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Christian Moms Complain About Lack of “Respect and Dignity” in Super Bowl Halftime Show


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Are you seriously blaming women for the fact that many men can only largely appreciate them as sex objects?

One's own actions and mode of dress define how they are seen by others, in the end it is a choice and is it motivated by this;

Like it or not, sex sells.

Bit hard not to see what is mostly being sold on stage these days, so much so there is very few music shows or videos that can be watched.

The other consideration is that many young people have no idea what morality can be, it is only a hundred years ago it was very different, the 60's put an end to its wider practice.

A swear word in my childhood was darn.

I see the world is a hard place for children and youth and they need to redefine and practice morality and clean speech. That is what can help unite us as a human family.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
The way you've phrased that it appears you didn't see the show. Is that correct?

To answer the Op, I pressed play on your link provided that went to a display of scantily scad women strutting their all in the face of all veiwers.

Thus I shut it down.

It is not appropriate that children are subjected to such displays. I go further, it is not appropriate for adults either, as we have to set examples for our children.

Regards Tony

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The post you quoted cited an example of a drunk woman not wanting to have sex with a guy, but the guy "having sex with her anyway" as identified as legal rape, and insinuated that it shouldn't be taken very seriously, and you said "Unfortunately that is the world we live in".

If that's not what you meant, please explain what you meant.
Right, and you appear to have purposefully misinterpreted it.


Veteran Member
And you in no way see this as being harmful towards women?
If women were always presented as sex objects, yes, I could possibly see some resultant harm, but they're not. More often than not women are presented as multidimensional beings with such traits as nurturing, empathy, independence, healthfulness, and sexuality. That their sexual side is sometimes presented to the exclusion of their other attributes is so infrequent that I can't see it as ever becoming harmful.

So I'm curious as to exactly what harm are you talking about. Care to share?


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yawn <ignore> yawn
Is... is this controversial now?
It is to me, now.
To me, rape was a violent crime. Barely short of murder.
But that was decades ago.

Now rape might mean little more than someone got too drunk to say "Nevermind, I already got paid so now I don't wanna."
So I don't see rape as a big deal anymore. Not necessarily. I still find forcibly raping someone a horrible crime. But that isn't what rape necessarily means.


Veteran Member
Bit hard not to see what is mostly being sold on stage these days, so much so there is very few music shows or videos that can be watched.
Considering the music of today, missing any of them is no big loss. ;)

The other consideration is that many young people have no idea what morality can be, .
Then maybe a qualified adult should be talking to them; however, I'm not sold on the need. It seems moral character is better absorbed from personal interactions and cultural values, codes of conduct, and social mores.

A swear word in my childhood was darn.
I assume you believe swear words are immoral. Why?

I see the world is a hard place for children and youth and they need to redefine and practice morality and clean speech.
The children and youth need to do this redefining? You honestly think they'd do a better job than adults?



One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
I assume you believe swear words are immoral. Why?

I see we have the choice of words and have a choice not to use them in a way that defiles our own selves or others, this is the type of advice I try to live by.

"For the tongue is a smoldering fire, and excess of speech a deadly poison. Material fire consumeth the body, whereas the fire of the tongue devoureth both heart and soul. The force of the former lasteth but for a time, whilst the effects of the latter endureth a century." Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh.

My mother and grandmother tried to I still a clean speach on us all. In this day in my community 2 years olds speak words that can not be mentioned, it is sad society see this as acceptable.

The children and youth need to do this redefining? You honestly think they'd do a better job than adults?

It is the children and youth that are building our future capacity, as a Baha'i we offer virtues based training for all children and youth and it works.

The youth will change this world, us oldies did not do enough, but hopefully it was just a time for seed planting.

P/S I agree not much music I can watch from the latest hits, but there are still some good ones.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
It is not appropriate that children are subjected to such displays.
Why not? And let's not use hyperbole like "subjected." No one ties their children down so they have no choice but to watch. If an adult feels their children shouldn't watch a show they have the option of turning on something else or excusing them from the room.

I go further, it is not appropriate for adults either, as we have to set examples for our children.
So if children aren't watching it's alright if adults do. Okay! :thumbsup:



Veteran Member
I see we have the choice of words and have a choice not to use them in a way that defiles our own selves or others, this is the type of advice I try to live by.

"For the tongue is a smoldering fire, and excess of speech a deadly poison. Material fire consumeth the body, whereas the fire of the tongue devoureth both heart and soul. The force of the former lasteth but for a time, whilst the effects of the latter endureth a century." Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh.

My mother and grandmother tried to I still a clean speach on us all. In this day in my community 2 years olds speak words that can not be mentioned, it is sad society see this as acceptable.
You still haven't answered my question.

"I assume you believe swear words are immoral. Why?"

It is the children and youth that are building our future capacity, as a Baha'i we offer virtues based training for all children and youth and it works.
The youth will change this world, us oldies did not do enough, but hopefully it was just a time for seed planting.
P/S I agree not much music I can watch from the latest hits, but there are still some good ones.
Children have virtually no power to do anything. In my opinion, if you're looking for significant change this world it will have to come from future generations, which may be today's children or those yet to be born. ALTHOUGH, considering the incredible mess Trump is making of the United States and its federal government it's obvious the "future generation" thing isn't an absolute.


Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Then why are they okay with NFL cheerleaders? They love when their little girls are in dance and cheer. It seems to be all about skimpy clothes and gyrating anymore.

I'd wager that 90% of the "complaints" are due to the color of the dancers' skin.

In that many of these people suddenly discover, that Women Of Color? Are both sexy and beautiful too.

They really hate it when that happens... it kinda ruins their racism...


Veteran Member
Good on them, it is time to bring morality back into this world. It only took a few second watch to know it would get turned off on my TV.

I feel very sorry for women (or men) that think this is what they must do to entertain, or it is acceptable in any way to portray themselves in this way by throwing morality out the window.

Yes I see children are corrupted by such uncouth displays of immorality.

Regards Tony
"The ruling morals are always the morals of the ruling elite." - Karl Marx

In a land where a lying, cheating, stealing, cussing racist gets elected, I don't expect high morals from the electorate. I do expect some fake outrage from his supporters in an attempt to divert from the leaders utter immorality.


Woke gremlin
It is to me, now.
To me, rape was a violent crime. Barely short of murder.
But that was decades ago.

Now rape might mean little more than someone got too drunk to say "Nevermind, I already got paid so now I don't wanna."
So I don't see rape as a big deal anymore. Not necessarily. I still find forcibly raping someone a horrible crime. But that isn't what rape necessarily means.

I'm not going to take you seriously anymore.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
"The ruling morals are always the morals of the ruling elite." - Karl Marx

No person needs to bow to any morals that are not acceptable, that is indeed why God sends Messengers. Whenever the world sinks to a state of sickness that needs a great remedy, the remedy is sent.

Personally I choose the remedy, now it is up to all others to make their choices.

Regards Tony

Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
No person needs to bow to any morals that are not acceptable, that is indeed why God sends Messengers. Whenever the world sinks to a state of sickness that needs a great remedy, the remedy is sent.

Personally I choose the remedy, now it is up to all others to make their choices.

Regards Tony

Messenger-sending is Lazy Godliness. It's failing to Act Godly, and instead, stooping to peons, minions and other folk, to the detriment of both the messenger and those the message is purportedly for.

Why? Because it creates Division: The Special Favorite Teacher's Pets (messengers) and Everyone Else.

Special Favorites is immoral. No being who uses such, is worthy.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Why? Because it creates Division: The Special Favorite Teacher's Pets (messengers) and Everyone Else.

The division is one's own choice over Godliness.

A rebellious spirit is something of our own making. The Quran was given to show how one finds true liberty in submission to God. All Faiths have those teachings and if practiced, there is no better than another practiced.

Deeds have become our Faith.

Regards Tony