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Christian Wicca


World Leader Pretend
mr.guy said:
If it's a fact, then please, don't leave us in suspense. I'd love to see these "facts".

That was the fact. Wicca is a unique religion. That's a fact. To think otherwise is to show an utter lack of understanding about what Wicca is. What these Christians are practicing is Witchcraft. Wicca can exist without witchcraft. Witchcraft is not what defines wicca. But, I'm not Wiccan... disrespect it all you want lol. Just don't try to do it with Asatru.... then I'll be forced to throw a fit. :p


A fool
For all those who say that Wicca is incompatible with Christianity: is your denial of the reality of myself, Mike and Evenstar one of convenience or simply an inability to adapt your beliefs in accordance with hard cold facts? We have found the combination of Wicca and Christianity easy and totally natural and since we have been the ones to walk this path, we are not talking from a place of inexperience.

Please do not deny my religion or the religion of others. Until I start holding beliefs that cause harm to others, I will ask you to respect and tolerate my beliefs as I would yours. My beliefs hold no more potential to be offensive to you than your beliefs could be to me. The only difference is that I'm not stating that your beliefs are an impossibility and therefore you have the greater ability to cause offense.

Only the king james version of the bible concemns witches, that version has been thought to be a corrupted version.
All Bibles condemn the use of magick, specifically divination. Only the KJV condemns witches to death, however. Removing the death penalty does not remove the condemnation, however.

All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccans, it's like saying that all catholics are christian but not all christians are catholic.
Nope you are incorrect. You can follow the ethics, beliefs and structure of Wicca without ever having to use formal magick. Therefore you can be a Wiccan and not be a witch. There are plenty of Wiccans who are not witches.


Flaming Queer
Pardus said:
Christianity has good and evil, Wicca has light and dark, they appear similiar but in fact are very different concepts and mature Wiccans will use both sources but realises the dangers each contain.
oh! now i understand - but surely even christians do this, as the world is not clearly cut into the two groups of good and bad, there's a lot of shadey grey areas
Another question for you tho, how do you view someone praying that another person will find their way back to christianity?
i view it as being someone who does not believe the way i do, but i do not see that as a problem because i believe all spiritual paths will lead to the same end.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Im am amazed at some of the responses here; too many for me to individually reply to, in fact..............

Magic. What is magic ? According to http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed

• noun 1 the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. 2 conjuring tricks performed to entertain. 3 mysterious and enchanting quality. 4 [size=-1]informal[/size] exceptional skill or talent.

• adjective 1 having or apparently having supernatural powers. 2 [size=-1]informal[/size] very exciting or good.

• verb (magicked, magicking) move, change, or create by or as if by magic.

[size=-1]— DERIVATIVES[/size] magical [size=-1]adjective[/size] magically [size=-1]adverb[/size]. [size=-1]— ORIGIN[/size] from Greek magike tekhne ‘art of a magus’: magi were regarded as magicians.

OK what is supernatural ? - From the same Oxford dictionary:-

• adjective 1 attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. 2 exceptionally or extraordinarily great.

attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
O.K, "beyond scientific understanding". Well, I am sure that any Scientist here will admit that science cannot account for 100% of what goes on in life. What is therefore 'above science' ? - something our senses cannot evince, ot that our instruments cannot record ?

Would any scientist advocate with total certainty that science is able to account for everything in the world; that it can measure everything ? - I think not, hence 'Supernatural'. And what therefore is this 'supernatural' then - I would say that it is something which, at our present moment in life, with what knowledge we have, and measuring devices and detectors, is 'above' our understanding.

To someone, of the third world, cut away from what we ludicrously call civilization, who had never seen a plane fly, would that have been supernatural ? I think so.

The laws of nature: exactly the same argument. Show someone from the 18th Century a genetically contructed ear on the back of a mouse, what would have been his reaction ? I think he would have run away in horror, shouting "Evil Magic"..........

O.K so now that we have redefined 'Magic' into a more palatable meaning, ie something above our ability to understand or measure, is Magic 'bad' ? - I hardly think so, because, for all we know, some fine scientist may make a breakthrough tomorrow, or in five years time, which will explain the now presently 'supernatural' or 'magic' unknown.

So what are we left with ? - Man, made in God's image ? - ie with the apparently inherent capabilities of being 'as God'; being able to heal, to love, to console - hence the laying on of hands, the crystals, the pendulums. Nothing is magik; all is there, but not understood.


†ßig Dog†
I agree, michel. Now I got a question. :D In acts, when Ananias and Sapphira lied to Peter, did not Peter cast a spell par say, that killed them both?


God's Warrior
jgallandt said:
Why not? I know people that try and combine the two, into a more tolerant religion. Simplify things. Try to make a God or Jesus just is. Take some of the petty arguements out of Christianity. Love nature. I believe Maize posted links that showed people in the Bible using what people classify as 'Wiccan' in another thread.
It does not mesh at all. ;)


God's Warrior
Sunstone said:
Can you explain why it doesn't mesh?
Because the belief system do not align. Attempting to modernize or liberalize Christianity and God's Will and purpose to fit our needs and desires and the behavior we would like to undertake will leave us outside of the will of God. God is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He will not conform to us, we must conform to Him. ;)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
blueman said:
Because the belief system do not align. Attempting to modernize or liberalize Christianity and God's Will and purpose to fit our needs and desires and the behavior we would like to undertake will leave us outside of the will of God. God is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He will not conform to us, we must conform to Him. ;)
Yours is an articulate response, but it doesn't answer my question. Can you give specific examples of where Christianity and Wicca don't mesh or are in intractable conflict?


†ßig Dog†
But you are using your interpretation of God and your understanding of Wicca. Mine, and others, are different. I believe in a God of love, one that has compassion. The more I research this, the more I'm convinced it can, and does work.


God's Warrior
jgallandt said:
But you are using your interpretation of God and your understanding of Wicca. Mine, and others, are different. I believe in a God of love, one that has compassion. The more I research this, the more I'm convinced it can, and does work.
I serious doubt the practice of witchcraft aligns with God's will. You're right that He is a loving and compassionate God, but He is also a just God. That does not align with His will or plan. ;)


A fool
I serious doubt the practice of witchcraft aligns with God's will. You're right that He is a loving and compassionate God, but He is also a just God. That does not align with His will or plan.
For the third time, Wicca does not equate to witchcraft.


World Leader Pretend
blueman said:
I serious doubt the practice of witchcraft aligns with God's will. You're right that He is a loving and compassionate God, but He is also a just God. That does not align with His will or plan. ;)

Blueman, I've got this figured out... :biglaugh: this is an age of relativism. Words have no meaning. "Christian" means whatever you want it to mean and "Wicca" means whatever you want it to mean. Therefore Christian Wicca can mean whatever you want it to mean. Witchcraft can be whatever you want it to be. Words mean nothing, just like the pc peoples' "thoughts". Get used to it. Also, bone up on your ebonics and spanish, you'll need those soon too. :p Don't worry, you'll only need to communicate meaningless thoughts. It won't really matter what you say. People will be tolerant of everything, no matter how inane it is. :help:


A fool
Blueman, I've got this figured out... :biglaugh: this is an age of relativism. Words have no meaning. "Christian" means whatever you want it to mean and "Wicca" means whatever you want it to mean. Therefore Christian Wicca can mean whatever you want it to mean. Witchcraft can be whatever you want it to be. Words mean nothing, just like the pc peoples' "thoughts". Get used to it. Also, bone up on your ebonics and spanish, you'll need those soon too.
Don't worry, you'll only need to communicate meaningless thoughts. It won't really matter what you say. People will be tolerant of everything, no matter how inane it is. :help:
I really do not think it is appropriate to allude that my or anyone else's religion is a "meaningless thought" on a forum designed to facilitate communication between religions.


World Leader Pretend
Fluffy said:
I really do not think it is appropriate to allude that my or anyone else's religion is a "meaningless thought" on a forum designed to facilitate communication between religions.

Not quite familiar with sarcasm are we? lol :p Get used to it laddy, Wicca can mean whatever people want it to mean. There is nothing you can do to stop them. Is it offensive? Yeppers. But when thought is meaningless, so is argument.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Religions mix, evolve, change, splinter, and develop beyond anything conservatives recognize as proper for them to do. But conservatives don't set the rules for what has always been the case with religions. Who knows? The mix of Christian and Wicca might spawn the next great religion given time and chance.


World Leader Pretend
Sunstone said:
Religions mix, evolve, change, splinter, and develop beyond anything conservatives recognize as proper for them to do. But conservatives don't set the rules for what has always been the case with religions. Who knows? The mix of Christian and Wicca might spawn the next great religion given time and chance.

lol There is a better hope for Satanic Taoists, or radical Islamic Scientologists. :biglaugh:


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Darkdale said:
lol There is a better hope for Satanic Taoists, or radical Islamic Scientologists. :biglaugh:
Perhaps, you would have said the same thing about the peculiar mix of ancient European values with a Middle Eastern socio-ethical religion that became Protestantism, had you lived in 1500 AD.