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Christian steals atheists' sign.


Well-Known Member
WoW! Talk about having double standards! I think who ever took the sign needs to practice what they preach.

On a personal note Father Heathen, what is your take on Christmas? Do you find it intrusive and offensive?

Although I believe in a God or more to the point a Greater Being than us humans, and I also do believe that there was Christ, I also see the violence pertained within most of religions. People get so mad if you do not see things their way; I never understood this.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Yeesh... whoever wrote that sign clearly doesn't understand that religion is far more than mythology... considering that many religions don't even have one.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Christmas doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the people who think it's exclusively Christian, which shows an ignorance of the actual origins and history of Christmas. The date was originally a pagan celebration long before some pope decided to declare Christ's birthday be celebrated on that day, and the vast majority of Christmas traditions are of pagan origin. I also find the rabid consumerism and commercialism annoying, too.

I'm also not fond of the idea that my tax dollars would be used to promote a particular religious belief.
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Mother Heathen
Neither nativity scene nor sign should have been erected/posted outside of the legislative building, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Was it not the Celtic people in which brought to light the first Christmas celebrations? I do know that the celebraton of the winter solistice was one of the first, but I thought that was celebrated on the 20th of December? Since my Grandmother has passed I have lost touch with some of the things she taught me that included some Celtic, Druidic and other pagan celebrations and rituals.


Well-Known Member
Neither nativity scene nor sign should have been erected/posted outside of the legislative building, in my opinion.

I couldn't agree more. A governmental building should be kept for governmental purposes, and not be used to place decorations for a holiday. Government and religion need to be kept separate in order to keep true to this nation's foundation and creation which is freedom of religion. To me this means you have the freedom to believe in what ever you wish and should not have a fear of any retribution of any sort from any private or public entity. When there are decorations placed outside of a governmental facility, there is a sort of proclimation that is stating that the governmental establishment in which it is placed is part of this particular religion. This is not fair. And to further this the person in which took the sign that had every right to be there, just as much (in my opinion, more so) than the nativity, is a hypocrite and lives by double standards. I have seen this time and time again in religions (the people in them), the old do as I say not as I do scenario, it's frustrating!


Mother Heathen
I couldn't agree more. A governmental building should be kept for governmental purposes, and not be used to place decorations for a holiday. Government and religion need to be kept separate in order to keep true to this nation's foundation and creation which is freedom of religion. To me this means you have the freedom to believe in what ever you wish and should not have a fear of any retribution of any sort from any private or public entity. When there are decorations placed outside of a governmental facility, there is a sort of proclimation that is stating that the governmental establishment in which it is placed is part of this particular religion. This is not fair. And to further this the person in which took the sign that had every right to be there, just as much (in my opinion, more so) than the nativity, is a hypocrite and lives by double standards. I have seen this time and time again in religions (the people in them), the old do as I say not as I do scenario, it's frustrating!

Though I agree with you, I find the placing of the sign to be more arrogant than the placing of the nativity scene.

Two wrongs make not a right.


:shrug: If you put up a sign that snide and condescending, you should be prepared for it to be defaced. I'm not a Christian, and I would have vandalized it for the sheer pompousness of the people that wrote it.


Wonder Woman
While stealing the sign was juvenile I have to take issue with the reasoning for the sign in the first place. If you read the whole article they state that the reason for the sign, basically, is to combat the "hate message" of the nativity scene. As if the nativity scene is offensive in the way that it is telling people to "bow to their master" and if they don't believe they "will go to hell". Now, that's just ridiculous. I certainly don't believe that a nativity scene should have even been at a public government building, but I hardly see how a nativity scene is "hateful" in any way. I don't get how the depiction of "the birth of Jesus Christ" is, in any way, hateful or condemning anyone. I think the "Freedom From Religion" folks just got their panties in a bunch really. If they didn't agree with the scene being there (and it shouldn't be there) they could go about protesting its presence stating seperation of church and state and have been more effective than making that sign.


Jar of Clay
Christmas doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the people who think it's exclusively Christian, which shows an ignorance of the actual origins and history of Christmas. The date was originally a pagan celebration long before some pope decided to declare Christ's birthday be celebrated on that day, and the vast majority of Christmas traditions are of pagan origin

I always thought Christmas was celebrated on December 25th because it was tradition that Christ was conceived on the Spring equinox of March 25th?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
There is no greater or lessor sin. All sin that is unforgiven will have the same result.

If a Christian was going to steal the sign, they might as well have shot the Atheist that displayed it.

Before you all form a lynch mob for me, the proper thing to do in this situation was nothing IMHO.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
There is no greater or lessor sin. All sin that is unforgiven will have the same result.

If a Christian was going to steal the sign, they might as well have shot the Atheist that displayed it.

Before you all form a lynch mob for me, the proper thing to do in this situation was nothing IMHO.

The idea that all "sin" is equal is completely ridicilous. Would you consider someone who physically assaults a loved one quite severely just as equally bad as someone who only stole a cigarette from them when they weren't looking? A wrong should be weighed by the damage done. I mean really, are you honestly saying the life of an atheist is exactly equal to that of some animate object?
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Hostis humani generis
:shrug: If you put up a sign that snide and condescending, you should be prepared for it to be defaced. I'm not a Christian, and I would have vandalized it for the sheer pompousness of the people that wrote it.
:D Agreed. I did find it quite condescending.

The nativity scene shouldn't have been outside said building, though, but I don't really think it hurts anyone to have a nativity scene up - considering that the majority of America is Christian anyway.

I love seeing things like nativity scenes, Easter displays, etc (anything to take my mind off this cold season they call Winter!) - I love religion in all its flavours. :)


Somewhere Around Nothing
:shrug: If you put up a sign that snide and condescending, you should be prepared for it to be defaced. I'm not a Christian, and I would have vandalized it for the sheer pompousness of the people that wrote it.
Whoever put up the sign needs to grow up.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it pure assumption, by the maker of this thread and the people who wrote/spoke in the article, that a Christian stole it? I mean, seriously, if no one knows who stole it, then you don't very well know it's a Christian protesting its message, do you? It could just be a bunch of troublemaking teens, or a Muslim, or a Jew, or anyone else who would could be offended by its message.


Depends Upon My Mood..
"It's not that we are trying to coerce anyone; in a way our sign is a signal of protest," Barker said. "If there can be a Nativity scene saying that we are all going to hell if we don't bow down to Jesus, we should be at the table to share our views."

Im just really curious about this..because I've never seen a Nativity with a sign saying we are all going to hell if we dont bow down to Jesus..

If that is true..I would be offended as well..

