Say you believe in one God, but don't believe in another one. Would you be an atheist in relation to the other God? Or would believing in at least one mean you can't be an atheist when thinking about another God?
I've been using that line where I say I'm atheist in relation to some gods, but agnostic in relation to others ever since I heard someone say it. It made sense to me the times I've used it and seen it used, but I'm not sure if it could lead to more confusion? Or if it's seen as offensive to some theists? A recent discussion made me wonder, if it's seen as a rhetorical device and not an honest opinion by theists. Share your thoughts.
You have shown you have no clue what the words really mean. The three terms in use are NOT compatible. That is you cannot mix and match them because you want to. The psychology folks that have people believing anything are a work again. Stop being emotional and become MORE RATIONAL. The folk on the street, in da hood, etc. are emotional people and use slang terms that are only for THAT CONTEXT. Rational people use the correct definitions of the term ATHEIST, AGNOSTIC, and THEIST. No dictionary is needed because CONTEXT makes the difference. Using standard context will allow other humans besides the ones near you to understand what you are saying. Your usage NOW is laughable as if you are a little kid who doesn't really know what he is saying. I am not saying YOU ARE a little kid but sound like one by the way you think here.
THEIST is understood as a human being that believes in some deity. It does not matter which one.
ATHEIST as understood by rational humans that speak English IS a human being that DENIES or REJECTS the idea that any deity (aka GOD) exists PERIOD. It is the psychology folks that want to use the silly etyomolgy stuff like "A" means without and "Theist" means a person who believes in God so an A -Theist must mean a person without a belief in God. This too is child-like. A new born is NOT an atheist. A month old baby is NOT an atheist. Atheism is a CHOICE a human makes. All of these religious terms are CHOICES and is NOT FORCED involuntarily on any human being at all.
AGNOSTIC is understood as the position a human being takes when he or she is NOT SURE which side to take: atheist or theist. The agnostic is a human who DOES NOT DENY OR REJECT the possibility of a God existing somewhere. This person will say IT IS POSSIBLE but he or she is not aware of it.
You cannot mix and match these terms intelligibly and be taken serious. It is like saying can a human being like, dislike and be uncertain that he likes vanilla ice cream all at the same time?
I want to repeat: All of these religious terms are CHOICES and is NOT FORCED involuntarily on any human being at all. All of the terms have a logical relationship: they are contraries. That is if one is true the other must be false --no if and or buts about it. You cant have more than one be true at the same time without sounding like a young child.
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