You must be mistaking me for someone else.
Aren't you the guy who always smells like cheese?
As an unequal exchange, taking more than giving,
I covered this in a prior post.
So if exploitation is wrong, then this would make every
system other than hunter-gatherer wrong. What use
is such a term so broad as to lack any utility?
e.g. clear-cutting without re-forestation.
That was Mao's policy for communism.
So wasting resources isn't a problem limited to capitalism.
Have you ever heard of a thing called "regulation"?
It's a system of laws that (ideally) limit behavior
to avoid ill consequences, eg, fraud, pollution.
Exactly. You want to gain more than you put in.
Covered before, eg, your socialist shoe factory.
It is a critique of others, but capitalism is the most successful in exploitation.
Other systems create more misery than
does capitalism, eg, socialism, communism.
Nope, see post #27 where I refer to "state capitalism", a.k.a. socialism.
see above
Growth is inherent to capitalism, as I have tried to explain.
Because there is nothing in the real world. That's why we have to think about alternatives we haven't tried, yet.
I want even more. I'm not satisfied with the alternatives from the past, they all suffer from the same flaws, more or less, capitalism the most. I want new alternatives, alternatives that are sustainable.
To be blunt, it seems that your arguments are naught
- Demonization by labeling, eg, workers under capitalism
are "exploited", but workers under socialism are.....not
really addressed, even though they too must work to
- Decrying problems that happen under capitalism, but
not when the same problems happen under other systems.
- Ignoring the utility of regulation.
- Falsely making unending economic expansion a condition
necessary for capitalism.
You're just not holding up your end of this discussion.
I expect more from you, unlike some others here.