To be blunt real quick.
I think white liberals would be very surprised how many Mexican-Americans from border states...
- Have a strong stance against illegal immigration in general.
- Support a wall/fence along the border.
It's one of those areas where they (white liberals) tend to be "too busy speaking for them to actually listen to them" - while building up racism (and whatever-else-is-needed-ism) accusation propaganda that is used to secure votes via exploitation of defensiveness and emotionalism rather than critical thinking.
In my experience, it is pretty dang difficult to find hard-working, well-educated minorities who fall for it. In opposition to the portrayal of the lefty minority hive-mind.
Remember, even with Democrats - 40% wanted a wall/fence just 5 years ago, declining to 30% last year after Trump's association with it....yet now it's down to around 10% due to it being a primary attack by way of racist, xenophobic accusations against Trump/Trump supporters. Shouldn't it be obvious that this is
not due to people thinking about the issue for themselves and forming an opinion?