The Lost One
When did I ever say that?Well, it is simple. All causes as cause and effect are physical, but all are not objective.
You as for this sentence is caused by you subjectively: Everything is objective.
Me: No.
So religion is physical, but not objective. But so is your idea that everything is objective in the end.
BTW the "no" has on objective, physical referent, yet you use negatives yourself.
I have never said “everything is objective”.
If a person claim nature (natural phenomena) having cause and effect, then the only way to scientifically and objectively test such claim, are with evidence that the cause is responsible for its effect.
But if a person is going to mix nature with supernatural causes, then this person need to show evidence that the supernatural phenomena exist in the first place.
Evidence is of course the only way to reach objective conclusion on natural or physical causes.
No one who ever proposed supernatural causes (eg supernatural phenomena), have shown that evidence for anything supernatural.
But I don’t think everything is objective.
Subjective is anything that don’t require testing, such as personal view/opinion, personal belief (eg beliefs in religions, beliefs in scriptures, beliefs in prophets, in gods, in spirits or in fairies), personal preference or taste (eg liking or not liking of artwork, writing in literature, in music, in the looks of other people (attraction), etc.
Without subjective, there would be no imagination, and without imagination, there would be no masterpieces in art, literature or in music.
Being subjective is wonderful for creativity, as well for the unique individuality of each person. Here, being objective takes the backseat.
The places for objective, is in logic, like mathematics, or in scientific testings (eg evidence finding or experiments).
But not everything are sciences and mathematics.