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Christian Wicca


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jgallandt said:
I agree, michel. Now I got a question. :D In acts, when Ananias and Sapphira lied to Peter, did not Peter cast a spell par say, that killed them both?
I am not sure to be frank.............

"But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan [see That Old Serpent] filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? How is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God."

"When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and died. And great fear came upon all who heard of it. The young men rose and wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him."

"After an interval of about three hours his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. And Peter said to her, "Tell me whether you sold the land for so much."

"And she said, "Yes, for so much."

"But Peter said to her, "How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of The Lord? Hark, the feet of those that have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out." "Immediately she fell down at his feet and died. When the young men came in they found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her beside her husband." (Acts 4:32-5:10 RSV)
Perhaps God used Peter as a 'conduit', and yes, I suppose it could be seen as a spell, but I am no theologian, forgive me.

Sunstone said:
Religions mix, evolve, change, splinter, and develop beyond anything conservatives recognize as proper for them to do. But conservatives don't set the rules for what has always been the case with religions. Who knows? The mix of Christian and Wicca might spawn the next great religion given time and chance.
Well, there you go; I have found my calling; the first spell I will 'conjure' as a christian wicca will be one to reward you, Sunstone, oh seer who knoweth not his power..........


A fool
Not quite familiar with sarcasm are we? lol
Get used to it laddy, Wicca can mean whatever people want it to mean. There is nothing you can do to stop them. Is it offensive? Yeppers. But when thought is meaningless, so is argument.
Tell me Darkdale, if you had to say which two religions mine came closest to, which would you choose?

I did not find your post offensive, merely deeply hurtful, but that is my problem not yours for as long as you are truly comfortable with that.


†ßig Dog†
Darkdale said:
lol There is a better hope for Satanic Taoists, or radical Islamic Scientologists. :biglaugh:
Since the begining of time, some people have fought progress, refused to accept what they choose to not understand, and scoff at ideas that they deem undesirable. Some things never change. :)


World Leader Pretend
Sunstone said:
Perhaps, you would have said the same thing about the peculiar mix of ancient European values with a Middle Eastern socio-ethical religion that became Protestantism, had you lived in 1500 AD.

My opinions of other people's beliefs don't really matter, so I'm not sure how that is relevant. Just because I think Christian Wicca is impossible doesn't mean that people aren't going to use the term or try to make it work. Of course it is possible that Christian Wicca will become a well established religion, but it will be neither Christian or Wiccan. I suppose that's my only point. Christian Wicca is neither Christian nor Wiccan. It's simply something else all together, but it hasn't been around long enough to establish a real identity anyway. If it does become the next Protestantism, I don't suppose it will be any better or worse.


World Leader Pretend
jgallandt said:
Since the begining of time, some people have fought progress, refused to accept what they choose to not understand, and scoff at ideas that they deem undesirable. Some things never change. :)

Do you think Christian Wicca is "progress"? If so how?


World Leader Pretend
Fluffy said:
Tell me Darkdale, if you had to say which two religions mine came closest to, which would you choose?

I did not find your post offensive, merely deeply hurtful, but that is my problem not yours for as long as you are truly comfortable with that.

Which two religions? I have no idea. Sorry you found the post deeply hurtful.


†ßig Dog†
Darkdale said:
Do you think Christian Wicca is "progress"? If so how?
You got and hour? :D The typical, old fashioned Christian is very narrow minded. Thinks he/she is right, you disagree with them and your evil and going to hell. By taking the best of both and combining them, you end up that follows Christ, but also understands more about nature and is willing to explore God's gifts...


†ßig Dog†
Gifts that are not part of the Christian mainstream way of thinking, such as crystals. Anytime you open your mind to other ideas and explore them leads to progress.


World Leader Pretend
jgallandt said:
Gifts that are not apart of the Christian mainstream way of thinking, such as crystals. Anytime you open your mind to other ideas and explore them leads to progress.

No, I'm not sure I agree with that at all. Just because your mind is open, doesn't mean that it's progressing. I'm not at all a fan of Christian Theology, or of Jesus Christ and I think there is far too much christian theology already in the original foundations of Wicca as it is. That being said, how is the combination of Christianity and Wicca beneficial to either theology? Certainly if you like the teachings of folks like Jesus, there is no reason why you should have to be Christian. You could be gnostic or a deist or whatever.

Look, I've always been frustrated at how Wicca has been abused. Christian/Egyptian/Norse and so forth are used as adjectives to describe kinds of Wicca and that just doesn't make any sense to me. It's just one more way to belittle Wicca... one more way to confuse it and destroy its' ability to develop an identity.


†ßig Dog†
This is new to me, so I'm not an expert yet. People the Michel, Mike, Fluffy or even Rebecca could answer this better. Some People want to keep culture pure also. But by blending cultures, a better culture emerges.


A fool
jgallandt, I only just noticed your religion in your profile. Have you just changed it or have I just been silly and not noticed it? Either way I wish you the best of luck with your new path, I hadn't ever realised that Wicca was so close to your heart until now. If there is anything I might be able to do to help you in this then feel free to ask :).

Darkdale, I thank you for your apology but I totally realise that you didn't mean any harm with your posts. I can't help my feelings but I shouldn't react badly when no harm was intended. I hope you can forgive my overeaction in this.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jgallandt said:
This is new to me, so I'm not an expert yet. People the Michel, Mike, Fluffy or even Rebecca could answer this better. Some People want to keep culture pure also. But by blending cultures, a better culture emerges.
Hey, I'm no expert............

I do think though that there is nothing wrong with taking the best out of all philosophies; There is much in Buddhism that I admire, and follow. Of course, I am a follower of Christ (That will never disappear); a jack of all trades, and a master of none.......I guess


God's Warrior
Sunstone said:
Religions mix, evolve, change, splinter, and develop beyond anything conservatives recognize as proper for them to do. But conservatives don't set the rules for what has always been the case with religions. Who knows? The mix of Christian and Wicca might spawn the next great religion given time and chance.
I doubt it. ;)


World Leader Pretend
Fluffy said:
Darkdale, I thank you for your apology but I totally realise that you didn't mean any harm with your posts. I can't help my feelings but I shouldn't react badly when no harm was intended. I hope you can forgive my overeaction in this.

There's nothing to forgive. No worries. I lack sensitivity, so I usually prefer to err on the side of assuming that I was being a *******. :)


A fool
Please educate me. What does it equate to?
Wicca is a religion that accepts that witchcraft can yield results, much as Christianity does, but emphasises that it is only a possible tool, not the centre, of the religion. Most Wiccans do use witchcraft but many, including myself, do not and so I am a Wiccan without being a witch.


†ßig Dog†
My wife said that too. She said that like using crystals to absorb the bad, then clense the crystal in salt water or rain to purify them. Casting spells is similar to praying, but be careful, if you wish something bad, it can come back on you 3 fold. I like the idea of being more in touch with nature. To feel God's love through that.


World Leader Pretend
jgallandt said:
My wife said that too. She said that like using crystals to absorb the bad, then clense the crystal in salt water or rain to purify them. Casting spells is similar to praying, but be careful, if you wish something bad, it can come back on you 3 fold. I like the idea of being more in touch with nature. To feel God's love through that.

The Three-Fold law is ridiculous. I cannot stand it. lol It just doesn't make any sense from a physics point of view. Some Wiccans argue that the Three-Fold Law comes back as a spiritual, physical and emotional backlash (three fold), but I don't really buy that either. If magic works, it may as well work like everything else. I don't believe in Karma. Good things and Bad things often happen at random... there are no laws to govern the nature of our experiences... other than those natural laws.

Anyway, for those who believe in magic, use it however you want. If it works, do it under the same rules you do everything else.


†ßig Dog†
Darkdale, Let me get this straight. You don't believe in it, but for people that do, follow your laws and ways of thinking? Your joking, right? I'm starting to find your attitude in this thread amusing. :)