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Choice of religion?

obi one

Approaching marriage at the age of 30, my fiancee and I often discuss our religious future. She was born into a Catholic family and attend a private Catholic school. I was born into a broken Catholic family and rarely attended Catholic church. I actually spent a few years attending a Baptist church in my late teens.

Now that you know a bit about me, I am interested in becoming more spiritual one day soon. The issue is, I have a problem with religion.

For many, choice of religion is inherited from generations past. As children, we do not have our say in choice of religion. Many of us are conditioned to believe that our parents religion is the one and only from a very young age.

My personal beliefs are that there is likely a god but there is no telling which religion is closest to the truth, if any. I believe that most religions were created back when laws did not exist in order to maintain a community that can coexist. After all, the fear of the unknown (afterlife) is an excellent means of controlling people.

I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?

This question has bothered me for years. I would like to get a response from members from a variety of different religions, not just Christianity. And please, don't use the word "faith" when you respond.

Thanks everyone

If you want to be religious, follow the advice of Isaiah, and visit widows and orphans in need. If you want to be Spiritual, I suggest you stay away from the traditions of men, which in general means stay out of churches. Feed the hungry, and clothe the naked, and you will find your spirituality. If you want to worship the gods of Rome, then become a Catholic. I am sure you can find a statue of Jupiter in St. Peter's cathedral. Be sure to be a good Catholic and kiss the feet of the statue, although it has been kissed so many times, the feet have had to be replaced at least twice. PAGAN SUN WORSHIP AND CATHOLICISM - THE PAGAN SUN WHEEL


Well-Known Member
Thank you for responding. Now, suppose you whole heartily believe that A or B or C is the true message of god and you are wrong... Is is better to research, choose a multiple choice answer that you think is correct and cross your fingers and hope for the best or choose none of the above and live life?

You skipped the most important option there. This is God we are talking about. So while you keep doing your research, you ask God to show you the True path.

This is where Spirituality comes into play. As a fellow human being and a well wisher, I would like to suggest to anyone in this situation the following. For a while, set aside all religions, all holy books and have a heartfelt conversation with the Creator directly in your heart and mind - ask Him to guide you towards Him if He truly exists. Be sincere regarding your intention to follow Him if you find the True Message. And I have no doubt in my mind that you will be guided to the True Message and you will have confirmation/confidence in your heart that this is it.

It doesn't make sense that God wants us to worship Him and when we seek Him sincerely that He would play hide and seek and will not show us the path towards Him. At least that's not the kind of God I worship. As stated in the Holy Qur'an :
"When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way." (Al Qur'an 2:186)

Also, Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said that God said: "He who draws close to Me(God) a hand's span, I(God) will draw close to him an arm's length. And whoever draws near Me(God) an arm's length, I(God) will draw near him a fathom's length. And whoever comes to Me(God) walking, I(God) will go to him running."

How is god being fair if he holds you accountable when there are so many options out there and he is not sending a clear message to all?

May be He is sending clear message and we are not open to it ? As stated in the Holy Qur'an :

"And those who have no knowledge say: "Why does not Allah(God) speak to us (face to face) or why does not a sign come to us?" So said the people before them words of similar import. Their hearts are alike, We have indeed made plain the signs for people who believe with certainty." (Al Qur'an 2:118)

"This [Qur'an] is a clear statement to [all] the people and a guidance and instruction for those conscious of Allah(God) ." (Al Qur'an 3:138)

Anyway, for the still confused - you ask and you get if you are sincere, so I think it is fair.

I wish you Peace and Success in this journey of yours.


Well-Known Member
There are a couple dozen major religions and what seems like several hundred different variations within each. Since only one can possibly be correct, statistically speaking, what are my chances of choosing the correct path?

Since you brought up statistics, I thought you might be interested to read this article which applies the theory of probability to the Qur’an. Unlike your question, it applies the statistics the other way around.

Islamic Research Foundation - Athiest Proof of Allah(swt)


If you want to be religious, follow the advice of Isaiah, and visit widows and orphans in need. If you want to be Spiritual, I suggest you stay away from the traditions of men, which in general means stay out of churches. Feed the hungry, and clothe the naked, and you will find your spirituality. If you want to worship the gods of Rome, then become a Catholic. I am sure you can find a statue of Jupiter in St. Peter's cathedral. Be sure to be a good Catholic and kiss the feet of the statue, although it has been kissed so many times, the feet have had to be replaced at least twice. PAGAN SUN WORSHIP AND CATHOLICISM - THE PAGAN SUN WHEEL


That link is a joke along with all the content in it.

This is chick tracts 101.

It must be beyond some people to just ask us what we believe.


Well-Known Member
I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?

This question has bothered me for years. I would like to get a response from members from a variety of different religions, not just Christianity. And please, don't use the word "faith" when you respond.

This question bothers lots of people, and is one of the greatest sources of terror that has infected humanity for so long.

If God, or gods, were to torture people forever then they would either be evil, crazy, or both. There is no other possibility. To me, it seems almost impossible that this would be the case. And If it were true, then I think everyone would be in a lot of trouble, whether atheists or christians or buddhists.

With regards to Christianity, it isn't true, nor are any of the other Abrahamic faiths. How do I know that? Because none of those religions make sense. It couldn't be any more clear to me that those ideas are the imaginings of humans. And really poor ideas at that. Hindu theology puts the Abrahamic faiths to shame.

Me Myself

Back to my username
with regards to christianity, it isn't true, nor are any of the other abrahamic faiths. How do i know that? Because none of those religions make sense. It couldn't be any more clear to me that those ideas are the imaginings of humans. and really poor ideas at that. Hindu theology puts the abrahamic faiths to shame.

:D :D t


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
If you follow Buddhism, It will guide you to a Buddha.(Person)
If you follow Baha'i, It will guide you to Bahaullah (Person)
If you follow Hindusim, It will guide you to thousands of Gods!
If you follow Christianity,It will guide you to Jesus.
If you follow Jewish,It will guide you to God but not almighty.

But,If you follow Islam, It will guide you directly to the Creator of everything.The God who created The smallest atom to the biggest star.


This is what I see.

And I see you as being wrong


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Approaching marriage at the age of 30, my fiancee and I often discuss our religious future. She was born into a Catholic family and attend a private Catholic school. I was born into a broken Catholic family and rarely attended Catholic church. I actually spent a few years attending a Baptist church in my late teens.

Now that you know a bit about me, I am interested in becoming more spiritual one day soon. The issue is, I have a problem with religion.

For many, choice of religion is inherited from generations past. As children, we do not have our say in choice of religion. Many of us are conditioned to believe that our parents religion is the one and only from a very young age.

My personal beliefs are that there is likely a god but there is no telling which religion is closest to the truth, if any. I believe that most religions were created back when laws did not exist in order to maintain a community that can coexist. After all, the fear of the unknown (afterlife) is an excellent means of controlling people.

I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?

This question has bothered me for years. I would like to get a response from members from a variety of different religions, not just Christianity. And please, don't use the word "faith" when you respond.

Thanks everyone

Have you heard of deism?

obi one

Approaching marriage at the age of 30, my fiancee and I often discuss our religious future. She was born into a Catholic family and attend a private Catholic school. I was born into a broken Catholic family and rarely attended Catholic church. I actually spent a few years attending a Baptist church in my late teens.

Now that you know a bit about me, I am interested in becoming more spiritual one day soon. The issue is, I have a problem with religion.

For many, choice of religion is inherited from generations past. As children, we do not have our say in choice of religion. Many of us are conditioned to believe that our parents religion is the one and only from a very young age.

My personal beliefs are that there is likely a god but there is no telling which religion is closest to the truth, if any. I believe that most religions were created back when laws did not exist in order to maintain a community that can coexist. After all, the fear of the unknown (afterlife) is an excellent means of controlling people.

I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?

This question has bothered me for years. I would like to get a response from members from a variety of different religions, not just Christianity. And please, don't use the word "faith" when you respond.

Thanks everyone

You have seen the Protestant (Baptist) foundation: gospel of Grace
You have seen the Catholic foundation: Peter
You might want to try the testimony of Yeshua: Mt 6:33,"...seek first His kingdom, and His righteousnesss; and all these things shall be added to you."


I want Khilafah back
I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?
Thanks everyone

hi mike i will answer your questions based on the islamic perspective and how much i know about it.

in islam the greatest sin one can commit is called Shirk in arabic, it means worshiping someone other than Allah or outright denying his existence. the Qur'an also goes on to say from the same verse that anyone who falls into this Shirk category will not have such a sin forgiven, the following is the verse:

"Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin." [4:48]

Islam teaches that 2 things are important, Intention and Actions. an action may be good but it may not have the right intention, and someone could have the right intention but the action may not show the good intention behind it.

Having said that, non-muslims who do good things (actions) are rewarded for their good in this life, a good deed is a good deed after all. however, such deeds do not count for a reward in the hear after because the intention was not for the sake and pleasure of Allah.

the same thing applies to muslims, if they do something good while their intention is not for the sake and pleasure of Allah, Allah will reject that deed on the day of judgement and will tell such people (muslims) to go and seek the reward of those for whom they made the intention.
the following are what we call hadith Qudsi and give a few of such examples:

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Allah (glorified and exalted be He) said:
I am so self-sufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus he who does an action for someone else's sake as well as Mine will have that action renounced by Me to him whom he associated with Me.
It was related by Muslim (also by Ibn Majah).

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say:
The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [ The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I fought for you until I died a martyr. He will say: You have lied - you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: He is courageous. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man who has studied [religious] knowledge and has taught it and who used to recite the Quran. He will be brought and Allah will make known to his His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I studied [religious] knowledge and I taught it and I recited the Quran for Your sake. He will say: You have lied - you did but study [religious] knowledge that it might be said [of you]: He is learned. And you recited the Quran that it might be said [of you]: He is a reciter. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man whom Allah had made rich and to whom He had given all kinds of wealth. He will be brought and Allah will make known to his His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I left no path [untrodden] in which You like money to be spent without spending in it for Your sake. He will say: You have lied - you did but do so that it might be said [of you]: He is open-handed. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire.
It was related by Muslim (also by at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i).

so in other words, to gain a reward from God in the hear after, ones intention to do something must be for the sake of God (in this case Allah) and for his pleasure only.

regarding those who do not hear about islam and die in such a state, there are a few differences among the scholars and i haven't studied those differences to come to a conclusion what i think is the right one. but some are of the opinion that such people will be shown the teachings of islam, like the rest of us, and who accepts it (ie becomes a muslim) they will be of those of paradise, those who do not will be of those of hell.

i hope my reply is helpful let me know if you have further questions.


Boy Genius
If you follow Buddhism, It will guide you to a Buddha.(Person)
If you follow Baha'i, It will guide you to Bahaullah (Person)
If you follow Hindusim, It will guide you to thousands of Gods!
If you follow Christianity,It will guide you to Jesus.
If you follow Jewish,It will guide you to God but not almighty.

But,If you follow Islam, It will guide you directly to the Creator of everything.The God who created The smallest atom to the biggest star.

This is what I see.

Even as an atheist I seem to know way more about religion than you. Both Christianity and Islam in a sense share the God of Islam, however you believe in different versions of him and practice different rituals to obey him.

Hinduism leads to Nirvana, which, from the little I know of it, is a state that transcends the physical world and in a sense is the equivalent to Heaven in the abrahamic religions, however with obvious differences.
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Boy Genius
For many, choice of religion is inherited from generations past. As children, we do not have our say in choice of religion. Many of us are conditioned to believe that our parents religion is the one and only from a very young age.

My personal beliefs are that there is likely a god but there is no telling which religion is closest to the truth, if any. I believe that most religions were created back when laws did not exist in order to maintain a community that can coexist. After all, the fear of the unknown (afterlife) is an excellent means of controlling people.

I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?

These are very skeptical questions you are asking, and from a religious standpoint, they can give you answers to all of them. However when you get to the core of each, it is all faith. By faith, I mean belief without evidence. There is no way of proving how one religion is more true than the next.

Personally, I would go the route of evidence. And I mean real evidence. Not, "we don't have any other explanation" or "it is too much of a coincidence," but actual evidence. But it's all up to you. Good job on the skeptical Q's though.


I want Khilafah back
Daviso, no need to use rude personal attacks mate, it doesn't get anyone anywhere, everyone has different views and opinions some are educated opinions and some are just uneducated opinions, you just add to the fire by doing such.


Boy Genius
Daviso, no need to use rude personal attacks mate, it doesn't get anyone anywhere, everyone has different views and opinions some are educated opinions and some are just uneducated opinions, you just add to the fire by doing such.

Sorry. Guess I'm just a little tired.


Well-Known Member
By faith, I mean belief without evidence. There is no way of proving how one religion is more true than the next.

ISLAM is not belief without proof. I guess you have not studied Islam. Let me know if
you are interested in some information regarding evidence.



Active Member
Even as an atheist I seem to know way more about religion than you. Both Christianity and Islam in a sense share the God of Islam, however you believe in different versions of him and practice different rituals to obey him.

Hinduism leads to Nirvana, which, from the little I know of it, is a state that transcends the physical world and in a sense is the equivalent to Heaven in the abrahamic religions, however with obvious differences.

I dont think it seems at all that you know about religions more.

Anyway, We are not believing in the same what christians believe. We believe only in the God (what they call The Father)...Tell me where are christians who are believing in The Father ONLY without "the son!" Jesus or even Jesus "the God".

Hindusim, Yes it will lead you to have thosuands of Gods! I am working with Indian people everyday and I know what I am saying.you want me to tell some of them: Krishna,Brahma,vishnu,Ganesh,Lakshmi,hanuman,shiva..etc..etc..etc!