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Can science prove or disprove the existence of a Spiritual existence? God?


Well-Known Member
I know, that is the problem. You and others dont see design in the universe because you dont like the idea of a God. That is the real reason why you dont see design. If you are walking in a field at night and you see a spaceship, you would think that the space ship is designed, and that is only because a spaceship does not have supernatural implications. Our DNA code is more complex than a space shuttle. Yet, the space shuttle was designed, but our DNA code wasn't?? Makes no sense. But like I said, people dont believe in God because they know that once they start believing, that they will be held accountable, so they keep denying despite the overwhelming evidence. How can you get a configured human body that is able to reproduce, see, hear, smell, taste, think and remember, from a mindless, unguided, nonthinking process. It takes just as much faith to believe in that than it does any supernatural deity that I am aware of.
You are correct this is the center of the problem.
We (that includes you too) generally see what we expect to see.

It is just that few people spend as much time as you do telling others telling others how stupid they are for not seeing the world the way you do.

You and others dont see design in the universe because you dont like the idea of a God. That is the real reason why you dont see design.

But like I said, people dont believe in God because they know that once they start believing, that they will be held accountable, so they keep denying despite the overwhelming evidence.

Do you know how arrogant that is ?! :areyoucra

How can you presume to know why other people believe what they believe?
You are saying that deep down we all must know that you are correct in your world view, we are just being difficult for our own selfish reasons. :no:


Woke gremlin
I know, that is the problem. You and others dont see design in the universe because you dont like the idea of a God. That is the real reason why you dont see design.
That makes no sense whatsoever.

If you are walking in a field at night and you see a spaceship, you would think that the space ship is designed, and that is only because a spaceship does not have supernatural implications. Our DNA code is more complex than a space shuttle. Yet, the space shuttle was designed, but our DNA code wasn't?? Makes no sense. But like I said, people dont believe in God because they know that once they start believing, that they will be held accountable, so they keep denying despite the overwhelming evidence. How can you get a configured human body that is able to reproduce, see, hear, smell, taste, think and remember, from a mindless, unguided, nonthinking process. It takes just as much faith to believe in that than it does any supernatural deity that I am aware of.[/quote]


Woke gremlin
If you are walking in a field at night and you see a spaceship, you would think that the space ship is designed, and that is only because a spaceship does not have supernatural implications.
An inaccurate and meaningless analogy doesn't make your argument any less logically flawed.

Our DNA code is more complex than a space shuttle. Yet, the space shuttle was designed, but our DNA code wasn't??
There are three major problems with this logic:

Firstly, how do you quantify complexity? How can you measure the supposed "complexity" of a space shuttle against the complexity of genetic code? We can easily store an individuals' entire genetic code, uncompressed, on about 15mb - which is about the size of an mp3, so by what reasoning is it "more complex" than a space shuttle? How do you objectively quantify the amount of "complexity" something possesses?

Secondly, this is a red herring argument. A snowflake is more complex than a brick, so does that mean that the snowflake is intentionally designed? We already know that snowflakes form as the result of entirely natural, unguided processes, and yet bricks are formed by intelligence.

Thirdly, your central premise is baseless. You have shown absolutely no evidence whatsoever that complexity specifically requires design. The argument that "some things that are complex are designed" is completely meaningless. I know that people build houses space shuttles and computers - how does that go any way to proving or indicating that genetic information, biological functions or natural phenomena are intenentionally designed as well? That logic fails at the most cursory glance - in order to make the claim that the complexity of life indicates design, you first must prove that complexity always requires design. Pointing to things that are complex and has been designed doesn't prove that all things are designed. That's like making the argument that nobody ever dies of natural causes, because some people don't die of natural causes. It makes no sense.

Makes no sense. But like I said, people dont believe in God because they know that once they start believing, that they will be held accountable, so they keep denying despite the overwhelming evidence.
That's patently ridiculous and self-serving. Why should I fear being "held accountable"? What do you think I do that I would feel guilty for? Do you honestly believe that the reason I don't believe in God is so pathetic? Please, don't be so short-sighted and ignorant in future.

How can you get a configured human body that is able to reproduce, see, hear, smell, taste, think and remember, from a mindless, unguided, nonthinking process.

It takes just as much faith to believe in that than it does any supernatural deity that I am aware of.
No, it doesn't.


Well-Known Member
You are correct this is the center of the problem.
We (that includes you too) generally see what we expect to see.

It is just that few people spend as much time as you do telling others telling others how stupid they are for not seeing the world the way you do.

Im not saying that people are stupid for sharing my views. In fact, quite the opposite, I've had personal experience with people insulting me and my beliefs.

Do you know how arrogant that is ?! :areyoucra

How can you presume to know why other people believe what they believe?
You are saying that deep down we all must know that you are correct in your world view, we are just being difficult for our own selfish reasons. :no:

No its not arrogant, it is a fact. If you lived 3,000 years ago, and you ran across a space shuttle in a field, I will assume that you would think that the space ship was designed, despite the fact that you or anyone else had ever seen one before. You will think it is designed. Our universe is more fined tuned than a space shuttle, ourDNA code contains more information in it than a set of encyclopedias. For you to believe a space shuttle is designed, even if you never saw one before (its mere concept), and not believe that the universe and our DNA is designed, despite the fact that it is more complex than the two previous things mentioned, leads me to believe that you only deny its design because of its supernatural implications. I see no other way to look at it. How can you get this kind of complexity from a mindless process? I don't think that you can, and I think atheism/naturalism is a faith based system just as much as theism.
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Well-Known Member
An inaccurate and meaningless analogy doesn't make your argument any less logically flawed.

Lets see what you got...

There are three major problems with this logic:

Firstly, how do you quantify complexity? How can you measure the supposed "complexity" of a space shuttle against the complexity of genetic code?

Due to the fact that new space shuttles are being built every day. But no one has yet to be able to figure out how life could have come from non-life. Scientist don't know how to even form a living cell from nonliving material, and this is with intelligent design. So to believe that this could happen naturally without an intelligent design is to say that an unguided, blind, and mindless process could do something millions of years ago that intelligent minds today cannot do, like build a space shuttle. The process of even making a living cell is so complicated that to suggest that this happened by random chance is to take a huge leap of faith.

We can easily store an individuals' entire genetic code, uncompressed, on about 15mb - which is about the size of an mp3, so by what reasoning is it "more complex" than a space shuttle? How do you objectively quantify the amount of "complexity" something possesses?

Can you intelligently produce a living cell? It isnt about what we can do to a genetic code, it is how can a blind, unguided, and mindless process be able to produce a living cell. But yet, space shuttles are being made every single day. If we can build a space shuttle, but we cant produce a living cell and therefore explain how life could come from nonlife, obviously, our DNA code is more complex.

Secondly, this is a red herring argument. A snowflake is more complex than a brick, so does that mean that the snowflake is intentionally designed? We already know that snowflakes form as the result of entirely natural, unguided processes, and yet bricks are formed by intelligence.

Not really. When I speak of complexity, that is to say, these complicated things have purpose. I mean, a 2 yr old scribbling on a piece of paper can be said to be a design. But there is nothing complicated about it. There is something complicated about assembling a living cell from protein molecules, something that the world's greatest minds cant seem to do. Our DNA code is a blueprint, containing information on how to make you.....you.

Thirdly, your central premise is baseless. You have shown absolutely no evidence whatsoever that complexity specifically requires design.

So, once again, if you were alive 3,000 years ago, and you were walking in a field at night, and you see an unidentified object in the field, which red and blue lights glowing. You curiously walk your way towards it and find an entrance, and you walk in, and you see all of this high tech machinery and technology, and screens with what look like graffiti on them. Would you think that these objects were designed? Or would you brush it off as a nature mishap?? Would you need evidence in order to be convinced that what you see is designed?? I really would like an answer to this question. I think the answer is obviously NO. And if the answer is no, then i dont see how you can even begin to make the statement of "you have no evidence that complexity specifically requires design".

The argument that "some things that are complex are designed" is completely meaningless. I know that people build houses space shuttles and computers - how does that go any way to proving or indicating that genetic information, biological functions or natural phenomena are intenentionally designed as well?

Because of genetic code is wayyy more complicated than anything man has ever built. The more complex something is, the more evidence there is of design.

That logic fails at the most cursory glance - in order to make the claim that the complexity of life indicates design, you first must prove that complexity always requires design. Pointing to things that are complex and has been designed doesn't prove that all things are designed. That's like making the argument that nobody ever dies of natural causes, because some people don't die of natural causes. It makes no sense.

Complexity always have design when there is a purpose to it. There is no purpose of looking at a snowflake through a microscope and seeing a design pattern. But we can see purpose when we look at our DNA structure and see information on the identity of a person. When you look at a rock, there is no purpose. There is nothing gained from the design patterns of a rock. When you look at the human body and see that it has eyes to see, ears to hear, a digestive system to break down food and give the body energy, immune system to fight diseases...this is purpose.

That's patently ridiculous and self-serving. Why should I fear being "held accountable"? What do you think I do that I would feel guilty for? Do you honestly believe that the reason I don't believe in God is so pathetic? Please, don't be so short-sighted and ignorant in future.

I feel as though people dont like the idea of a God telling them what to do. They dont want to give up there life of lusts, whether it is lust for sex, money, or power. They would rather deny the existence of God altogether, and believe that intelligence came from unintelligence, nonlife created life, and something came from nothing. They would rather roll the dice with those kind of views. To each his/her own.


Yes evolution gave me eyes to see. It knew that I was going to eventually need to see. Evolution knew that I was going to need a reproductive system to mate with a female, to produce offspring. It new I was going to need a brain to think, blood to flow through my body....a heart to pump the blood....but im sure you are going to tell me that evolution didn't "know" anything....but yet...I have all of these things???? So I was priviledged enough to obtain all of these wonderful things from a process that didnt know i was going to need any of it?? But, to each her/her own.

No, it doesn't.

Of course it does. If you dont see the faith in that, I dont know what to tell you.


Well-Known Member
Lets see what you got...

Due to the fact that new space shuttles are being built every day. But no one has yet to be able to figure out how life could have come from non-life. Scientist don't know how to even form a living cell from nonliving material, and this is with intelligent design. So to believe that this could happen naturally without an intelligent design is to say that an unguided, blind, and mindless process could do something millions of years ago that intelligent minds today cannot do, like build a space shuttle. The process of even making a living cell is so complicated that to suggest that this happened by random chance is to take a huge leap of faith.

Can you intelligently produce a living cell? It isnt about what we can do to a genetic code, it is how can a blind, unguided, and mindless process be able to produce a living cell. But yet, space shuttles are being made every single day. If we can build a space shuttle, but we cant produce a living cell and therefore explain how life could come from nonlife, obviously, our DNA code is more complex.

Not really. When I speak of complexity, that is to say, these complicated things have purpose. I mean, a 2 yr old scribbling on a piece of paper can be said to be a design. But there is nothing complicated about it. There is something complicated about assembling a living cell from protein molecules, something that the world's greatest minds cant seem to do. Our DNA code is a blueprint, containing information on how to make you.....you.

So, once again, if you were alive 3,000 years ago, and you were walking in a field at night, and you see an unidentified object in the field, which red and blue lights glowing. You curiously walk your way towards it and find an entrance, and you walk in, and you see all of this high tech machinery and technology, and screens with what look like graffiti on them. Would you think that these objects were designed? Or would you brush it off as a nature mishap?? Would you need evidence in order to be convinced that what you see is designed?? I really would like an answer to this question. I think the answer is obviously NO. And if the answer is no, then i dont see how you can even begin to make the statement of "you have no evidence that complexity specifically requires design".

Because of genetic code is wayyy more complicated than anything man has ever built. The more complex something is, the more evidence there is of design.

Complexity always have design when there is a purpose to it. There is no purpose of looking at a snowflake through a microscope and seeing a design pattern. But we can see purpose when we look at our DNA structure and see information on the identity of a person. When you look at a rock, there is no purpose. There is nothing gained from the design patterns of a rock. When you look at the human body and see that it has eyes to see, ears to hear, a digestive system to break down food and give the body energy, immune system to fight diseases...this is purpose.

I feel as though people dont like the idea of a God telling them what to do. They dont want to give up there life of lusts, whether it is lust for sex, money, or power. They would rather deny the existence of God altogether, and believe that intelligence came from unintelligence, nonlife created life, and something came from nothing. They would rather roll the dice with those kind of views. To each his/her own.

Yes evolution gave me eyes to see. It knew that I was going to eventually need to see. Evolution knew that I was going to need a reproductive system to mate with a female, to produce offspring. It new I was going to need a brain to think, blood to flow through my body....a heart to pump the blood....but im sure you are going to tell me that evolution didn't "know" anything....but yet...I have all of these things???? So I was priviledged enough to obtain all of these wonderful things from a process that didnt know i was going to need any of it?? But, to each her/her own.

Of course it does. If you dont see the faith in that, I dont know what to tell you.

As far as I can see, your entire argument boils down to the fact that you cannot imagine how complex things can occur through unguided processes. This is just arguing from ignorance.

As it is, it is now well known how complex things can arise from unguided processes. Evolution is one such way. Iteration of simple rules is another, as is seen in snowflakes.


Well-Known Member
If you lived 3000 years ago you couldn't run into a space shuttle anywhere.

Notice when I said "space shuttle", I get the above quote stating that a person couldn't run into a space shuttle 3k years ago, but when I said "unidentified object", I get no response. How about this, how about we change the "space shuttle" in to "space ship". Lets see once we change the words will you waste your time pointing out petty stuff instead of focusing on the meat and potatoes of the the issue.


Well-Known Member
As far as I can see, your entire argument boils down to the fact that you cannot imagine how complex things can occur through unguided processes. This is just arguing from ignorance.

10:10(123)......that is a 10 as the base, and 123 as the exponent, which is a 10 followed by 123 zeros. Those are the odds against our universe being permitted for human life. You are right, I dont see how an unguided process can beat those astronomical odds. And not just that, as I stated, the more complex something is, the more evident that there is design.

As it is, it is now well known how complex things can arise from unguided processes. Evolution is one such way. Iteration of simple rules is another, as is seen in snowflakes.

First of all, we dont know of any complex things that arisen from a unguided process. Evolution does not fit the bill, because you have no way of knowing whether God exists, so therefore you have no way or knowing whether or not God, if he does exist, had an active role in it. Second, there is no evidence for evolution ANYWAY as far as I am concerned. Third, evolution, if it did occurs, only shows how life changed from one species to the next, it doesn't explain how life began. We have to figure out how life could have originated from non-living material, which I think is impossible, and exactly why science has failed to do so as of yet. Fourth, a snowflake is designed, but it is designed without purpose. This is comparing apples and oranges.


Admiral Obvious
10:10(123)......that is a 10 as the base, and 123 as the exponent, which is a 10 followed by 123 zeros. Those are the odds against our universe being permitted for human life. You are right, I dont see how an unguided process can beat those astronomical odds. And not just that, as I stated, the more complex something is, the more evident that there is design.

  1. What ore the odds of your favorite deity creating everything?
  2. What are the odds you are wrong?
  3. Please show your work.
  4. Please be so kind as to explain how you got to that particular number. I.E. how you got the numbers you used to get the number you claim represents the odds against our universe being permitted for human life.

See, I suspect that you have not done a single solitary lick of the math.
In fact, I am willing to bet you would not be able to do the math.

Yet here you are making the claim that this thus far completely random number supports your argument.

First of all, we dont know of any complex things that arisen from a unguided process.
You mean like snowflakes?

Evolution does not fit the bill, because you have no way of knowing whether God exists, so therefore you have no way or knowing whether or not God, if he does exist, had an active role in it.
What a big steaming pile of bul.....double talk.
The only time god comes into the picture of evolution, for or against, is when some weak faithed theist feels the need to throw him him in.

Second, there is no evidence for evolution ANYWAY as far as I am concerned.
yes, you are well versed and quite good at ignoring any and all truths and facts that you dislike.

Now all you have to do is show us why your blatant ignoring of the evidence of evolution should mean anything to anyone else other than evidence that you care not for truth or fact over your wants, wishes, emotions, and wishful thinking.

Third, evolution, if it did occurs, only shows how life changed from one species to the next, it doesn't explain how life began.
Something that you and loads of your fellow creationist cannot seem to get through their thick dogmas.

We have to figure out how life could have originated from non-living material, which I think is impossible, and exactly why science has failed to do so as of yet.
Abiogenesis is a completely different science depart than evolution.

Why you have such a difficult time understanding that is rather amusing.

Fourth, a snowflake is designed, but it is designed without purpose. This is comparing apples and oranges.
it is amazing, and I mean utterly amazing, how you are able to remember where you left the goal posts.
I mean, with your moving them every other one of your posts, it is utterly amazing that you are able to keep track of where they are.


Well-Known Member
  1. What ore the odds of your favorite deity creating everything?
Well, judging by the fact that space, time, matter, and energy began to exist, that would mean that the origin of STEM could not itself be made up of STEM, so therefore, the odds of my God, being immaterial and timeless (without the universe) creating everything are very very good.

  1. What are the odds you are wrong?
Slim to none. For me to be wrong, that would mean that the universe created itself, and life came from nonlife. I cannot believe that something can come from nothing, and that life came come from nonlife. I think the theistic position is the more logical/plausible.

  1. Please show your work.
  2. Please be so kind as to explain how you got to that particular number. I.E. how you got the numbers you used to get the number you claim represents the odds against our universe being permitted for human life.
Its not my work, I got the number from Roger Penrose, a man that specializes in the field.

See, I suspect that you have not done a single solitary lick of the math.
In fact, I am willing to bet you would not be able to do the math.

As I said, I got the number from a man that specializes in the field. Dont get upset, I understand it is hard for you to explain how a unguided process could defeat those kinds of odds against it.

Yet here you are making the claim that this thus far completely random number supports your argument.

I've already stated where I got the number from and how he got the number. So, far from being a "random number". This is science and math we are dealing with.

You mean like snowflakes?

Snowflakes are not complex, they are designed, and that only comes from whoever is observing it. There is no objective, no agenda, no purpose for the design. So once again, comparing apples and oranges.

What a big steaming pile of bul.....double talk.
The only time god comes into the picture of evolution, for or against, is when some weak faithed theist feels the need to throw him him in.

Well, regardless of what you want to call it. The fact still remains, you dont know whether a God exist, or whether God played any part in evolution. Getting angry doesn't change this fact.

yes, you are well versed and quite good at ignoring any and all truths and facts that you dislike.

Well, you cant say I ignore truth and facts, because as of yet I haven't seen any truths or facts to ignore.

Now all you have to do is show us why your blatant ignoring of the evidence of evolution should mean anything to anyone else other than evidence that you care not for truth or fact over your wants, wishes, emotions, and wishful thinking.

Evolution is wishful thinking. Dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, fish produce fish. That is the only thing you or anyone else has ever seen, and to argue otherwise is to leave science and immediately go down the path to your faith based religion, which is evolution.

Something that you and loads of your fellow creationist cannot seem to get through their thick dogmas.

Actually, me and my fellow creationist do accept the fact that science cannot explain how life could have come from nonlife and that evolution doesn't help the case.

Abiogenesis is a completely different science depart than evolution.

Tell me something that I dont know. Regardless of how you categorize it, it still doesn't change the fact that science has failed to explain how life could come from non-living material.

Why you have such a difficult time understanding that is rather amusing.

Attacking straw man? I never argued against this, so what gave the the reason to say this is beyond me.

it is amazing, and I mean utterly amazing, how you are able to remember where you left the goal posts.
I mean, with your moving them every other one of your posts, it is utterly amazing that you are able to keep track of where they are.

Um, huh?


Well-Known Member
As far as I can see, your entire argument boils down to the fact that you cannot imagine how complex things can occur through unguided processes. This is just arguing from ignorance.

As it is, it is now well known how complex things can arise from unguided processes. Evolution is one such way. Iteration of simple rules is another, as is seen in snowflakes.


Well-Known Member
  1. What ore the odds of your favorite deity creating everything?
  2. What are the odds you are wrong?
  3. Please show your work.
  4. Please be so kind as to explain how you got to that particular number. I.E. how you got the numbers you used to get the number you claim represents the odds against our universe being permitted for human life.

See, I suspect that you have not done a single solitary lick of the math.
In fact, I am willing to bet you would not be able to do the math.

Yet here you are making the claim that this thus far completely random number supports your argument.

It took me a while to find, but I think what Call_of_the_Wild is referring to is the find-tuning argument. Apparently Roger Penrose looked at all the physical constants and at all the possible values and on which combinations produce a universe where life as we know it is possible. Then he devided the number of outcomes where life is possible with the number of all possible outcomes.
Apparently this number turned out to be 10:10(123).


How he decided the ranges of the different physical constants I do not know, and really whitout knowing what the possible outcomes of the constants are the above calculation seem really silly to me.

But anyway, that is the underlying argument as far as I can tell; that the universe is fine tuned for life.
Again I find this silly. It seems far more likely to me that life is fine tuned for the universe which exists than the other way around.


Woke gremlin
Due to the fact that new space shuttles are being built every day. But no one has yet to be able to figure out how life could have come from non-life.
Keyword: YET.

Just because we haven't yet figured something out doesn't mean it is necesarilly the result of supernatural or guided agencies. Nor does it mean it is necesarilly a more complex process than building a space shuttle - just a more elusive one. Designing something based on what we already understand about the physical laws of this Universe is always going to be easier than piecing together an event (or numerous events) that took place over a billion years ago. That's just basic logic.

Scientist don't know how to even form a living cell from nonliving material, and this is with intelligent design. So to believe that this could happen naturally without an intelligent design is to say that an unguided, blind, and mindless process could do something millions of years ago that intelligent minds today cannot do, like build a space shuttle.
And what happens when they do figure it out? Would you take that as proof that you are wrong?

The process of even making a living cell is so complicated that to suggest that this happened by random chance is to take a huge leap of faith.
Hold on, you just said we don't know how to make a single living cell, so how can you make any assertions whatsoever about how "complicated" the process of making a cell is?

Can you intelligently produce a living cell?
Can you build a space shuttle?

It isnt about what we can do to a genetic code, it is how can a blind, unguided, and mindless process be able to produce a living cell. But yet, space shuttles are being made every single day.
I love how you keep saying that, as if it means anything.

If we can build a space shuttle, but we cant produce a living cell and therefore explain how life could come from nonlife, obviously, our DNA code is more complex.
Completely nonsensical. Just because we currently can do something and can't do something else doesn't mean it's more complex - it just means it's harder to figure out. The fact we discovered fire before we discovered the wheel does not make a wheel "more complicated" than a fire.

Not really. When I speak of complexity, that is to say, these complicated things have purpose. I mean, a 2 yr old scribbling on a piece of paper can be said to be a design. But there is nothing complicated about it. There is something complicated about assembling a living cell from protein molecules, something that the world's greatest minds cant seem to do. Our DNA code is a blueprint, containing information on how to make you.....you.
And how do you demonstrate that this requires inherent design? Note that I will not accept "well, since it's complex" or "blueprints need design".

So, once again, if you were alive 3,000 years ago, and you were walking in a field at night, and you see an unidentified object in the field, which red and blue lights glowing. You curiously walk your way towards it and find an entrance, and you walk in, and you see all of this high tech machinery and technology, and screens with what look like graffiti on them. Would you think that these objects were designed?
I probably wouldn't have the foggiest clue. But how is that relevant? We're not living 3,000 years ago. We're living in the 21st century, when our understanding of natural and unnatural phenomena is far more comprehensive. Why would what somebody thinks 3,000 years ago be the least bit relevant?

Or would you brush it off as a nature mishap?? Would you need evidence in order to be convinced that what you see is designed?? I really would like an answer to this question. I think the answer is obviously NO. And if the answer is no, then i dont see how you can even begin to make the statement of "you have no evidence that complexity specifically requires design".
This is another red herring. Whether or not we can identify one thing as being designed does not mean another must also be identified as having been designed. Comparing organic, biological life forms to space ships is completely eroneous and inane.

Because of genetic code is wayyy more complicated than anything man has ever built. The more complex something is, the more evidence there is of design.
You've completely ignored my arguments.

1) How do you quantify how one thing is more objectively "complex" than another thing. And no, "we haven't figured it out yet" is not a suitable (or even relevant) answer.

2) What evidence do you have that complexity specifically requires design? Once again, a snowflake is more complex than a brick, so does this mean that a snowflake is more likely to be designed by a brick?

Complexity always have design when there is a purpose to it.
Prove it.

There is no purpose of looking at a snowflake through a microscope and seeing a design pattern.
What are you talking about? Are you suggesting that the pattern of a snowflake is not complex, or that it is irrelevant? Only a fool would look at the crystalline formation of a snowflake and say it is less complicated than a brick.

But we can see purpose when we look at our DNA structure and see information on the identity of a person.
Garbage. How do you quantify "purpose" as in inherent quality of DNA?

When you look at a rock, there is no purpose. There is nothing gained from the design patterns of a rock. When you look at the human body and see that it has eyes to see, ears to hear, a digestive system to break down food and give the body energy, immune system to fight diseases...this is purpose.
If you say so, but what does purpose have to do with complexity.

I feel as though people dont like the idea of a God telling them what to do. They dont want to give up there life of lusts, whether it is lust for sex, money, or power.
If that's what you honestly think, then you're incredibly arrogant and close-minded. Do you think I live a life of lust, sex, money and power? I'm willing to bet I live just as good (if not better) a life than you. In fact, I'm willing to put money on it.

Yes evolution gave me eyes to see. It knew that I was going to eventually need to see. Evolution knew that I was going to need a reproductive system to mate with a female, to produce offspring. It new I was going to need a brain to think, blood to flow through my body....a heart to pump the blood....but im sure you are going to tell me that evolution didn't "know" anything....but yet...I have all of these things????
So? Do you still not understand how evolution works? The idea that everything has to happen for a pre-planned "reason" is utterly naive and childish.

So I was priviledged enough to obtain all of these wonderful things from a process that didnt know i was going to need any of it?? But, to each her/her own.
Priveleged? No. Why would you consider it a privalege to be born with those things rather than, say, a fully functioning body? I have several friends and cousins who were disabled from birth. I know many people who need corrective glasses or even surgery in order to enable them to see properly. I know people born with severe breathing issues. Is it a "privelage" for them to be born with these traits? Just because you lack the perceptive ability to understand how these things came about through evolution, does not make it untrue. It just makes you seriously lacking in understanding.

Of course it does. If you dont see the faith in that, I dont know what to tell you.
Says you, and yet you seem incapable of pointing exactly what I am relying on "on faith".


Admiral Obvious
It took me a while to find, but I think what Call_of_the_Wild is referring to is the find-tuning argument. Apparently Roger Penrose looked at all the physical constants and at all the possible values and on which combinations produce a universe where life as we know it is possible. Then he devided the number of outcomes where life is possible with the number of all possible outcomes.
Apparently this number turned out to be 10:10(123).


How he decided the ranges of the different physical constants I do not know, and really whitout knowing what the possible outcomes of the constants are the above calculation seem really silly to me.

But anyway, that is the underlying argument as far as I can tell; that the universe is fine tuned for life.
Again I find this silly. It seems far more likely to me that life is fine tuned for the universe which exists than the other way around.
It is silly.
How can he account for all possible outcomes?

I suspect that Call-of the wild merely parrots the number because he finds really big numbers impressive.

A Troubled Man

Active Member
As it is, it is now well known how complex things can arise from unguided processes. Evolution is one such way. Iteration of simple rules is another, as is seen in snowflakes.

Oh no, each and every snowflake was carefully designed and created by god not to look like any other snowflake.