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CHALLENGE: Provide a Single Piece of Evidence that God Exists


Intentionally Blank
Here's Merriam Webster:

1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality

Nothing about always existing in there. What could Fatihah possibly mean? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Response: Refer to your nearest dictionary.

Fatihah, while I have not been following this particular thread, I did go back a few pages to see how the thread came to this point. It seems you maintain as your 'proof' of god that nothing can be 'created' without a creator. Yet, when asked who then created said creator as all things must have a creator to exist, you simply ignored the question and began calling people trolls for asking you to give some reasoning for your unsupported assertion.

Please answer the question or stop insulting other forum members for requesting you offer something to substantiate your belief (I must use belief here as you don't seem to have offered enough to really call it a claim).
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Well-Known Member
I am an Athiest.
I have never believed in a personal God as worshipped by any of the Abrahamic Religions.
Throughout my life, I have not encountered a single piece of evidence that supports the claim that such a God exists.
Need, desire, desperation, or fear are NOT factors when I am deciding if God exists, nor is the threat that I’ll “burn in hell if I don’t”. Also, I cannot accept “because I said so” as a valid argument for anything.
Bottom line, I am unable to exclude my belief in God from the same level of critical-thinking that I use to believe anything else in my life, and therefore, I have come to the conclusion that God does not exist.
So I say again, I have never encountered a single piece of evidence that supports the claim that an Abrahamic God exists, and I invite anyone to help me “see the light” by providing any such evidence.
Regarding Non-Abrahamic Gods, I’d like to keep those a separate consideration for the time being.

No one can prove the existence of God in the way you wish.

The reason why people believe in the existence of God is because not of any logical reason, rather it is the divine Element within the human being, which gives him the intuition that such a Reality exists. As such, this belief or faith is beyond the scrutiny of the principles of ordinary reason. You might want to check this link.

If one has no or little inclination towards God in his heart, then all this seems nonsense. I believe that this was the reason all holy men and women of God have tried to cajole people towards God in various ways (conditioned by their respective situations).

The only verification of God's existence is the proof by experience, when God's existence becomes self-evident and any need for logic/reason vanishes. Everyone can experience this, through fine tuning the link between God and man. There is a spark of divinity within everyone, only it is appreciated differently and in different proportions by different people. (A strange enigma is man!) In the Islamic context this is done by entirely surrendering the ego, to make space in the heart for the divinity.



non-existential luminary
I know this is just an analogy, but you haven't studied much geology, have you?

By studying seismic waves, we were able to determine that the Earth has a liquid mantle with a solid core, as well as the thickness of the solid crust... all without cutting into the Earth at all.

Whack the surface of the cube with a hammer and listen to how it rings. Measure how the vibrations vary across its surface. Do this again in another spot. Repeat many times. Build up enough data and you'll have a very good idea of whether the cube is hollow, solid or filled with a fluid.

Also, there's the old test to tell the difference between a hard-boiled egg and a raw egg: How to Tell If Eggs Are Raw or Hard Boiled: 6 steps - wikiHow
yes, i was thinking about the sound that could be used like echo and such. dont portray me as a dumb creationist that doesn't know the possibilies. sound doesnt travel in empty space and it travels faster in metals than in gases, etc etc etc. the point is "there is no way to know" :D


non-existential luminary

any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force
Now, back to the question. Where's your proof that God has no beginning?
is that what a god is? cuz that fits for angels and so Islam and Chritianity are Monolatry and NOT monotheism. Pastafarianism fits the definition of monotheism more than Christianity and Islam.
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Well-Known Member
Fatihah, while I have not been following this particular thread, I did follow go back a few pages to see how the thread came to this point. It seems you maintain as your 'proof' of god that nothing can be 'created' without a creator. Yet, when asked who then created said creator as all things must have a creator to exist, you simply ignored the question and began calling people trolls for asking you to give some reasoning for your unsupported assertion.

Please answer the question or stop insulting other forum members for requesting you offer something to substantiate your belief (I must use belief here as you don't seem to have offered enough to really call it a claim).

Response: Well that's your problem to begin with. First, I never claimed that nothing can be created without a creator. Howevever, what I did say is similar in meaning. Secondly, I'm providing proof that God exists, as the thread suggests, not who created God. For if you ask who created God, the question itself already acknowledges that God exists. So I am not dodging any question because the question itself does not relate to the topic, and if it went unanswered, it's because I didn't see the question or because it's not relative. Third, I called someone trolling because they are in fact trolling, not because I dodged any question. Paying more attention to the forum would have let you know that.

So in conclusion, the next time you join a thread, try reading the whole thread instead of jumping in and commenting on something without knowing the whole story, or simply ask the person for clarification on what was said. This way, you won't make any more wrong assumptions.


Admiral Obvious
Response: All the proof you need is in post 120 of page 12.

What proof?
There is not a single shred of evidence, let alone proof, in this post:
I asked you to prove in fact that you were born, but not created. So you say:

This is your proof? So your PROOF that you were born and not created is that you were not created but born? That is supposed to be proof? LOL! A child can see just how absurd that it and also recognize that that's not proof at all.

However, I'll play the silly game with you. How do I know that God is the originator of the universe and life itself and not no one else? Simple. Because no one else originated the universe and life itself but God. Lol!


Well-Known Member
I know God exists!
Do I see Him? No, I see evidence of Him.
Do I hear Him? Yes! though not in any way a non believer could understand.
Do I feel Him? Yes! I feel him guiding me at times, though not as an entity just a presence that can not be explained.

That is my proof. Good enough for me:)