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Challenge to Evolutionsts

I'm still wating....I guess I can assume Jay and the rest of the evos are folding on this challenge as well. Let's see what we have so far:

1) you can show me no evidence of paleontologists claiming the fossil record shows gradual/phyletic Darwinian evolution

2) you can show me no scientifically verified example of natural selection

3) you can show me no scientifically-verified example of a mutation that adds new, selectable novel trait to the observable phenotype.

So what's the debate over, exactly? Evolution is impossible and never happened.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm still wating....I guess I can assume Jay and the rest of the evos are folding on this challenge as well. Let's see what we have so far:

1) you can show me no evidence of paleontologists claiming the fossil record shows gradual/phyletic Darwinian evolution

2) you can show me no scientifically verified example of natural selection

3) you can show me no scientifically-verified example of a mutation that adds new, selectable novel trait to the observable phenotype.

So what's the debate over, exactly? Evolution is impossible and never happened.

Here's an idea: Since you haven't adequately responded to the tough questions put to you by Jay, Painted Wolf, and others, why don't you just declare yourself the winner of this debate and go somewhere else. That way, you can keep in your own mind an unblemished track record of having won every debate you've entered into.


Well-Known Member
So what's the debate over, exactly? Evolution is impossible and never happened.

Since you never even offered any evidence for your competing theory then I guess we must conclude that both theories are impossible and that we aren't really here after all.


Lucid Dreamer
I'm still wating....I guess I can assume Jay and the rest of the evos are folding on this challenge as well. Let's see what we have so far:

1) you can show me no evidence of paleontologists claiming the fossil record shows gradual/phyletic Darwinian evolution

2) you can show me no scientifically verified example of natural selection

3) you can show me no scientifically-verified example of a mutation that adds new, selectable novel trait to the observable phenotype.is

1) Here is a list of fossil transitions that might be helpful (or not, I don't know): CC200: Transitional fossils

2) Has anyone mentioned antibiotic resistence in microorganisms? Natural selection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3) I don't think this actually happens. Changes are made to existing traits until, over a long enough perioud of time, they have become something new.


Well-Known Member
sigh...."genetics plays no role in morphology?" Where exactly did I say that?

Didn't you claim evolution was impossible and genetic mutation couldn't explain morphological changes? If the morphological differences between Caucasians, Asians and Africans are not genetic then what is your explanation?
1) Here is a list of fossil transitions that might be helpful (or not, I don't know): CC200: Transitional fossils

2) Has anyone mentioned antibiotic resistence in microorganisms? Natural selection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3) I don't think this actually happens. Changes are made to existing traits until, over a long enough perioud of time, they have become something new.

antibiotic resistance has absolutely nothing to do with natural selection. Which gene dies? Which "fit" genes go on to reproduce more successfully? The idea that natural selection plays any role what-so-ever in bacterial resistance is just plain false. What scientists are failing to tell everyone is that bacterial resistance usually involves some sort of gene transfer.....horizontal gene transfer is responsible for most types of resistances:

- Is Bacterial Resistance an Example of Evolutionary Change? -- TrueOrigin Archive

Bacterial resistance, in short, is an example of how fluid and plastic/changeable the genome is. This is in direct contrast to the neo-darwinian supposition that the genome is inherently selfish and the genes compete with each other. The reality is just the opposite -- the genome is a complete unit that acts as a complete unit, not an assortment of selfish, individually-acting genes. Genes and genomes share assets and resources, not hog them for themselves.


RF Addict
Hi, it's nice to find this forum.......I have a very simple challenge to evolutionists that has so far been unanswerable:

I challenge evolutionists to show me ONE mutation ever documented in the history of science that has created a new, beneficial, selectable morphological addition to an existing body part. . . . (a mutation that alters physical, outward appearance in a beneficial way. ) For example, the eye was said to have evolved by way of numerous mutations, each mutation adding on to what previous mutations (plus selection) had added before.

Please keep in mind that there are mutations that duplicate existing structures, mutations that reduce existing structures, mutations that deform organisms, and mutations that cause disease and death. . . . Unfortunately for Darwinists, however, mutations can add nothing beneficial to the observable phenotype, which is the cornerstone of ToE.

This is my claim. . this is my challenge. . . and this challenge has not yet been answered by anyone.

Knowing this, it is my opinion that the theory of evolution is little more than a wacky metaphysical belief, much like astrology or palm reading.

The floor is open!

How about seedless grapes?


Well-Known Member
Arguing against evolution is like arguing against physics or chemistry(which evolution uses in its own theories). You're beating a dead horse.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
no, that does nothing. I need to see quotes from paleontologists who say publicly that the fossil record shows phyletic/gradual change. Please show me this....so I can verify that the consensus is indeed that.
I was unaware that a book written by a paleontologist wasn't public. :rolleyes:

2) you can show me no scientifically verified example of natural selection
New evidence that natural selection is a general driving force behind the origin of species

selectable novel trait to the observable phenotype.
please define this, as I seem to have misunderstood your definition of a "public statment".

and Please answer my question... if you have fogotten it here it is again.

What is the meccanism that a single cell uses to decide and then add protiens to its DNA to purposefully change its DNA's function?


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
We have posted PLENTY of evidence, and you blindly show your ignorance of evolution and natural selection, and obviously you have no desire or will to learn. It's not like only a handful of books mention it. Go to a University, College, or even Community College bookstore and look for a used biology book. It will potentially give you HUNDREDS of sources, and not one of them will say anything against evolution. Why? Because it isn't a question if it happened. We see evolution and natural selection every day.
If your going to argue evolution, you might as well argue gravity.


Resident Schizophrenic
Is this even a serious question?
It appears that you are demanding proof of genetics having an effect on physiology.
Look at the effects of the atom bomb on japan.
There is a recent one about a three armed baby.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
The mutation in the FOXP2 gene has been all over the scientific news this month.

See here, for instance.
Gosh, when the article starts with, "FOXP2 is a transcription factor implicated in the development and neural control of orofacial coordination, particularly with respect to vocalisation," I start looking for the Cliff's notes.