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Can you Unravel the Mystery?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't every professed Christian say that?
Both people claiming to be right does not mean that they are both right and that someone is not wrong. Likewise that does not mean that someone that is in error should not be corrected as stated in the scriptures already provided to you in the previous post like God requests us to do. The scriptures are the only standard of what is true and what is not true. Our opinions do not really mean much in Gods eyes according to the scriptures (Romans 3:4).
So, if you really think about it, while you have that in mind, and the person you are trying to pummel has the same thing in mind... guess what? Two guys butting iron heads... forever, because neither is willing to say, "Okay, you see it that way. I believe you are wrong, but perhaps we can talk about something else another time."
Instead, both are going... "You are from your father, the Devil..."
It's just stuck there. If you see what I mean.
Please do not misrepresent what I have posted dear friend as it is being dishonest or showing you have a misunderstanding of what is being said or you have not read what was posted. Where did I ever say to @2ndpillar he is of the devil? If I have never called this person of the devil why pretend that I have? Read the scriptures shared with you in the post you were quoting from in Ephesians 5:11; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:2; 5:20; Titus 1:13; 2:15; Revelation 3:19. We have a duty of love to correct someone promoting heresy. According to the scriptures if someone is promoting unbiblical teachings and we sit back in silence knowing better God will hold us accountable for not telling the truth (see also Ezekiel 3:16-27). That is not a place I want to find myself. It is our duty of love to God and our fellow man to tell the truth if what they believe is leading those people away from God and His Word. To do anything differently and keep silence for the sake of peace is not loving our fellow man and is not obeying the scriptures. (see Matthew 10:34-37).
No. He says that in every discussion where the scriptures are used. I don't agree with most things @2ndpillar says. I agree with one or two things he says. However, I don't spend time disputing most of what he says, because that would be like arguing with the Devil.
Telling the truth and sharing scripture is what Jesus did who is our example. This is a public forum. If it was a one on one conversation I would have left this discussion a long time ago in accordance with the scriptures. However, even if I respond to someone not teaching the truth it is not for those who reject it but for all those who might be reading in the background that may want to know the truth of Gods Word. So I believe the scriptures disagree with your comments here and believe we have a duty of love to share the truth of Gods Word to those who have lost their way and that God holds us accountable for telling the truth.
Remember the example the angels set. (Zechariah 3:1, 2) 1 And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan was standing at his right hand to resist him. 2 Then the angel of Jehovah said to Satan: “May Jehovah rebuke you, O Satan, yes, may Jehovah, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! . . .
(Jude 9) But when Michael the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses’ body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms, but said: “May Jehovah rebuke you.”
Have a read of the scriptures of our duty of love that you were provided in the post you are quoting from but left out of your post here in Ephesians 5:11; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:2; 5:20; Titus 1:13; 2:15; Revelation 3:19 and Ezekiel 3:16-27. These scriptures are God's Word telling is our duty of love to tell the truth and correct those promoting heresy and our silence in this matter is disregarding God and His Word.
I'm happy with your telling me, 'That's between you and God.' Or, "You have one to judge you." That is, if the discussion has reached the point where it seems you have nothing more to say than... "Well you are just one blind lost goat." Or... "You are from your father, the Devil..."
Once again show me where I have ever said "Well you are just one blind lost goat." Or... "You are from your father, the Devil...". If you cannot then why pretend I have said things I have never said? That is simply being dishonest.
In any case, it's what @2ndpillar believes, and he explains why... which is the important thing.
Once I understand why, I would prefer to spend time on that... trying to show why the reason is not good.
I have tried to do the same thing asking questions and reasoning with him from the scriptures but my questions and posts are simply ignored and more of the same heresy's are that half of the new testament scriptures are from the devil, so I stopped responding after His last post. You seem to be the one keeping this going.
It's good you feel that way. Remember though, @2ndpillar probably will tell you that's exactly how he feels. He likely believes you don't know what you are saying, because of ignorance of scripture, which is causing you to talk nonsense. He might even call it blasphemy. I'm not saying you are talking nonsense, so please do not misread what I am saying. I think one has to know when a conversation has reached a dead end, and if one cannot move to something else, then I think that's an indication, ego is involved. I know @2ndpillar well enough, to know that it's wise to ignore his attacks on Paul - a vessel of God. So, I overlook those assertions. Attacking them might only result in a fight with words about the other person. If he wants to discuss Paul, I'd be happy to. I made a thread for that. Actually, I just realized I got sidetracked from that thread. I'll probably go back and see what responses I missed, or left hanging.
As posted to you earlier, it has never been about any of that for me at all. It has always been about believing and obeying what Gods Word says and putting Gods Word first above all things and standing up for what is true and what is heresy... see Ephesians 5:11; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:2; 5:20; Titus 1:13; 2:15; Revelation 3:19 and Ezekiel 3:16-27. For me personally I love God and find that kind of heresy of claiming that over one half of the new testament is from the devil. This is insulting to God and Christians and as my christian duty of love to my fellow man feel that such comments are in need of a response to tell the truth as shown in the scriptures above. So we will agree to disagree here.

Take Care.
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Well-Known Member
According to the scriptures if someone is promoting unbiblical teachings and we sit back in silence knowing better God will hold us accountable for not telling the truth (see also Ezekiel 3:16-27).
Ezekiel 3:16-27 is saying that one is to warn someone away from "sin/iniquity" and "wickedness", which is what Yeshua was talking about in Mt 13:25-50, whereas those "who commit lawlessness", shall be gathered and thrown into the furnace of fire, much like their blood, death will be placed on the one who didn't warn people away from going down the fiery path of "destruction" via following the "false prophets" of Matthew 7:13-15. Your NT "scripture" is composed of approximately 67% the "message" of the "enemy" (Mt 13:25). Being as you promote "lawlessness" per your false gospel of grace, and to even children which are able to exist on this platform. It would probably have been better for you to not even to have been born. (Mt 18:7) You should have probably followed the advice of your false prophet Paul, and kept your mouth closed when among the congregation. But then again, you have been warned per Ezekiel 3:16-27, so tell your family, that in spite of what your false prophet Paul told you, to not be surprised if you will "surely die". (Jeremiah 31:30). You might want to read the Law and the prophets with a little bit of critical thinking.

Ezekiel 3:18When I say to the wicked, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. 19“Yet if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered yourself. 20“Again, when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I place an obstacle before him, he will die; since you have not warned him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. 21“However, if you have warned the righteous man that the righteous should not sin and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; and you have delivered yourself.”
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Veteran Member
Please do not misrepresent what I have posted dear friend as it is being dishonest or showing you have a misunderstanding of what is being said or you have not read what was posted. Where did I ever say to @2ndpillar he is of the devil? If I have never called this person of the devil why pretend that I have? Read the scriptures shared with you in the post you were quoting from in Ephesians 5:11; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:2; 5:20; Titus 1:13; 2:15; Revelation 3:19. We have a duty of love to correct someone promoting heresy. According to the scriptures if someone is promoting unbiblical teachings and we sit back in silence knowing better God will hold us accountable for not telling the truth (see also Ezekiel 3:16-27). That is not a place I want to find myself. It is our duty of love to God and our fellow man to tell the truth if what they believe is leading those people away from God and His Word. To do anything differently and keep silence for the sake of peace is not loving our fellow man and is not obeying the scriptures. (see Matthew 10:34-37).
I figure, to tell someone they choose to close their eyes and ears to hearing and seeing what Gods Word says, one has basically said, 'you are from your father, the Devil, and you wish do do the desires of your father.'

You do not know what you do not know and how can you see when you close your eyes, or how can you hear when you put your fingers in your ears (Isaiah 6:9-10)? The pearls have been put away (it seems you do not know what that means) and the dust been shaken (see Matthew 7:6; Luke 9:6; Titus 3:10).

Like I posted earlier you do not know what you do not know and how can you know when you choose to close your eyes and ears to hearing and seeing Gods Word in fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10?

Like I posted earlier you do not know what you do not know and how can you know when you choose to close your eyes and ears to hearing and seeing Gods Word in fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10?

Like I posted earlier, you do not know what you do not know. How can you know when you choose to close your eyes and ears to hearing and seeing Gods Word in fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10?

Like I said earlier you do not know what you do not want to know if you choose to close your eyes and ears to hearing and seeing what Gods Word says in fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10.

Deliberately twisting scriptures, or turning one's mind away from them, is to follow Satan... is it not?

If one wants to say something along those lines, that isn't necessarily wrong, but I am thinking that when you are at the stage of repeating it... post after post... in other words, nothing new or added, then maybe it's time to close books and move on.

@2ndpillar I don't know how you could see my post as "kissing up to"... but then, I can't see how you can arrive at Paul being the Devil's sidekick... and other things.
Don't get jealous though. I love you, the same as I love @3rdAngel, and I would give you the same encouragement I am giving him... if you like.

I'm simply pointing out something, we can all take to heart.
We, includes you, @2ndpillar. :)


Well-Known Member
@2ndpillar I don't know how you could see my post as "kissing up to"... but then, I can't see how you can arrive at Paul being the Devil's sidekick... and other things.
Don't get jealous though. I love you, the same as I love @3rdAngel, and I would give you the same encouragement I am giving him... if you like.

I'm simply pointing out something, we can all take to heart.
We, includes you, @2ndpillar. :)

I don't know how you determine 3rd angel is a "him". She/them has estrogen pouring out onto the pages of her/them text. As for Paul, he is just an extension of the "serpents"/"devil's" "message", that you "surely shall not die" (Gen 3:4), but according to the Word, which is antithetical to the "message of the "devil"/"enemy", "everyone will die for their own iniquities (sins) (Jeremiah 31:30). And those who are warned and condtinue to sin, well, they apparently will die before their time per (Ez 3:18-21), which 3rd angel used as a witness against herself trying to prove the opposite. You either believe one or the other. And I can guarantee you, that "everyone" will die despite what Paul has taught, even if they are simply among the "many" on their way to "destruction" for following the "false prophets" (Mt 7:13-15), and thrown in the basket of "those who dwell on the earth" and are "deceived" by the "beast with two horns like a lamb (Rev 13:11-14)", that being the Roman emperor Constantine and his established Roman Catholic church via his convened Council of Nicaea in the year 325 A.D., which is built on the foundation of Peter, the "worthless shepherd" of Zech 11:17, and false prophet Saul/Paul. As for if you concede one of my points, you have undercut the whole foundation of your "house" (Matthew 7:24-27), which is heeding the "message" of others besides the "message" of the "son of man". You can rely on the traditions of men, or you can heed the message of the "son of man", which includes all of the prophets (Ez 3:1), with emphasis on the prophet Moses proclaimed was to come. That would exclude "false prophets", that the "son of man" warned to beware of (Mt 7:15), and who would call on the name of the Lord and perform miracles and cast out demons (Mt 7:21-23), which would be a direct link to your false prophet Paul.

New King James Version Mt 7:15
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

King James Bible Jeremiah 31:30
But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.


Well-Known Member
I figure, to tell someone they choose to close their eyes and ears to hearing and seeing what Gods Word says, one has basically said, 'you are from your father, the Devil, and you wish do do the desires of your father.'

You do not know what you do not know and how can you see when you close your eyes, or how can you hear when you put your fingers in your ears (Isaiah 6:9-10)? The pearls have been put away (it seems you do not know what that means) and the dust been shaken (see Matthew 7:6; Luke 9:6; Titus 3:10).

Like I posted earlier you do not know what you do not know and how can you know when you choose to close your eyes and ears to hearing and seeing Gods Word in fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10?

Like I posted earlier you do not know what you do not know and how can you know when you choose to close your eyes and ears to hearing and seeing Gods Word in fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10?

Like I posted earlier, you do not know what you do not know. How can you know when you choose to close your eyes and ears to hearing and seeing Gods Word in fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10?

Like I said earlier you do not know what you do not want to know if you choose to close your eyes and ears to hearing and seeing what Gods Word says in fulfillment of Isaiah 6:9-10.

Deliberately twisting scriptures, or turning one's mind away from them, is to follow Satan... is it not?

If one wants to say something along those lines, that isn't necessarily wrong, but I am thinking that when you are at the stage of repeating it... post after post... in other words, nothing new or added, then maybe it's time to close books and move on.

@2ndpillar I don't know how you could see my post as "kissing up to"... but then, I can't see how you can arrive at Paul being the Devil's sidekick... and other things.
Don't get jealous though. I love you, the same as I love @3rdAngel, and I would give you the same encouragement I am giving him... if you like.

I'm simply pointing out something, we can all take to heart.
We, includes you, @2ndpillar. :)
So you have nothing do you. Why pretend I am saying things then I have never said? That is bearing false witness is it not against your neighbor?
I have never once said to 2ndpillar as you were claiming "Well you are just one blind lost goat." Or... "You are from your father, the Devil..." So please don't pretend that I have as it is being dishonest on your part. The context to everyone of those posts above is to a discussion with 2ndpillar showing from the scripture Paul is in agreement with Jesus then how can Paul be of the devil and his claims that half the new testament scriptures are from the devil. Yet you seek to twist my words to make them say things they never have? It seems to be the same problem you are having in understanding scripture. You did no point out anything accept to put a spin in my words that I was never saying even after clarification to what I was saying was already provided to you in post # 461 linked and elsewhere. As posted to you earlier, it has never been about any of the things you claim here at all. It has always been about believing and obeying what Gods Word says and putting Gods Word first above all things and standing up for what is true and what is heresy... see Ephesians 5:11; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:2; 5:20; Titus 1:13; 2:15; Revelation 3:19 and Ezekiel 3:16-27. For me personally I love God and find that kind of heresy of claiming that over one half of the new testament is from the devil. This is insulting to God and Christians and as my christian duty of love to my fellow man feel that such comments are in need of a response to tell the truth as shown in the scriptures above. So we will agree to disagree here.
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Well-Known Member
Ezekiel 3:16-27 is saying that one is to warn someone away from "sin/iniquity" and "wickedness", which is what Yeshua was talking about in Mt 13:25-50, whereas those "who commit lawlessness", shall be gathered and thrown into the furnace of fire, much like their blood, death will be placed on the one who didn't warn people away from going down the fiery path of "destruction" via following the "false prophets" of Matthew 7:13-15. Your NT "scripture" is composed of approximately 67% the "message" of the "enemy" (Mt 13:25). Being as you promote "lawlessness" per your false gospel of grace, and to even children which are able to exist on this platform. It would probably have been better for you to not even to have been born. (Mt 18:7) You should have probably followed the advice of your false prophet Paul, and kept your mouth closed when among the congregation. But then again, you have been warned per Ezekiel 3:16-27, so tell your family, that in spite of what your false prophet Paul told you, to not be surprised if you will "surely die". (Jeremiah 31:30). You might want to read the Law and the prophets with a little bit of critical thinking.

Ezekiel 3:18When I say to the wicked, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. 19“Yet if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered yourself. 20“Again, when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I place an obstacle before him, he will die; since you have not warned him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. 21“However, if you have warned the righteous man that the righteous should not sin and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; and you have delivered yourself.”
I love Ezekiel 3. Tell me what sin you accuse me of? Yet the very words of Jesus tells us that unbelief in Gods Word is sin in John 3:36. Is that what you are doing by calling 67% of the new testament scriptures of the devil?
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Well-Known Member
I love Ezekiel 3. Tell me what sin you accuse me of? Yet the very words of Jesus tells us that unbelief in Gods Word is sin in John 3:36. Is that what you are doing by calling 67% of the new testament scriptures of the devil?

How can you sin if you have nailed the law to the cross, whereas if sin is transgression of the law, therefore you cannot sin, yet your leader, Paul, declares himself to be the foremost sinner and practices the very evil that I do not wish (Romans 7:19)? Are you saying you do not sin, yet the unforgivable sin is to reject the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of Revelation, which is the Word of God, which is the Law and the prophets, which you have deemed "obsolete", except where you pick out excerpts and add your crazy interpretations off the top of your head. You are living in the world of George Orwell, whereas good is evil and evil is good, and up is down and down is up. You misrepresent Ezekiel 3:18-27, which is with regard to "wickedness" and "sin"/lawlessness, and therefore bring down its pronouncement upon yourself. Paul's gospel is the false gospel of the cross, whereas the law has been nailed to a cross and does not exist for thee but only for me. You sound like a sovereign citizen reading out of his edition of Black's Law. The crazy thing is that the "many" follow right along with you. (Mt 7:13) I mean it is line with the prophecy of the kingdom of God, but that doesn't mean it isn't strange that so many are so easily "deceived" (Rev 13:11-14), but I guess that is how the angels will be able to differentiate between the chaff and the wheat. The angels just look for the cities with the most defecation and dead bodies on the streets, and say, here lawlessness and the Progressives have prevailed, and we can start harvesting the tares (Mt 13:30). John 3:36 is about they who do not obey the son has the wrath of God thrust upon them. To enter into "life" one must keep the Commandments" (Mt 19:17), something you have nailed to your wooden, golden, silver, bronze cross. Not good.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
To me it's clear that @2ndpillar doesn't have interpretations and opinions in the right place. Pillar is stuck in some sort of quagmire, no insult intended. So forget about arguing with someone like that. (Nothing personal, of course. ...)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I love Ezekiel 3. Tell me what sin you accuse me of? Yet the very words of Jesus tells us that unbelief in Gods Word is sin in John 3:36. Is that what you are doing by calling 67% of the new testament scriptures of the devil?
For anyone to say that all sin is done away with because of Jesus' sacrifice is clear misunderstanding and subterfuge. Almost like Satan saying, "Is it true"? and "you will not die." People actually want to argue that they didn't die -- in various ways ...so -- forget it.


Well-Known Member
For anyone to say that all sin is done away with because of Jesus' sacrifice is clear misunderstanding and subterfuge. Almost like Satan saying, "Is it true"? and "you will not die." People actually want to argue that they didn't die -- in various ways ...so -- forget it.
Ageed, I do not believe God's law is nailed to the cross which was a false accusation made by @2ndpillar along with the rest of his post of twisted scripture that I do not believe. It is the penalty our sins that is nailed to the cross for all those who believe and accept the gift of Gods dear son (Romans 6:23).
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Well-Known Member
How can you sin if you have nailed the law to the cross, whereas if sin is transgression of the law, therefore you cannot sin, yet your leader, Paul, declares himself to be the foremost sinner and practices the very evil that I do not wish (Romans 7:19)? Are you saying you do not sin, yet the unforgivable sin is to reject the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of Revelation, which is the Word of God, which is the Law and the prophets, which you have deemed "obsolete", except where you pick out excerpts and add your crazy interpretations off the top of your head. You are living in the world of George Orwell, whereas good is evil and evil is good, and up is down and down is up. You misrepresent Ezekiel 3:18-27, which is with regard to "wickedness" and "sin"/lawlessness, and therefore bring down its pronouncement upon yourself. Paul's gospel is the false gospel of the cross, whereas the law has been nailed to a cross and does not exist for thee but only for me. You sound like a sovereign citizen reading out of his edition of Black's Law. The crazy thing is that the "many" follow right along with you. (Mt 7:13) I mean it is line with the prophecy of the kingdom of God, but that doesn't mean it isn't strange that so many are so easily "deceived" (Rev 13:11-14), but I guess that is how the angels will be able to differentiate between the chaff and the wheat. The angels just look for the cities with the most defecation and dead bodies on the streets, and say, here lawlessness and the Progressives have prevailed, and we can start harvesting the tares (Mt 13:30). John 3:36 is about they who do not obey the son has the wrath of God thrust upon them. To enter into "life" one must keep the Commandments" (Mt 19:17), something you have nailed to your wooden, golden, silver, bronze cross. Not good.
So that is a no then? You cannot accuse me of any sin. Then why do it? Are you making false claims and accusations in your post here @2ndpillar like you did accusing me of sin earlier? When did I tell you that I believe Gods law is nailed to the cross? If I do not believe such things why pretend that is what I believe when I believe no such things? Is that not bearing false witness which is sin in Gods Word (1 John 3-4; Exodus 20:16)? According to the scriptures God gives His Spirit to those who believe and obey Gods Word *see Acts 5:32; Acts 3:19. Do you believe and obey Gods Word if you are teaching that 67% of the new testament scriptures is from the Devil? Where have I ever once said to you that Gods law is obsolete? If I have never said such things and do not believe that Gods law is obsolete why are you pretending that I have and that is what I believe? If I have never said these things to you and I do not believe Gods law is obsolete and you are accusing me of these things are you bearing false witness against me which is sin according to the scriptures? The rest of your post does not deserve a response because there is no truth in your words. I hope this post is helpful for you and that you might take a moment to reflect on what you are posting and what is being shared with you here.

Take Care.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Ageed, I do not believe God's law is nailed to the cross which was a false accusation made by @2ndpillar along with the rest of his post of twisted scripture that I do not believe. It is the penalty our sins that is nailed to the cross for all those who believe and accept the gift of Gods dear son (Romans 6:23).
Of course that does not mean we do not sin. Sins are outlined in the Christian Greek scriptures, like David, however, we can repent. Some, however, are said to have no consideration by God for repentance. So let's say a person commits immorality and not only isn't sorry about it but continues in that conduct. And of course the scriptures define what sin is. Not all will accept that.


Well-Known Member
So that is a no then? You cannot accuse me of any sin. Then why do it? Are you making false claims and accusations in your post here @2ndpillar like you did accusing me of sin earlier? When did I tell you that I believe Gods law is nailed to the cross? If I do not believe such things why pretend that is what I believe when I believe no such things? Is that not bearing false witness which is sin in Gods Word (1 John 3-4; Exodus 20:16)? According to the scriptures God gives His Spirit to those who believe and obey Gods Word *see Acts 5:32; Acts 3:19. Do you believe and obey Gods Word if you are teaching that 67% of the new testament scriptures is from the Devil? Where have I ever once said to you that Gods law is obsolete? If I have never said such things and do not believe that Gods law is obsolete why are you pretending that I have and that is what I believe? If I have never said these things to you and I do not believe Gods law is obsolete and you are accusing me of these things are you bearing false witness against me which is sin according to the scriptures? The rest of your post does not deserve a response because there is no truth in your words. I hope this post is helpful for you and that you might take a moment to reflect on what you are posting and what is being shared with you here.

Take Care.
Well, if you are denying the "message" of the false prophet Paul, who is often professed by your Gentile church to have written Hebrews, which states that the " new covenant" has made the "first" "obsolete" then you might want to refute that and what he says about the "handwriting of ordinances that was against us" being nailed to a cross. You might also want to refute Romans 3:23 whereas all men have sinned and rely on their "faith in "Jesus" for their justification, if you think you haven't sinned. If you are saying that is what you believe, but simply have not stated it on this forum in script exactly as written by Paul or his flunkies, then you are just playing games, and trying to pull the wool over readers of your posts. If you do not believe Paul, then why are you shilling his "message", and do not heed the "message" of Yehsua, the "son of man" with regard to "beware of the false prophets" (Mt 7:15) and heeding your often quoted John 3:36 and actually obeying the "message" of the son of man (Mt 13:37)? If you keep "My statutes , and observe them" (Ez 37:24), then congratulations. Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear. (Edgar Allan Poe). Apparently Edgar has been disappointed with the assertions of other people.

New American Standard Bible John 3:36
The one who believes in the Son has eternal life; but the one who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

New King James Version Hebrews 8:13
In that He says, “ A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

Romans 3:…22 And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

AKJV4 Col 2:1
blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;


Well-Known Member
For anyone to say that all sin is done away with because of Jesus' sacrifice is clear misunderstanding and subterfuge. Almost like Satan saying, "Is it true"? and "you will not die." People actually want to argue that they didn't die -- in various ways ...so -- forget it.
No, Paul states that "we shall not all sleep/die" as was done by the "dragon" (Genesis 3:4). Paul and "we" all died, and "everyone will die for their own iniquities/transgressions" (Jer 31:30). 3rd angel is inferring that she has no sin, and saying sin was nailed to the cross, regardless of the text of Col 2:14, which begs the point that she either sinned or is sinning. One can say that there is no heaven or earth and justify one's position with regard to Mt 5:17-18, but only Dorothy is going to follow the rabbit down that hole. One can twist language to fit their purpose. "everyone will die", because of their own "iniquity"/sin. If that sin was washed clean, then they wouldn't have disease, and have to die. They walk in their sin, and visit their doctors to alleviate their pain, and all will die.

AKJV4 Col 2:14
blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;


Veteran Member
I don't know how you determine 3rd angel is a "him".

She/them has estrogen pouring out onto the pages of her/them text. As for Paul, he is just an extension of the "serpents"/"devil's" "message", that you "surely shall not die" (Gen 3:4), but according to the Word, which is antithetical to the "message of the "devil"/"enemy", "everyone will die for their own iniquities (sins) (Jeremiah 31:30). And those who are warned and condtinue to sin, well, they apparently will die before their time per (Ez 3:18-21), which 3rd angel used as a witness against herself trying to prove the opposite.
Did Paul say persons would not die? Where?

You either believe one or the other. And I can guarantee you, that "everyone" will die despite what Paul has taught, even if they are simply among the "many" on their way to "destruction" for following the "false prophets" (Mt 7:13-15), and thrown in the basket of "those who dwell on the earth" and are "deceived" by the "beast with two horns like a lamb (Rev 13:11-14)", that being the Roman emperor Constantine and his established Roman Catholic church via his convened Council of Nicaea in the year 325 A.D., which is built on the foundation of Peter, the "worthless shepherd" of Zech 11:17, and false prophet Saul/Paul. As for if you concede one of my points, you have undercut the whole foundation of your "house" (Matthew 7:24-27), which is heeding the "message" of others besides the "message" of the "son of man". You can rely on the traditions of men, or you can heed the message of the "son of man", which includes all of the prophets (Ez 3:1), with emphasis on the prophet Moses proclaimed was to come. That would exclude "false prophets", that the "son of man" warned to beware of (Mt 7:15), and who would call on the name of the Lord and perform miracles and cast out demons (Mt 7:21-23), which would be a direct link to your false prophet Paul.

New King James Version Mt 7:15
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

King James Bible Jeremiah 31:30
But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.
Did Moses write about the role of the Messiah, as high priest?

Something I was wondering about... Could the RCC be said to commit fornication with, or ride kingdoms such as Russia, China...?


Well-Known Member
Did Paul say persons would not die? Where?
Now you are being disingenuous. Paul said "we shall not all sleep", whereas "sleep" was a euphemism for die. Regardless, the "we" all slept, whether they died or not. Kind of like a false prophecy.

Corinthians 15:51-54 New King James Version 51 Behold, I tell you a [ a]mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be change


Well-Known Member
Did Moses write about the role of the Messiah, as high priest?

Something I was wondering about... Could the RCC be said to commit fornication with, or ride kingdoms such as Russia, China...?
Moses mentioned that Israel was to listen to the "prophet" to come. The role of the "high priest" was set out within the law. The Roman church rides the Czar/Caesar of Russia by way of the support of Putin for the Eastern Orthodox church. The dictator/Caesar of China, Xi, supports the worship of Marx, via communism, the god of you will have no God, nor a law of God, but a law of man. The euphemism of "fornication" is in the sense of worshipping "other gods".


Veteran Member
Now you are being disingenuous.
No need to attack the user, in a discussion.

Paul said "we shall not all sleep", whereas "sleep" was a euphemism for die. Regardless, the "we" all slept, whether they died or not. Kind of like a false prophecy.

Corinthians 15:51-54 New King James Version 51 Behold, I tell you a [ a]mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be change
Is it possible you misunderstood Paul's expression there?
The apostle Peter... dear soul, whom Jesus was sure would feed his lambs, said...
(2 Peter 3:15, 16) 15 Furthermore, consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote you according to the wisdom given him, 16 speaking about these things as he does in all his letters. However, some things in them are hard to understand, and these things the ignorant and unstable are twisting, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.


Well-Known Member
No need to attack the user, in a discussion.

Is it possible you misunderstood Paul's expression there?
The apostle Peter... dear soul, whom Jesus was sure would feed his lambs, said...
(2 Peter 3:15, 16) 15 Furthermore, consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote you according to the wisdom given him, 16 speaking about these things as he does in all his letters. However, some things in them are hard to understand, and these things the ignorant and unstable are twisting, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.
First of all, both of Peter's epistles were written by two different writers, and probably neither being Peter. Second, Peter was the "worthless shepherd" of Zechariah 11:16-17, who would not feed, care, or tend the sheep, and who would "leave the flock", and whose "flock"/church, is "doomed for slaughter" (Zech 11:7). As with Peter saying he would never deny Yeshua 3 times, he denied Yeshua 3 times, and when Yeshua told Peter 3 times that if Peter loved him, that he would feed, care and tend the sheep, Peter apparently left the flock in Jerusalem and went to the city of Rome, which is the fulfillment of Zechariah 11:16-17. If you are inferring that I am "ignorant and unstable", maybe you should check your horse at the door. If you are saying that the "many" (Mt 7:13) of Christianity do not believe that Paul was saying they would not die if they reached the "day of the LORD", then you are highly misinformed or are disingenuous. According to Yeshua in Revelation 13:11-14, it is those "who dwell on the earth", who will be "deceived" by the "beast with two horns like a lamb", which includes as the two horns like a lamb, as the two Christ like leaders, Peter and Paul, who will be the foundational stones of the Roman church, which was laid out in their dogmas by the Roman emperor/beast, Constantine at his council of Nicaea. You, along with the "many" have chosen the "broad" "way" to "destruction" (Mt 7:13). Relying on the "message" of Paul, the "enemy", is not going to help your situation. Or even relying on some writing of some unknown author, is not going to help either. Or even relying on the holiness of the Roman church in 367 A.D. to substantiate your NT canon is not going to help you in the end. You might want to consider putting a saddle on that horse and make a quick retreat. Oh yeah, the "fat sheep" reference of Zech 11:16 is a reference to the leaders/"fat shepherds" of Ezekiel 34, who will be the first to be "destroyed" (Ez 34:16), for not feeding or heeling the sheep/flock. You might want to consider expanding what you read with respect to the actual Word of God and be more critical of what the traditions of men tell you to read.

Zechariah 11:16 “For behold, I am going to raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for the perishing, seek the scattered, heal the broken, or sustain the one standing, but will devour the flesh of the fat sheep and tear off their hoofs.
17“Woe to the worthless shepherd
Who leaves the flock!


Jesus in me
Now comes the question of the day, did you vote for Biden and if you "believe" you voted for Trump against Obama, was an actual vote? If you voted for Biden, what does that say about your vision with respect to liars? The problem is that the Progressive policies of the Left are the same as those of your false prophet Paul, and results appears in the lawless Liberal cities. And your church did not throw out the traditions of the RCC, for you kept their main dogmas, with respect to the false doctrine of the Trinity, the keeping of the day of the sun as your day of rest, the feast of Astarte (Easter), the celebration of the birth and death of Nimrod, Mithras, and Sol Invictus on the 25th of December, plus their reliance on their canon established in 367 A.D. As for idols, you worship the pagan symbol of the cross, whether it being in bronze, gold, silver, wood, or stone. I have equated the beast of Daniel 2 with those of Daniel 7, and with Revelation 13 and17. On the other hand, you have not. Who is the first beast of Daniel 2, 7, and who were the beasts of Rev 13 & 17?
I believe Daniel 2 did not have a beast; it had an image. Daniel 7 Does set up for Rev 13 but the problem is that Dan 7 has a succession of beasts whereas Rev 13 is one beast just as the Dan 2 image was of one being. So there are similarities but it is not the same. So my conclusion is that some things can be equated somewhat and other things can't. So I will ask this question: Is the Babylonian empire the same entity as Iraq? Is the Medo-Persian empire the same as Saudi Arabia? Is the Assyrian empire the same as Turkey?

I believe I voted for Trump both times and will again.

I believe your theology is lacking truth.