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Cartones,burn Quran day,film, what next ?

is this film is increase the terrorism (and the hate) against west

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Well-Known Member
I'd say I rely on English subtitles about 80% of the time. Even in a quiet film with clear dialogue, there will be at least 7 incidents where I just can't make it out by ear.

I've heard others say the same thing, but it confuses me. I can't remember watching a British movie with English subtitles. Is that something embedded in the movie, or is it a feature which you turn on and off on your television set? If it's a feature of the TV, I need to figure out how to use it.

Does it translate into American or just recite the British dialogue verbatim? In other words, would the subtitle read, "Young Geoffery never whinged about too many biscuits" or "Young Jeffery never complained about too many cookies"?

I would really like to watch more British TV and movies, but I just get too frustrated with the dialogue.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I've heard others say the same thing, but it confuses me. I can't remember watching a British movie with English subtitles. Is that something embedded in the movie, or is it a feature which you turn on and off on your television set? If it's a feature of the TV, I need to figure out how to use it.

Does it translate into American or just recite the British dialogue verbatim? In other words, would the subtitle read, "Young Geoffery never whinged about too many biscuits" or "Young Jeffery never complained about too many cookies"?

I would really like to watch more British TV and movies, but I just get too frustrated with the dialogue.
It's a near universal feature on dvd and blu-ray, though you have to turn it on. It does get irritating on occasion, though, since the transcription quality varies.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
It's really only illegal if you're going to get someone hurt. Inciting to riot, death threats, etc.. Slander is a little murkier, but to get damages for that, you have to show that the guilty party was deliberately lying.

As for political opinion, there is zero regulation. I could, in fact, proclaim my (hypothetical for the sake of example) support and adoration for Osama bin Laden from the rooftops without legal reprisal. I can burn a flag or a Bible, call the President an incompetent immoral buffoon, or express any other unpopular sentiment I like.
you talking about physical hurt , not moral hurt ?

if it's also moral/degnity
that's mean US law missed insult religion as hurt personal moral .
i don't know if most of the countries don't allow to mock religions or not.

here it's not allow to mock any religion

for my opinion 99 % of muslims around the world, ignore that it's about a freedom of speech in USA ,they think it an intentional attack to Islam by the west (aiming reputation of islam ) .
but this is not justification to voilence protest.

My dad works at a historical archive devoted to the Viet Nam conflict, and as such, has a great deal of experience with Vietnamese nationals. There was one lady, name of Nguyen, who wanted to get a driver's license after living here for a few years, so the professor she lived with took her down to get tested.

She passed the written with a perfect score, then went out to take the practical test. The trooper flunked her, and the professor asked why. It seems that when they came to a one way street necessitating a left turn, he told her to turn right, and she did.

The professor gave him a lecture about authoritarianism in Viet Nam, and asked him to test her again, fairly. To their credit, they did. When they came to the one way, instead of telling her to turn right, he asked if she could, and she said "no, there's a great big sign saying one way." She knew perfectly well that the order to turn right was illegal and dangerous, but her cultural paradigm dictated that when the authority figure gives you an order to break the law, you break the law without question.
thanks for this story ,that's explain how the nations are different in laws .

Free speech is a similar case of alien mindsets. You're horrified at the idea that racism is legal here. I'm equally horrified by the idea of the government legislating the validity of my opinions!
yes i was shocked, when you told me that racism is considerate freedom of speech , but how you explain that the goverment condemne the racism and mocking religions and it's allow it ? is not clear contradiction ?
to explain more :
should i condemne something I allowed ?!!!!


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I'd say I rely on English subtitles about 80% of the time. Even in a quiet film with clear dialogue, there will be at least 7 incidents where I just can't make it out by ear.
In TV ,for me don't prefere to see the subtitle all the time , because i missed the spelling by reading the dialogue in arabic .
and because they sometimes they translate the meaning , not word by word .
and sometimes the subtitle did not conrespond the audio , in time .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
]Ah, I didn't know there were places where French is the majority language. Is that the case in Algiers?

Algeries could be special case , Bilinguisme city arabic/french.

in Tizi wouzo and Bejaia they spoke french ,and kind an old semitic languge called "amazigh" .which mean bilinguism cities amazigh/french.

there is about 3 to 4 million Algerians live in europe in general and especialy in france ,

accualty in Algeria and north africa in general (Moroco and tunisia ) spoke an accent mixed with arabic/french .

English also becomes strong and popular, because in all the schools , it's obligation to learn it.
education in general is obligation for the kids.
and because movies channels with arabic subtitle, i can bit that about 5 millions can communicate in English .

but this maybe will suprise you , that we the algerians and tunisian and morocan knows and understand the arabic accent of Egypt and Syria , and arabic gulf accents (kuwiet,iraq, Saudi ,....etc) ,because of their movies and series .
but they don't understand our accents because it's mixed with french , except if we try to speak with them with their accent or classic arabic, they don't understand us because we are not stronger in movies and series too .

You said you could understand about 90% of the dialogue in an American movie. Well guess what? That's about all I can understand, too, and I've lived in America all my life. But I watch them on TV, with TV speakers, so maybe I would understand more if I were in a theater. The actors seem to take great pride in mumbling and stuttering, and some directors love to use local idioms.
I did not said i understand whole the word , i understand the dailogues , that's big diferent , as i do in this forum , most of the time i understand the paragraphes without refering to Google Translator

any way most of american movie , just 2 half is swearing or dailogue .
it's the same dailgue and sentences almost repeated in most of the movies like these :
what the hell is going on ?
i gotta go !!
i got it
gotta out of here

for British movies ,i find hard to understand it , because i take the habit to follow americans movies .

that's right , but for my opinion the movies could help to learn spoken language

you will suprise if i told you , that i know some one knows american english in whole accents , for exemple he could distingue between los angelos accent and NY accent ....etc

he study Enlgish until university and he is fan of american movies (as i do ), he get a work with american company i guess , in the test they shocked by his talent (his knowladge all the american accents) !!!

As for British English, I can only understand maybe 75% of most movies. If there are Irish people, my percentage goes down even further.

But I might understand 99.9% of American movies and 95% of British movies if there were subtitles. That's because written language is easier to follow than the spoken word, I think.
I prefere to watch american movies , because i understand american accent more than english .


ThrUU the Looking Glass
you talking about physical hurt , not moral hurt ?

if it's also moral/degnity
that's mean US law missed insult religion as hurt personal moral .
i don't know if most of the countries don't allow to mock religions or not.

here it's not allow to mock any religion
And that's horrific to me.

for my opinion 99 % of muslims around the world, ignore that it's about a freedom of speech in USA ,they think it an intentional attack to Islam by the west (aiming reputation of islam ) .
but this is not justification to voilence protest.

thanks for this story ,that's explain how the nations are different in laws .
Not just in their laws, but the mindset of their citizens.

yes i was shocked, when you told me that racism is considerate freedom of speech , but how you explain that the goverment condemne the racism and mocking religions and it's allow it ? is not clear contradiction ?
to explain more :
should i condemne something I allowed ?!!!!
No, it really isn't. "Allow" does not mean "approve." It means not putting people in jail for being unpopular.


Well-Known Member
for my opinion 99 % of muslims around the world, ignore that it's about a freedom of speech in USA ,they think it an intentional attack to Islam by the west (aiming reputation of islam ) .

I would guess that a large majority of Americans would be outraged and angry if they watched that movie. They would be angry to see any ignorant movie which was created just to offend other people.

But if we outlaw movies which offend Islam, we will have to outlaw all movies. Every movie offends the beliefs of some part of the population.

It's why I asked you exactly who would be in charge of deciding whether a movie or book should be banned. If that person is a Mormon, he may ban anything which denies that Josepth Smith was a Prophet. But if the guy in charge is an atheist, he may ban anything which claims that Prophets actually exist.

You say all religions should be protected, but maybe you should think a little harder about that problem. Try to list all the religions which should be protected.


Well-Known Member
yes i was shocked, when you told me that racism is considerate freedom of speech , but how you explain that the goverment condemne the racism and mocking religions and it's allow it ? is not clear contradiction ?
to explain more :
should i condemne something I allowed ?!!!!

In the US and other western countries, a government official is not allowed to break the law. He can hate this movie -- as most of us do -- but he cannot break the law and decide to ban the movie.

So he hates the movie but has to allow it.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
In the US and other western countries, a government official is not allowed to break the law. He can hate this movie -- as most of us do -- but he cannot break the law and decide to ban the movie.

So he hates the movie but has to allow it.


Well-Known Member
English also becomes strong and popular, because in all the schools , it's obligation to learn it.

Yeah, right now American English is the lingua franca -- the language of the world. It's a good time to be an ESL teacher. (English as a Second Language)

but this maybe will suprise you , that we the algerians and tunisian and morocan knows and understand the arabic accent of Egypt and Syria , and arabic gulf accents (kuwiet,iraq, Saudi ,....etc) ,because of their movies and series .
but they don't understand our accents because it's mixed with french , except if we try to speak with them with their accent or classic arabic, they don't understand us because we are not stronger in movies and series too .

It makes sense. In the US, if one wants to be understood among strangers, one must speak as the national newscaster speaks.

any way most of american movie , just 2 half is swearing or dailogue .
it's the same dailgue and sentences almost repeated in most of the movies like these :
what the hell is going on ?
i gotta go !!
i got it
gotta out of here

Yeah. But written language is a lot easier, at least for me.

I love 'street-English', but I'm glad I'm not a foreigner trying to understand regular spoken English.

he study Enlgish until university and he is fan of american movies (as i do ), he get a work with american company i guess , in the test they shocked by his talent (his knowladge all the american accents) !!!

Some people just have a talent and a passion for it. Lucky guy.


If there are books, movies, whatever that I find offensive, I respond by simply not viewing them and by ignoring them. You know, like a sensible, civilized adult.

We shouldn't start stripping rights and liberty away just because people behave like beasts. We shouldn't bow out of fear, then we only serve to reward and reinforce their savagery.

This is so true, and exactly my feelings.

If I'm offended by something, that rarely happens anyway, but if I do happened to get offended, I'll simply look the other way.

No one forced these people to watch the movie, watch the cartoons, and if they by some awful accident get to see it, if you can't deal with it, and just shrug it off, you're not meant for this civilized world.

People say all kinds of stupid and ignorant **** all the time I don't agree with, but does it mean I go into a furious rage? No, I shrug it off and mind my own business.

I will never tolerate those that are intolerant.


Jesus in me
In the US and other western countries, a government official is not allowed to break the law. He can hate this movie -- as most of us do -- but he cannot break the law and decide to ban the movie.

So he hates the movie but has to allow it.

I believe God hates sin but allows it to exist.


Jesus in me
off the topic, i dont know why people refer to the Indian Government as Pro-Hindu, it is a secular government, The so called Hindu Fanatics usually are against the Governments appease of the minority groups.

I believe that to be the case but the leaders are most likely Hindus and have a Hindu bias. However I do believe those who are violent are difficult to control even if the desire is there to do so and I believe my analogy is not likely the case in India.

I believe there are issues but how those issues are being dealt with, I don't have a clue. I believe that fanatics might not agree with the government and decide to take the law into their own hands. I believe a government can't allow that kind of anarchy.


Well-Known Member
I believe that to be the case but the leaders are most likely Hindus and have a Hindu bias. However I do believe those who are violent are difficult to control even if the desire is there to do so and I believe my analogy is not likely the case in India.

I believe there are issues but how those issues are being dealt with, I don't have a clue. I believe that fanatics might not agree with the government and decide to take the law into their own hands. I believe a government can't allow that kind of anarchy.

Thats like saying that if leaders of the US, Britain and Australia are mostly Christian they would most likely have a Christian bias.

India is not in the grip of a civil war, its quite peaceful, the only problem in India is the Islamic terrorism, which has seems to stop in other non Islamic countries but is still a major concern in India, mind you the Islamic community in India are a considered a Minority.