No, it's the same exact thing. Why would it matter whether it was a man or a woman?
Not at all. It is the same for men and women.
Good. So we got that cleared up.
Bjut you do understand how prejudiced and sexist your title and OP appear to be?
I didn't ask about the law. I'm asking whether it is morally/ethically responsible.
Morally/Ethically responsible.......
It's Morally and Ethically Irresponsible when people interfer in the private and perfectly legal activities and decisions of other folks with their self righteous and judgemental decisions.
Your OP shows a sweeping prejudice against the rights of people to decide how they want to, and within the law.
Age difference is not at issue here. It is sexual maturity and power.
Dreadful. Utterly dreadful! YOu start out be quoting age differences and then you really go badly wrong.
You nor I have any right to decide who is sexually mature enough or empowered enough to date another beyond the legislation layed down within our countries.
This is leading into a very nasty area, where folks decide that they can stop mentally or physically disabled people from dating who they like.
It's best if we leave this to our Equality legislation and our Criminal lregislation to be applied.
You could be breaking the UK's Age Discrimination legislation, for instance, iof you were to stop a 16-19 teen from dating who s/he wanted to.