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Center of the Universe – the SS Paradox


Jesus in me
Any place can be the center of the universe. The universe isn't expanding from a certain point. The space between everything is expanding, equally in all directions.

That fact has caused a great deal of consternation among those who believe in the Big Bang Theory.

I have to wonder how this fits in with Galaxy collisions?


Jesus in me
There is no distinction. However, calculating the centre of the universe would technically require knowing when it ends.

If space time is actually warped in on itself, how can it have an end? Time in that case is a continuum from the future into the past and back again.


Well-Known Member
That fact has caused a great deal of consternation among those who believe in the Big Bang Theory.
What do you mean?
consternation - fear resulting from the awareness of danger.
I have to wonder how this fits in with Galaxy collisions?
If two galaxies are moving towords eachother faster than the space between them is expanding they will eventually collide.


Well-Known Member
If space time is actually warped in on itself, how can it have an end? Time in that case is a continuum from the future into the past and back again.
In principle the universe could be warped in on itself only in some dimensions. Like a cylinder :)

But imagine the universe as the surface sphere. The surface is warped in on itself, but the sphere has an end and a center is ... well in the center of the sphere :).

Same would be true for the universe would be the surface of a 4 (or 5) dimensional sphere, and so the center would mathematically be outside what we see as the universe.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely love your concept on this, drsatish and that is one of the best questions to be placed before physicists and cosmologist alike. If they can come up with the string theory to "explain" the big bang, they know how fast light travels (assuming all photons from every galaxy are exactly what they "think" they consist of), they even know the universe is expanding at phenomenal speeds, but they can not figure out "where" the central focus of this energy is.


Active Member
Both me and my Gwynnies are the center on the universe. She is my sweet everything, yet that entitlement begins with my.

My limited physics module wishes to input: there is no space-wise center, but a time-wise origin; as has been mentioned. But as subjects, you (I) are (am) the center from which awareness of universe originates.

Hi Ellen!
Bad News for you!
I just got an SMS from Gwyn.
But due to Error in 2011 Optical Fiber Transmission & Optical Air Transmission,
I am Not Quite Sure….who I got it from…
Could it be…
Gwyneth Paltrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gwen Stefani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But I know, you have ‘NO DOUBT’
Who sent it!
Anyway it is a …..SHE!
..SO I guess THAT settles matters…!
SHE says..

  • You are Totally on the Wrong Foot!
  • That you have got Everything Upside Down!
  • She says….”She ..and her…Ellenies…’ are the Center on?...(your grammar mistake)…of (Queen’S English)…the Universe.

I know, when I visited you last as a Podiatrist,
You asked me in earnest,
If you could Spot Any Real Difference between my Left Foot & Right Foot.
And I told you,
After Deep Observation, Analysis, Foot-X-Ray Machines and a few hurried looks at Grey’s Anatomy…
There was NONE. …THAT Both Feet were IDENTICAL…the Same Mirror Image You See in the Bathroom Mirror
…when you Shave..
…or Shine your lips..
(Hence her Accusation is Totally Wrong, unfounded and Baseless)
(Definitely NOT Left But…& Right Butt..)
If I swirl you AROUND, and Land You On your OTHER 2 FEET..
..The Left Cerebral Hemisphere…& …Right Cerebral Hemisphere…
Lateralization of brain function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
may be she got a foot in the matter…or was it brain in the matter…
was it Brain Matter?
Anyway, as my SMS Storage has reached its maximum capacity (2K)
I suggest that you SETTLE THE MATTER
Civilized, Diplomatic, Negotiated Channels…
Thro UMS (Universal Message Services).
If No Results can be Obtained..
I Authorize you to Use ALL GASEOUS OPTIONS you may have…
Biological Gas, Mustard Gas, Nuclear Gas….
BUT LET ME WARN YOU! NEVER USE….outmoded techniques like…

  • Biology.
  • Mustard Cooking Oil Dishes
  • Nuclear Family Beliefs/Theories/Concepts/Superstitions/Pseudo-Science..

Nice Centricity,
Ellen, sorry, this is a Negative Post about you....and a Positive post about your Gwyn...
be assured that my Concurrent next post ...is a Positive Post about you...

..about your INSIGHT into.....'MY'....the last letters of your Post.


Active Member
Craning the neck too backward…..on hearing noises above…..and swirling it Left…& Right…
…generally causes one to lose the Center of Balance.
The Department of Vertigo,

I lie down a lot, centre of balance not important. Universe does what it does whether I understand it or not.
The Dept. of the Horizonal.


Active Member
I lie down a lot, centre of balance not important. Universe does what it does whether I understand it or not.
The Dept. of the Horizonal.

Rest in Peace, Dept of Horizontal….
As there is No Other Way to Rest….
Be it Economical, Racial, Philosophical, Continental, Religious, Euclidean-Geometrical…

But if you want to have Fun / Excitement / excitement of Mountain Climbing…
…to SEE what is at THE TOP….
…using ROPES…
…..like Swaying Hips, Swaying Swords, Swaying Books….Swaying earthly Minerals & Oils…
….KNOW….that THERE is NOTHING ….at the TOP….
( Ask Edmund Hillary..!)

Department of Horizontal Verticality/Vertigolity,


Superabacus Mystic
If space time is actually warped in on itself, how can it have an end? Time in that case is a continuum from the future into the past and back again.
Because it's actually a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey... stuff. Imagine a cone, pointing down. Except the cone warps in such a way that if you travel "sideways" relative to the cone, (i.e. across the surface of the base) you'll end up back where you started.

Now the universe has an extra dimension, at least, on top of that.


Craning the neck too backward…..on hearing noises above…..and swirling it Left…& Right…
…generally causes one to lose the Center of Balance.
The Department of Vertigo,

Slightly off-topic, but your writing-style bears a striking resemblance to the writings of ?Hakim Bey...


Because it's actually a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey... stuff. Imagine a cone, pointing down. Except the cone warps in such a way that if you travel "sideways" relative to the cone, (i.e. across the surface of the base) you'll end up back where you started.

Now the universe has an extra dimension, at least, on top of that.
Quite the Dr. Who-ish answer!


Active Member
Both me and my Gwynnies are the center on the universe. She is my sweet everything, yet that entitlement begins with my.

My limited physics module wishes to input: there is no space-wise center, but a time-wise origin; as has been mentioned. But as subjects, you (I) are (am) the center from which awareness of universe originates.

Sorry Ellen!
Right now I can’t pen down my thoughts on…….’My’
Coz u know, it ain’t a Simple Mathematical Equation like E=MC2

by a Nutty Professor
The Nutty Professor (1996) - IMDb
Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Which EQUATES….the Left Side (Cabbages)…..with the Right Side….(Oranges…)

Kindly Ask the Top Mathematical Brains on WHAT the Following Equation Means:
Hyperset(Mathematics ) minus Subset (Mathematicians)….MINUS the Equal Sign is what?

If my language is too cryptic for their language, I will elaborate it for them…
M - = = ?

In the mean time, I will try to work out the Most Complex Formula in the Universe called…MY..

A Formula….which has NO EQUATION SYMBOL!
But which Includes 2 Symbols BURIED in IT

Symbolic Convention,


Active Member
Hi Ellen!
I finally worked out ‘What’….’My’…Means!
To explain it by Gaseous Emanations from my one end or other
Through my left tentacle or right tentacle,
It will require More Pages than Currently Stored in the Library of Congress..
More than 110 million….something….
“with nearly 110 million items in almost every language and format stored on 532 miles of bookshelves”
I am not quite sure whether those “items”….are ….

Anyway, the NETT BALANCE (expressed in Wall Street Financial Accounting Language)

Or in Einsteinian Algebraic Equations,

is This!.....which is in fact, Much More Simpler than the Asymmetrical Equation of a Hairy Fellow….E=mc2

My Formula is…

(M is Me…..and Y is You)

& it STANDS SCRUTINY by the Most Algebraic Minds ANYWHERE in the Universe..!
M x Y = Y x M
M + Y = Y + M


Is coming to the REALIZATION that

M – Y = Y – M


M / Y = Y / M



Superabacus Mystic
& it STANDS SCRUTINY by the Most Algebraic Minds ANYWHERE in the Universe..!
M x Y = Y x M
M + Y = Y + M
Except in matrix algebra. AB =/= BA when dealing with matrices. There's probably some group where A+B=/=B+A as well. It really depends on how you define the operation. (which, oops, you haven't done)


Active Member
Except in matrix algebra. AB =/= BA when dealing with matrices. There's probably some group where A+B=/=B+A as well. It really depends on how you define the operation. (which, oops, you haven't done)

Now we got to do a few kicks...and punches....in the MATRIX
The Matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
was it Keanu Reeves
Reanu Keeves..

..The MATRIX...depends....on How You DEFINE it....

..you said something about 'defining' an....'operation'...

..can you please 'define' both....meaning...'operate' both?

Poly Veeves/Views,


Active Member

Can you enlighten me on the
Fundamental 'Poly...meaning More than Not Poly'

on which the Entire Edifice of Maths

A kick below the STANDING Belt?


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
Center of the Universe – the SS Paradox
Man! I am after Centers!
Who ISN’T?
I want to be the Center of Attention…when I walk down…the Cat-Walk!
I want to be the Center of Attention…when I am in the Gladiator Ring!
I want to be the Center of Attention…by aiming to become the President of Any Country!
I want to be the Center of Attention…by getting a ticket to Hollywood!
I want to be the Center of Attention…by getting Any Prize…boxing knockouts, to Pulitzer…& Nobel…
I want to be the Center of Attention…IN MY HOME!.....if only the Other Center will Allow it!
I want to Reach the Center of Myself…..by one means or another…one path or another..
Life is All about finding the Balanced Center!
….the Center of the Universe?
….The Big Point of the the Big Bang? ( pun intended)

The Big Bang concept evolved out of the Factual Observation of the Red Shift.
& the fact that ALL Galaxies are Moving Away from One Another
As far as I know, Science or Cosmology has NOT IDENTIFIED….that Point in Space
….from which EVERYTHING is Expanding…
(Poly…correct me or catch me, if you can!)
My Question to Stephen Hawking, kins & kings is..
…How can you conceptualize “Bang”…with …No Center?
(Webster:[FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]hawk·ish[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot](hô[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Æ[/FONT][FONT=&quot]kish),[/FONT][FONT=&quot] adj.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]1. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]resembling a hawk, as in appearance or behavior.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]advocating war or a belligerently threatening diplomatic policy.)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
YouTube - Lawrence Krauss: Life, the Universe and Nothing


Active Member
Personally, I prefer E=MC5!
YouTube - MC5- Kick Out The Jams (Extended)

Hi UU!

I might agree in my leisurely hours about the 'hairy fellows' video you posted...
Coz I know, u r U2!
U2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the Way...my best Bands are Pink Floyd and Deep Purple....
…followed by Led Zeppelin….&
(No…Lead…& Helium in High Explosive Balloons….you might say TOP BRASSES (Metallically Rifle Powered)…
But I….’DIG’…their song..
“Stairway to Heaven!”

(Talking of Colors.....&....Light....and ...Vibrations...
String Quartet...

…Ask Tribal African Drummers….& their Beats….or …Beatles…(definitely NOT BeatLESS)
…..or Bach or Beethoven or Michael Jackoven…

It is the RHYTHM!....
Ask Kepler….who could SEE / HEAR….the circular rhythm of the Planets….

Ask a Doctor!...
Who will fill your days with the Circadian Rhythm of Day & Night!

Ask the Periodic Monsoon!

Ask the Periodic Waves!

Ask the Apparent Rising …and Falling Sun!....

So, the Current STRING THEORY……has a RING….to IT!
It don’t know QUIET!

Is there supposed to be some point to this thread? :shrug: All the remarks about being the center of attention is simply the alpha male trait common to all social animal males and is also inherent in the female desire to be the center of a male's love, care and protection. We are social animals and like to be part of "the group."

The purpose or function of religion has no direct relationship with that. Instead, it serves as a unifying bond between people. Those who believe alike think alike and can, therefore, function more efficiently together with less dissension.

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