Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Remember: we're not in Sola Scriptura Land here. God didn't "only leave a collection of books..." God also left apostles, presbyters, deacons, and lay people. The bible is only part of their living, continuing testimony. That testimony is lived out today by the saints who are alive today. More important, God left the Advocate "who would lead us into truth" -- the Holy Spirit, manifested in our deepest intuition about ourselves and the world around us, our creativity in matters of beauty, and our wisdom. God (as we believe) is a living God, who is manifested in the world, but especially within the human family. I believe that Jesus serves as an avatar for a humanity that is reconciled to God and serves as God's body in the world.Theres a lot to unpack there, but I'll try as best as I can
1. I accept that the bible isn't a single book but a collection of works. This raises the question: what sort of god expects people to believe in him, worship him etc or get sent to hell - but only leaves a collection of books which we must interperet in a very specific way as a way of understanding him or as evidence for him?
2. I'm sorry, but if we cant apply slavery to modern morals, we can't seek to soften it. It wasnt as recent as modern slavery, but we have no reason to believe it wasnt as brutal. When you could buy and sell people as property, it has always been and always will be an atrocity. The fact that jews had an easier ride of it doesn't mean that every other race of slave weren't subjected to a lifetime of labour and mistreatment. Remember, you can beat your slaves as hard as you like as long as they get up after a couple of days. If its wrong, its wrong. No point in making any bones about it.
You're right. No, we cant do that -- and no one who takes Christianity seriously would contend that we can. That's why no one in their right mind advocates for slavery on biblical grounds these days. But remember that the bible is as much a product of its culture as the people who wrote it. There are some parts that must be taken with a grain of salt. That's why I said that we have to weigh the texts. Just because "it's written" doesn't always mean that its right for us. And if it doesn't bring us life, freedom, and wholeness, it isn't right for us, no matter who wrote it.