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Christian Wicca


Proud to be a Sinner.
Christian Wicca

Not to bash anyones belief, but i must honesty say i find this concept offensive.

Maybe it has something to do with dorment hostility towards christianity, i'm not completely sure, but i figure it is worth a discussion as i know there are others who feel the same, tho not nessicarily on here.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

P.S Hopefully this topic doesn't get too messy/nasty, because that is not my goal.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
What on earth is Christian Wicca, and does anyone actually hold to such a belief or are we speaking hypothetically? Personally, from what I know of Wicca (which admittedly isn't a great deal) I can't see how you can possibly be both Christian and a Wiccan, but who knows? I'd be interested to see what the Wiccans here say.



†ßig Dog†
Why not? I know people that try and combine the two, into a more tolerant religion. Simplify things. Try to make a God or Jesus just is. Take some of the petty arguements out of Christianity. Love nature. I believe Maize posted links that showed people in the Bible using what people classify as 'Wiccan' in another thread.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Pardus said:
Christian Wicca

Not to bash anyones belief, but i must honesty say i find this concept offensive.

Maybe it has something to do with dorment hostility towards christianity, i'm not completely sure, but i figure it is worth a discussion as i know there are others who feel the same, tho not nessicarily on here.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

P.S Hopefully this topic doesn't get too messy/nasty, because that is not my goal.
Wow, good subject. "Christian - wicca"........

And why on Earth not ? I can see this being, in a way, a little relevent to me.

I am a Christian, and yet I use a dowsing rod, I use a pendulum; I use the Tarot cards (to meditate); I try to heal people using 'magical'(Though they are not of course) signs to help me tune myself into the 'Chi'. I even allow myself to be used as a conduit by God, in healing, by the laying on of hands.........reminds me, I'll have to make sure I check on whether I paid my last subscription to my personal line provider to God; not much comes through these hands today..................:biglaugh:

Joking apart, I guess I am so deplete myself, I am not much good at giving. I only have to spend a few minutes next to a sick person to feel the immediate drain on my reserves......I would'nt mind, but I end up feeling so so tired, and worn............

I suppose I could envisage being called a witch for what I do, and yet I am a Christian; I belive in Christ, and in his teachings - which, IMHO even include references to his 'magical acts' - healing the blind, raising the dead...........

I'm not that good though, might manage to raise a bit of enthusiasm sometimes......

I can see why you would be shocked James, and I respect your beliefs. But for me ? why not. I can't even see that as making me a bad Christian.


†ßig Dog†
michel, as you know, Rebecca is torn between the 2. My archaic beliefs in God tried to put a damper on her Wiccan beliefs. But through time, I find my 'what I thought to be what a Wiccan was' was in fact. wrong. My eyes are starting to open, thanks to Rebecca's perseverance to truth.


Flaming Queer
Pardus said:
Christian Wicca

Not to bash anyones belief, but i must honesty say i find this concept offensive.
not to offend you, but i think anyone who is offended by people walking a spiritual path is either narrow minded, or ignorant of the truth behind that particular spiritual path

i am sure you are not narrow minded, so perhaps you would simply like to learn about the blending of the two religions?

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
Mike182 said:
not to offend you, but i think anyone who is offended by people walking a spiritual path is either narrow minded, or ignorant of the truth behind that particular spiritual path

i am sure you are not narrow minded, so perhaps you would simply like to learn about the blending of the two religions?
So we weren't speaking hypothetically! What exactly do you believe and how do you reconcile what I would view as being insurmountable differences? I assure you that I am genuinely interested and have no desire to bash you. Nor will I become offended. I'll almost certainly disagree, but that's a different issue.



Flaming Queer
JamesThePersian said:
So we weren't speaking hypothetically! What exactly do you believe and how do you reconcile what I would view as being insurmountable differences? I assure you that I am genuinely interested and have no desire to bash you. Nor will I become offended. I'll almost certainly disagree, but that's a different issue.

my central belief is in christ and salvation, but i also believe in the idea that everything has a spirit, and that everything is connected through spirit. i believe that there are many deities, but these are all aspects of the one higher deity.

there is only one thing making it hard to combine these two paths, and that is the "only people who believe exactly what we do will be saved" idea that a lot of christians carry, but being as i do not carry this view, i have no problem in reconciling these two beliefs that are already very similar in tradition and culture

you can feel free to disagree, but im not asking you to believe it, this is simply what i believe in!

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
jgallandt said:
Thanks. That didn't really do it for me, though, as it was distinctly non-specific and certainly didn't cover (though it did mention some, such as reincarnation) the irreconcilable differences I would see in the attempted synthesis. I think it would be easier for me to get a handle on this if Mike182 were to discuss it with me, which I hope he will. I imagine that your wife might have some insights also and I'd be happy to hear from her if she does. Thanks again.



Proud to be a Sinner.
Mike, good and evil, explain your take on the polarity.

P.S I wil make the point that wicca is a particular religion not a catch-all term for witches, i will have many disagree, but i will have quite a few who will agree my point to the death.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I've never know any Christian/Wiccans, but I wouldn't have any problems with them. I have known a few people who use the term "ChristoPagan" to describe themeselves. One of them, is very open minded about Pagan beliefes, doesn't believe in Hell or the devil, and knows more about herbs and essential oils than most. None of her beliefes conflict, and even her husband, who is an Episcopalian priest, has no problem with her bleifes.


Flaming Queer
Pardus said:
Mike, good and evil, explain your take on the polarity.
:confused: huh? what do you mean?

P.S I wil make the point that wicca is a particular religion not a catch-all term for witches, i will have many disagree, but i will have quite a few who will agree my point to the death.
wicca is another word for witch (witchcraft) - the word witch comes from the anglo-saxon term "wicce" which indicated magical practise. are you trying to say my beliefs do not fall under this? because im damn sure they do


The Wicked Christian
I agree with Mike, All Gods lead to one (a higher God as such)
I believe we live a more spiritual path, more deep, than just been a Christian.​
I didnt get fulfilment out of just my Bible, I wanted more. I was a Wiccan for so many years, its almost second nature to me, I do believe in Jesus and his teachings, which isnt hard really, it just calls to be caring, love people, and not to judge others for their beliefs. Im still trying to learn how to combine the two mind.


Flaming Queer
Evenstar said:
I agree with Mike, All Gods lead to one (a higher God as such)
I believe we live a more spiritual path, more deep, than just been a Christian.​
I didnt get fulfilment out of just my Bible, I wanted more. I was a Wiccan for so many years, its almost second nature to me, I do believe in Jesus and his teachings, which isnt hard really, it just calls to be caring, love people, and not to judge others for their beliefs. Im still trying to learn how to combine the two mind.
it was hard for me because i learnt about christianity from my family pretty much all my life, learned about paganism from about the age of 13, became a "believer" in christianity at the age of 16, and im 18 now. its hard because the mind frame you get into with each religion is totally different.

wiccans generaly are acceptin of all people, and christians, no matter how well intended, do tend to judge people on their lifestyles. you see, conservative christianity and wicca are not compatible, get rid of the conservative ideas and the two religions are very compatible indeed

im not saying that conservative christians are "wrong", im just saying they are not the only ones who are "right"



World Leader Pretend
Pardus said:
Christian Wicca

Not to bash anyones belief, but i must honesty say i find this concept offensive.

Maybe it has something to do with dorment hostility towards christianity, i'm not completely sure, but i figure it is worth a discussion as i know there are others who feel the same, tho not nessicarily on here.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

P.S Hopefully this topic doesn't get too messy/nasty, because that is not my goal.

I also find it offensive, but then I remember that my heathen ancestors accepted Christianity over a thousand years ago. It is hard for pagans of various traditions to free themselves from a religion that has meant so much to their ancestors for so long. The Christian Worldview is ingrained into almost every part of our Western Consciousness. It requires work and dedication to study, to shrug off the last of it, but if you look at the beliefs of many "Christian Wiccans", it truly is a combination of the two traditions. I think Wicca will suffer greatly because so many Wiccans still hold on to the Christian Worldview... but that is neither here nor there. Christianity changed the world, culturally and philosophically and it will be a good long while before it is replaced with something new, or old. As for me, I reject the entire Christian worldview.

However, my dislike of the Christian worldview has nothing to do with my feelings of Christians themselves. It's what people are taught, it's in their language and in their culture. Even those that wish to follow other religions have a hard time getting away from it... so one must respect it's power and refrain from blaming people for adopting its' ways. Tolerance is a great religious virtue these days and one should respect the religious traditions of their ancestors, even if it is not the religion we practice today.

(The idea that all gods lead to one god is very offensive to me though, because I believe it to be a awfuly dishonest sentiment)


†ßig Dog†
If a Christian does something such as faith healing, it's from God, but if a Wiccan does the same thing, they're a witch. Go figure. Everything is from God.
Reminds me of something Jesus once said. Matthew 17:20 ...If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you would be able to move mountains..​


†ßig Dog†
The point being that if you believe in, like say quartz crystals in channeling power, for like healing, if you truely believe, it will work. Who made the quartz? God, of course.


Flaming Queer
jgallandt said:
If a Christian does something such as faith healing, it's from God, but if a Wiccan does the same thing, they're a witch. Go figure. Everything is from God.
Reminds me of something Jesus once said. Matthew 17:20 ...If wont have the faith of a mustard seed, you would be able to move mountains..​
very good points - must spread karma around before giving it to jgallandt again :eek: i guess ill have to owe you :D