ALL religions and for sure not all people... but...

Science is the name we gave to the process of observing, measuring, studying, experimenting and understanding the universe of which we are part.
God is the name we gave to an entity that some believe is the one true creator of everything there is, was and ever will be...

Science doesn't require ANYTHING from the scientist.. you don't have to follow any texts or laws or rules.. (Although you probably should if you want to learn and understanding advanced sciences)
God / Religion is based on rules, worship, domination and an understanding that humans have no option than do God's bidding unless they want to suffer after they die...

Science can be practiced anytime, anywhere by anyone without any discrimination
Religion must be practiced in designated places set by other people who claim God wants it, It is not available for anyone who wishes it and a lot of times its forced on you whether you want it or not.

Science is what makes our technology advance
Religion is what claims science is wrong yet won't miss a new technological development for its benefit

Science is what eliminates religion dogmas
Religion is what generate new dogmas once the old ones have been broken

Science is a way of thinking about stuff and the acceptance that we are part of the universe
Religion is a way of thinking about stuff and claiming that the universe was made for us

Science have no sacred topics that one cannot prove as wrong
Religion is based on sacred topics that no one but a mere few have the authority to "optimize"

Science is what comes to people from birth.. toddlers are practicing science.. not religion...
Religion is what comes to people when they are taught by older people that their natural senses as are wrong and the true nature of the universe is actually a supernatural thing

And the list can go On and On and On...
Where do you get what some scientist think of? Is there data or do you talk with scientists?
You don't have to get anything from anyone.. you get things from people who already learned what you want to learn.. as the famous quote... "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." (Issac newton)
Without even knowing, as a child, you practiced science.. you made discoveries.. how many children have you seen that came and discovered God (Without the help of anyone)?
As a child, you are intrigued by the universe.. everything is a mystery.. and you on your own learn how things work.. you learn by experimenting and observing.. (Crawl, Walk, Talk, Touch, it is all learned based on observing and imitating)
I Don't think there are spiritual children who are born and wonder about God

God, the entity god, is within our minds.
Yep, its in nowhere BUT our minds...

The science of psychology, anthroplogy, historically, and even philosophy (say Sacrates and Plato) prooves it as such. I dont know where other scientific proof that we can put under a microsope.
Couldn't quite understand what you are saying here.. Are you asking what science discoveries can be put under a microscope?

Why cant we accept that we have a psychological need to think of a purpose and origin of life? Not everyone has this but most do. Nothing wrong with that.
There is nothing wrong with our need for understanding life.. of course not.
There is however a lot of wrong when someone is using this need to control, manipulate and dominate whole populations that precisely due to the need you mentioned, will follow everyone that seems reliable to them even if this is far from the truth.
..and "what" is god? (Not who)

I Thought we already established that God is a fiction of our minds? ;)


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
There is that need, but I suspect most religious belief stems from the fear of death. It is no coincidence that most religions include the belief in some kind of afterlife or post-mortem continuation. There are powerful psychological mechanisms involved in religious belief, like confirmation bias, wishful thinking and denial.

I understand your reply but do not fully agree. As an apostate atheist, now a born again christian believe the fear of death and the desire to believe in God or Goddess or a higher power as they say at AA etc are different things, similar but different. Also, I was lucky to have 'died' as part of an NDE (Near Death Experience) when my beautiful just finished custom Harley was destroyed as I tried to avoid what looked like a 50's Buick coming at me in my lane ! So that full body crush injury gave me somewhat of an unique perspective on reality and changed me from a near pacifist to a homicidal maniac wanting to choke the ever lovin' *--*% out of the DUI who tried to kill me! Yes eventually I forgave and remembered my NDE...but I digress.....sorry.

So when I said I think the need to believe is dualistic in nature I meant the fear of death and denial etc arise from our biological brain. Same thing goes for when we die and the brain protects our mind by drugging our bodies with wonderful substances and protective biological events. However, according to some scientists (and me) the mind and brain are not fully dependent on each other they are separate, and that is or was called 'mind/brain dualism'. I feel the need to believe in God comes from the mind and the heart*. Maybe a tiny bit remains in the bodies organs and tissues, but most are part of what theologians etc call soul. So who knows dualism has been slowly losing ground to other non-metaphysical arguments, but the debate is far from over......

Con metaphysical resource >>>>>> http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/dualism/

Pro Metaphysical source >>>>>>>> http://www.godandscience.org/evolution/mind-body_dualism.html


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
That is logically impossible. The definition of "universe" is "everything that exists." That would include your god. He would have to be a part of the universe not outside it.

Incorrect my friend. Using Websters as your only resource doesn't work in this discussion ! Just google some science which states there are theories that many universes exist. One truly silly but accepted theory is called the MWI (many worlds interpretation). It says there are a infinite number of universes. Also this theory claims anything imaginable event object or thing can and will happen! This is science self imploding! The MWI which is a spinoff of SUSY, string theory etc tells us unicorns exist the tooth fairy exists Hitler won the war etc etc.... Dog this theory makes the wildest religion seem tame in comparison!

Why is the above relevant? The MWI is only one of many theories. If there are more than one universe God can very well exist outside our universe. Actually we don't even need God and multiple universes for something to exist outside of this one! Think virtual particles. When entangled and in superposition one of the pair are not in our universe. It exists in what is called the quantum foam (where one pair of the VP are while the other is in superposition, in our universe) where it interacts with the gravity of other universes! So there are many valid scientific ways to show the universe may be one of many. Personally I hope ours is the only one!

God bless this forum....
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