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Can the Soul be destroyed?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Not true - I have read some of your posts and that is not "all" you are saying.

You'll need to provide some links highlighting what it is that I've said that you're referring to in order to be taken seriously. Also, "all that I'm saying" is in the context of the discussion in this thread. Obviously, I do say many other things.

Also I find your logic – well, illogical. The conclusion I can draw from your comment is that what you say is wrong. If you think you are right about G-d then by your own statement you are wrong – if you think you are wrong – then you; regardless of what you do with that thought – you will be wrong by your own admission. Bottom line – you are wrong.
I find your statement about my logic ironic. Perhaps you need to check your assumptions and try again.


Veteran Member
The ancient concept for a damned soul was that they become a "son of perdition". Perdition means complete ruin. But this is not the end of the soul only the end of any beneficial use of it. So in some sense the soul is destroyed but in the sense that an individual is no longer aware – I think that is a very bad and a most foolish bet.


would you define soul as a unique connection between intellect and conscience?



Veteran Member
I think this would be an interesting idea to discuss. Can it?

According to Ezekiel [18vs4,20] the soul that sins dies.
Adam sinned. Adam died.

According to Genesis 2v7 Adam became a living soul.
No where does it say Adam 'came to have' a soul or 'came to posses' a soul.
Rather Adam became a soul. Adam became a breathing person.
After God breathed the breath of life into Adam's lifeless body
then, at that time, Adam became a living soul.
A soul or person that could continue to live forever if obedient to his Creator.


I'm asking the same question; Can energy be destroyed ? because if energy is ever destroyed, then the soul is no more, because Soul is after all, is energy..


Veteran Member
I'm asking the same question; Can energy be destroyed ? because if energy is ever destroyed, then the soul is no more, because Soul is after all, is energy..

According to Genesis 2v7 is the soul energy?

At Gen 1v2 the energy God used in creation was Not soul but his powerful energizing spirit.
Adam received the spirit of life after God breathed the breath of life into Adam [Gen 2v7]. When Adam died he lost breath and the spirit of life and returned to the dust where he started out as a lifeless creation.

When Adam sinned he disconnected himself from his Source.
Kind of like an unplugged fan slowly winds down til it stops.
Adam slowly aged and died stopping altogether.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
One must have a good definition of what a soul is to be able to determine whether it can be destroyed.

This is what I was going to point out. Before you can determine if something can be destroyed, or how easily it can be destroyed, you have to know what it is made up of.

Before you can solve a problem you must first understand the problem. Do any of us truly have a creditable, measurable, physical understanding of the "soul?"

I sure as hell don't. I think, as Lemo brought up, that the soul is energy.

I grabbed this lovely quote from Wiki about that, which I apply the durability of the soul to, assuming that it is in fact energy.

"The law of conservation of energy is an empirical law of physics. It states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time (is said to be conserved over time). A consequence of this law is that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one state to another. The only thing that can happen to energy in a closed system is that it can change form..."

So... what else could the makeup of a persons soul be? This is assuming that we have souls and that it is not energy after all? I am not being haughty, lol, I am actually thinking about what else it could be.
Having never heard a coherent explanation as to what a soul is supposed to be or what explanatory power it has, I have no reason to lend the idea any truth value.

In short, it's a little like asking about whether leprechauns are prone to cancer.


You'll need to provide some links highlighting what it is that I've said that you're referring to in order to be taken seriously. Also, "all that I'm saying" is in the context of the discussion in this thread. Obviously, I do say many other things.

I find your statement about my logic ironic. Perhaps you need to check your assumptions and try again.

Here is your statement exactly as you provided it in post #35 of this thread:

Right - anyone who think they've "got" the right concept of god is wrong. That's all I'm saying.

In light of you statement I therefore ask you a direct question – “Do you think you have the right concept of g-d?”

I would point out that if you do not believe in G-d it is because you think the right concept of g-d is the concept that g-d does not exist or cannot be proven to exist. Regardless – I cannot imagine that you are so minded to think that your concept of G-d is not the correct concept. Since your statement does not allow for any exceptions (including yourself) concerning concepts of G-d then if your statement is true – you like everybody else that has a concept of g-d – is wrong.

It causes me to wonder why g-d is of any concern to you or what you think to add or ever learn?

Obviously you have something more to say? - am I not right? :yes:



would you define soul as a unique connection between intellect and conscience?


I define a soul as all the essence that makes up the uniqueness of any individual. I believe it could possibly be more than intellect and conscience.


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Here is your statement exactly as you provided it in post #35 of this thread:

In light of you statement I therefore ask you a direct question – “Do you think you have the right concept of g-d?”

I would point out that if you do not believe in G-d it is because you think the right concept of g-d is the concept that g-d does not exist or cannot be proven to exist. Regardless – I cannot imagine that you are so minded to think that your concept of G-d is not the correct concept. Since your statement does not allow for any exceptions (including yourself) concerning concepts of G-d then if your statement is true – you like everybody else that has a concept of g-d – is wrong.

It causes me to wonder why g-d is of any concern to you or what you think to add or ever learn?

Obviously you have something more to say? - am I not right? :yes:


I do not believe in god. I hold no concept of god. Pretty simple stuff.


I do not believe in god. I hold no concept of god. Pretty simple stuff.

I thought more on this and am the more bewildered - How can you hold no concept of anything? If someone says they hold no concept of reality - how can there be any discussion with such a person concerning what is real? :shrug:


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Are you not saying the right concept of g-d is that g-d does not exist? As you say; pretty simple stuff.


When have I ever stated that god does not exist?

Apart from that, god not existing isn't a concept of god. It's a concept about the existence of god(s), but isn't a concept of a god(s).

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I thought more on this and am the more bewildered - How can you hold no concept of anything? If someone says they hold no concept of reality - how can there be any discussion with such a person concerning what is real? :shrug:


I certainly understand concepts of god, but I hold none of them to be true. It's not rocket science.


Admiral Obvious
What is my concept - and how does it differ from yours? If you really do not know what my concept is - how can you say it is not true?

Because you have not said or done anything nor have you presented anything that convinces him that your god concept is true?

At least, that is exactly how I would answer your question.