Well-Known Member
We do run into the BGV theorem a lot when dealing with you. And no matter how many people who tell you that the BGV theorem that does NOT prove a finite universe, you always come back claiming that it does. There is indeed no escape :sad:
I dont know whether you are just in flat out denial or you are just flat out disingenuous, but the BGV theorem does prove a finite universe. I can give you quotes from Alan Guth and Alexander Vilenkin stating such, so please, please
Well I guess you are correct that if it is the first there cannot be anything before it.
But I think you are letting your dislike for infinity cloud your judgement.
You don't like infinity so you want there to be a first cause that takes care of the trouble of infinite regression.
You call this first cause God.
No, the point is, because of the reasons I laid out, a timeless cause is necessary. God is the only entity that can be timeless (without the universe), and yet have a will to create. And what is this about me not liking infinity? Because I said that infinity cant exist in reality?? No, the facts are the facts, and I go where the evidence takes me, which is what science is suppose to be all about in the first place. People claim to be science but once science comes to a screeching halt and metaphysics step in, then it is all of a sudden cool to postulate ridiculous things like the infinitude of the past, universes popping in to being out of nothing, and voo doo science involving macroevolution. It never fails.
The trouble is that all you do is wrap the infinite regress in fancy paper and call it something else.
What do I call it, Luna?
Depending on what you mean by "physical reality" and "transcend physical reality" you could maybe make a sensible argument for the first line, but that this thing which 'transcends physical reality' has to be a being is not a given.
I know you see design in the universe and therefore see the need for a designer, but that is YOUR INTERPRETATION of what you see, and not proof that a designer is needed.
I don't see design, so I don't see the need for a designer, and thus no thinking being at the beginning of it all.
If the universe began to exist, that mean that there was no physical reality before it, so whatever gave physical reality its existence could not itself be PHYSICAL REALITY. Is this really that hard to understand, to grasp??? This is elementary logic here. If something began to exist, it has to have an external cause. We shouldn't be discussing this kind of logic and reasoning. If you look around you, everything that you see had a beginning. I mean, cmon now. As far as design is concerned, hey, if you believe that the human body configured itself from a mindless, unguided, and blind process, then Christians are not the only ones accepting something by faith, because it takes a lot of faith to believe something like that.