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Choosing between a Nice person, a Theist and an Atheist.


Active Member
Q1 and Q3 the most interesting:) of the bunch and least stinky(Can't stand people that smell bad).:sad4:

Q2 Took me 32 years and several potiential partners to find the proper one and settle down. I doubt I will ever make a rash decision on a life partner.

If you are 'kind' to 'humanity'...at least in the ....least possible way....
if you can 'Broadcast as Totally Free Public Domain Freeware'....
..the Gist of the Perils of 32 years....

..perhaps You will be NEGATING the 32 years multiplied by 3 Billion Years of

..for the Upcoming Humans!

ie Exactly = Equal to.....96 Billion Years of Human Sorrow!

BroadCast! Man!


Active Member
Not enough information is provided about any of them to come to any meaningful conclusions.

Imagine I have provide ALL the INFORMATION you want!

Can you JUST...list
A. the Added Information..(which was lacking &)
B. the Meaningful Conclusions....you came to or CAN come to?



Active Member
Knowing nothing else, I'd pick the best looking young babe.

Which Human?
The Grey ...7 month Baby Human..Female?
The Ash.....Chubby....6.5 month Baby Human...Male?
The Earth-Colored...Skinny..Pot-Bellied...1.7 month Baby Human..Female?

Specializing in Young Babies,


Active Member
For Q1, I'd be ok with going random I suppose. Going with the nice person is probably the safest.

For Q2, not enough information is available, so I'd reject all of them. None of them are sufficient qualities in a life partner.

For Q3, I'll go with the nice person.

Hi Pen,
Can you elaborate on 'what' an 'F' would consider as Qualities for a Life Partner...?
...may be it would make things CLEAR...to....3 Billion Upcoming Wondering Souls...



Active Member
i get nervous around nice people. i always wonder where the affection comes from and if it's actually merited. with most nice people, one's actions toward them don't interfere with them being nice, they make an attempt at serial, unconditional "niceness". a lot of times this can boil over into lashing out when they are frustrated by the not so nice things around them, and they have a tendency to fake it when they dont feel it, which weirds me out. so with the exception of the long trip, the nice person is out, they could have other attractive qualities or they could prove me wrong about my suspicions. provided the trip is under a month, i'd be able to bring the nice person.

for question two and three there is a lot more to consider.
spending that much one on one time with a person, it is required (at least for me) that certain minimum agreement requirements are met. i dont feel like i could put that much vulnerability and trust into someone who believed in something i dont think is real, especially depending upon how much influence this thing had on their lives.

that being said, i'd choose the atheist for all three and roll the dice on them being people i got along with.

Hi Bounded!

If you really believe in "roll the dice"....of Western Movies....
why do you RESTRICT yourself to ....Your Safe Clan...Atheists....?

Take the Chance at EVERYBODY....Man!


Active Member
I'd go with the nice person. Unless they are an atheist. A person cannot be both nice and an atheist at the same time.

"A person cannot be both nice and an atheist at the same time"


I MET YOU...when YOU were....3...YEARS OLD...!


I CAN VOUCH...that you were QUITE...Beyond Niceingly...Wonderous..& Chubby & Smiling...& Giggling....& TODDLERING away...TOTTERING away....JOYOUSLY!

PS: You Forgot?


Active Member
Being nice isn't every thing, you can be nice but dishonest. You can be nice, but dependant, manipulating others to do for you what you won't do for yourself.

Being Theist or an Atheist doesn't mean anything and doesn't show who you really are.

Sorry, but I don't judge books by their covers.

"nice but dishonest"

Man! That is POLITICS!
...can you Tell me WHY....?

I went to a 'Political School' for Understanding the Politics..of Human Society.

The Political Teacher...addressed the ...New Comers...

He asked them...WHY...they wanted to become Politicians...

Most ANSWERED...to...SERVE MY COUNTRY...My Fatherland....My Motherland...

But ONE Guy...was DAMN Silent...

The Teacher asked him....hi! fella..you haven't decided....?

He said...no....I am just Planning How to Take Over This School
...when I 'Graduate'!

He was appointed the Class Monitor!


Active Member
But you haven't. None of those attributes is enough in themselves for me to make a meaningful decision about who I'd want to spend time with.

But you haven't !

I know. I agree!

Because I can't....in a few lines ..or pages....!

Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NASA - Home
Psych Central - Trusted mental health, depression, bipolar, ADHD and psychology information
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Science Site
love - The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion
The World Peace Religion
News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - USATODAY.com
What is Your Take?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist


Active Member
None of these links provide any further information on your hypothetical theist, atheist, or "nice" person.

So QUICK to BROWSE...A few Million Pages...?

If so, can you at least 'suggest'...







Tuning My Current Google SEO Engine,


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hi Pen,
Can you elaborate on 'what' an 'F' would consider as Qualities for a Life Partner...?
...may be it would make things CLEAR...to....3 Billion Upcoming Wondering Souls...

Intelligence and kindness are the two most important in my view. Neither is more important than the other, since both are completely necessary to me.


Active Member
Intelligence and kindness are the two most important in my view. Neither is more important than the other, since both are completely necessary to me.

"Intelligence and kindness are the two most important in my view".....

How the HELL did You Arrive....at ....THIS..?

.....which was Arrived at
....like the Buddha, Jesus.....xX, Bx, Jx...
...NOT MORE THAN 10....IN...the ENTIRE...Bi-Ped...Creaturistory...
....in 230,400 Years Neanderdhal...istory...?

...Could ..Intelligence be the Opposite...of Ignorance...? See Buddha et al..

....see Buddha et al..
....see Jesus et al...
....see your prophet et al...
....see my prophet et al..

....do you see...yourself...et al...?

Got NO TIME...Man! ...for .it .et..at ...Alll...!
et al - definition of et al by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia..


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Intelligence and kindness are the two most important in my view. Neither is more important than the other, since both are completely necessary to me.

I used to think intelligence was more important to me than kindness, until I met an intelligent sadist.