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Christian Evolutionist:

You can be a Christian and believe in evolution. In fact, most pure creationists are dimwitted when I debate them and show how it is impossible to have no evolution. Even the smallest form. God created creatures, and they evolved over time.
I DO NOT believe that "earth is 6000 yrs old" crap due to the evidence in radiometric dating. I have studied evolutionary science, and radiometric systeming, along with ancient Greek, Latin, and Coptic manuscripts for the bible. I have also studied in the areas of historical and theological backgrounds of the bible.


I have studied evolutionary science, and radiometric systeming, along with ancient Greek, Latin, and Coptic manuscripts for the bible.

Wonderful! I've been needing someone to read Latin and Coptic for me. :disco:


Miss Independent
If a fair maiden kisses a frog which instantly changes into a handsome prince we would call it a fairy tale. But if the frog takes 40 million years to turn into a prince we call it evolution.


Veteran Member
If a fair maiden kisses a frog which instantly changes into a handsome prince we would call it a fairy tale. But if the frog takes 40 million years to turn into a prince we call it evolution.
No that would still be a miracle, an even greater one. Frogs don't live for forty million years and mammal ancestors diverged from amphibian ancestors many millions of years ago before that fairytale smooch.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If a fair maiden kisses a frog which instantly changes into a handsome prince we would call it a fairy tale. But if the frog takes 40 million years to turn into a prince we call it evolution.


haha, wow. Perhaps you shouldn't be trying to make clever analogies about something you clearly have no understanding of. It looks rather foolish, I'm afraid.


Miss Independent
A frog turning into a human after millions of years is as sign of the evolution of the slow.

In the last six thousand years we have gone from no technology to landing on mars and having rovers on another planet.

And somebody thinks that we took BILLIONS of years to evolve, when in the last few hundred years alone we have done incredible things?

So...did our brain evolve 6 thousand years ago? Or is somebody just trying to get people away from the 'god' of creation by coming up with some stupid theory that we evolved from some form of live that would ironically only start using its brain in the last few thousand years of its existance. If we used our brains for the last million years or so...we would be far more advanced than we are know. So are we becoming smarter? Is there any scienctific evidence that we are becoming smarter? No there isnt. So what were we doing with our brains the last few million years? Lets say we became human in the last million years. Thats still ONE million years of no good brain power. Evolution is for people who like to believe in fairy tales.

It would be a fairy-tail if I had said I were an atheist, but I am not. I believe that God created all things, and that they evolved over time. I never said it took millions of years to get from a frog to me (lol, neither do Atheists) So, get off your high-horse Heneni and let's talk about what the title of this thread says; Christian evolutionist...


Miss Independent
It would be a fairy-tail if I had said I were an atheist, but I am not. I believe that God created all things, and that they evolved over time. I never said it took millions of years to get from a frog to me (lol, neither do Atheists) So, get off your high-horse Heneni and let's talk about what the title of this thread says; Christian evolutionist...

No get of YOUR high horse. I wasnt even talking to you. And if you want to consider the evolution theory then please do post scritpure to prove it. Otherwise dont call it christian, call it 'my theory'.

Its a bit presumptious to think that you can even call it 'christian'.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
A frog turning into a human after millions of years is as sign of the evolution of the slow.

In the last six thousand years we have gone from no technology to landing on mars and having rovers on another planet.

And somebody thinks that we took BILLIONS of years to evolve, when in the last few hundred years alone we have done incredible things?

So...did our brain evolve 6 thousand years ago? Or is somebody just trying to get people away from the 'god' of creation by coming up with some stupid theory that we evolved from some form of live that would ironically only start using its brain in the last few thousand years of its existance. If we used our brains for the last million years or so...we would be far more advanced than we are know. So are we becoming smarter? Is there any scienctific evidence that we are becoming smarter? No there isnt. So what were we doing with our brains the last few million years? Lets say we became human in the last million years. Thats still ONE million years of no good brain power. Evolution is for people who like to believe in fairy tales.


So silly Heneni, you believe in secret satanic cults that sacrifice people and summon demons, and a Zionist New World Order brain washing people and taking over the world with crystals and tarot cards, and yet you have the audacity to accuse the entire international scientific community, the most intelligent people on earth, of being fools for their "belief in fairytales" for their unanimous acceptance of evolution? Anyone who believe in the bible has absolutely no place accusing anyone else of believing in foolish fairytales. I think you are either incapable understanding evolution, or simply refuse to understand it or even do any bit of research at all. And not only are you ignorant of evolution, but of your own species as well. Homosapiens are an extremely young species in relation to the history of life on the planet. Also, it has been said time and time again, and there really shouldn't be a reason to repeat it, but the Theory of Evolution and the concept of god are not mutually exclusive. The only thing evolution conflicts with, religious wise, is literal interpretation of creation myths.
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Scripture is for theological purposes. Not historical and scientific. Do you even know what the different versions of evolution there are under the whole of "evolution"?!!
If you see a small dog and a big dog , if you look at the pedigree charts for all animals you will see.
This is called Micro-evolution. And if IT exists, than by logic, evolution must follow.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Let the EARTH bring forth.... ;)
Doesn't sound like god poofing things into existence to me.

It's a bit presumptious to think Christians call it un-Christian.


fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
And if you want to consider the evolution theory then please do post scritpure to prove it. Otherwise dont call it christian, call it 'my theory'.

Its a bit presumptious to think that you can even call it 'christian'.
Are you suggesting that a Christian cannot believe something unless they can provide a scripture that proves it?

Can you provide scripture that proves that diseases can be caused by viruses? Do you believe in germ theory?


Miss Independent
Ok thugg....lets look for one specie..recent...within the last 6000 years or so...that have evolved from one type of say 'cat' into another. (choose any specie you like). And then lets see if the change has been monitored...documented...analysed...and observed.
So silly Heneni, you believe in secret satanic cults that sacrifice people and summon demons, and a Zionist New World Order brain washing people and taking over the world with crystals and tarot cards, and yet you have the audacity to accuse the entire international scientific community, the most intelligent people on earth, of being fools for their "belief in fairytales" for their unanimous acceptance of evolution? Anyone who believe in the bible has absolutely no place accusing anyone else of believing in foolish fairytales. I think you are either incapable understanding evolution, or simply refuse to understand it or even do any bit of research at all. And not only are you ignorant of evolution, but of your own species as well. Homosapiens are an extremely young species in relation to the history of life on the planet. Also, it has been said time and time again, and there really shouldn't be a reason to repeat it, but the Theory of Evolution and the concept of god are not mutually exclusive.
If you(Heneni) say that we have to use the bible as a science/history book, then leave any one else alone(you have your own fairy-tails to deal with). Because you only falsify yourself by using circular reasoning, and if you uphold biblical inerrancy , I will have you know, I do not tolerate parasites.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Ok thugg....lets look for one specie..recent...within the last 6000 years or so...that have evolved from one type of say 'cat' into another. (choose any specie you like). And then lets see if the change has been monitored...documented...analysed...and observed.

What makes 6000 years so significant? Human history is longer than that.

Look at the studies of the neanderthal(art), Chinese(art),etc..!!!!!
And i stated something about pedigrees??!!!!!!

And I thought for a moment I was conversing with an intelligent person.



Miss Independent
Let the EARTH bring forth.... ;)
Doesn't sound like god poofing things into existence to me.

It's a bit presumptious to think Christians call it un-Christian.


I dont know why you are winking though...:shrug:

I guess your saying 'let the earth bring forth' means let evolution begin. :biglaugh:

Its funny...but I have never looked at it that way...so what else do you recon 'bring forth' could have meant?